Friday, December 31, 2004
Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Movies:
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. Napolean Dynamite
3. The Uninvited
4. Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
5. Hero
5. Shaun of the Dead
6. Incredibles, The
7. Spider-Man 2
8. Kill Bill: Vol. 2
9. Garden State
10. Before Sunset
Honorable mentions: Fahrenheit 9/11, and Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Top Twelve Albums:
1. Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News
2. Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust
3. TV on the Radio - Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
4. Death from Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
5. Rise Against - Siren Songs
6. Devendra Banhart - Rejoicing in the Hands
7. The Walkmen - Bows and Arrows
8. Animal Collective - Sung Tongs
9. Arcade Fire - Funeral
10. Cee-Lo - Cee-Lo Green Is a Soul Machine
Honorable Mentions:
Califone - Heron King Blues
Converge - You Fail Me
Top Five Guys I would Go Gay for:
5. Tie between Pharrel and Usher
4. Scott Peterson (He really is a poor man's Affleck)
3. Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio
2. Johnny Depp
1. Ben Affleck
Wow. My list of movies has a lot more romantic comedies than normal, and my music has become way more indie rock. I'm getting old and wussy. Need more Metal and Horror.
Top Five Albums of 2003 as rated by me now:
5. Wrens - Meadowlands
4. Decemberists - Her Majesty...
3. Postal Service - Give UP
2 Non-Prophets - Hope
1. Shins - Chutes too Narrow
Thursday, December 30, 2004
weekend fun.
I'm thinking an encore presentation of life aquatic would be good, since miyuki slept through it the first time. I'd also like to see house of flying daggers. and possibly closer.
I have $80 to last me 48 hours. this should accomodate at LEAST two movies plus drinks plus chineefoo.
so, who is up for what, and when?
I'm thinking a saturday back to back would be sweet. 2pm life aquatic, followed by a 4:35pm flying daggers, with bubbletea inbetwixt, at tinseltown? there's an earlier option of noon and 2:30, but who wants to think about that? you can still taste the toothpaste...
'sides, I'm hoping for chineefoo saturday for lunch...
K so here's the plan....
I am also trying to put together a more relaxed and talkatively social event for the weekend, either Friday or Saturday, but I have not found a venue yet. Rachael and Bob suggested the crepe place on Granville St near the capitol 6, but I have been told the drinks are not the cheapest. I will be looking into getting reduced rates and such but I am not sure yet. If anyone has suggestion for either night or both let me know. I really want to go dancing on my birthday and still have the chance to drink and socialize with my friends. I like the weekend because most people can make it, anyone who knows me is invited and I will stress that I really do not want anything from anyone in the way of gifts. I say this because I have had people not show up because they could not get me something, which is total bunk as I really only want to see people that I care about.
Post and let me know what you think.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
New Year's
8pmish through to the morning.
byob and stuff
Uh, it's not a huge deal; it's meant to be a last minurte I-have-nothing-else-to-go-to kind of shindig. We'll get some bubbly, bring some tacky champagne or wine glasses, and the spirit of THANK FUCKING GOD THE YEAR'S OVER.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas and Stuff.
So far: Rice Cooker, NHL 2005, Lost in Translation, Socks, Candy.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
moral imperative
I MUST see this movie. the day it is released. preferably the first showing.
one problem, I can't find where (or if) it is showing in vancouver. something about canadian movie listings sucking so much ass when it comes to predicting showtimes for the following week (you guys all know canada has weaknesses, this is its biggest).
can someone please confirm for me where and when I can be viewing this finest of films? and perhaps accompany the li'l woman and I for a group outing? and early afternoon showing on the 25th would be swell.
and no, it isn't weird to go to the movies on dec 25. I do it every year. I can only handle so much family time, and movie theatres are always open.
Monday, December 20, 2004
ZULA is back in town!
Check it out, I will certainly be visiting on a regular basis!
Opening Week Celebration at Rime
Dennis Gonzalez Yells At Eels joined by Mark Taylor, Paul Plimley & Peggy Lee
December 26 & 27, 9 pm
Rime (1130 Commercial Drive)
Tix$12/10 at the door
Zula Productions presents Texas composer, jazz trumpet icon, improviser Dennis Gonzalez, who will play original music written specifically for this event with sons Aaron on basses & Stefan on drums, with New York French hornist Mark Taylor plus local greats, pianist Paul Plimley (Sunday, Dec. 26) & cellist Peggy Lee (Monday, Dec.27).
Mark Taylor with eye of newt perform live to a screening of "The Secret Adventures Of Tom Thumb" and more
December 29, 9 pm
Rime (1130 Commercial Drive)
Tix$12/10 at the door
Zula Productions presents from New York City, jazzman, French hornist, composer, improviser Mark Taylor (of Henry Threadgill's Very Very Circus fame) with Vancouver's eye of newt which includes Stefan Smulovitz (viola, laptop), Brad Turner (trumpet), Viviane Houle (voice), Pepe Danza (percussion, shakuhachi), perform live to a special screening of "The Secret Adventures Of Tom Thumb" & a second set of original music.
New Year's Eve Party At Rime (any excuse to hear 4 great bands in one night!)
December 31, 10 pm to 4 am
Rime (1130 Commercial Drive)
Tix $25/20 at the door
Zula Productions presents New Year's Eve sonic marathon extravaganza with singer-songwriter Kevin House, eccentric Turkish pop band Something About Reptiles, all-star avant-jazz band Tony Wilson Quintet with New York City French hornist Mark Taylor, and Wilson/Taylor Duo.
For more information, please call Rime at 604.215.1130
By Boxing Day, December 26, 2004, a new performance space & licensed restaurant, will open its doors to Vancouverites. Located in the heart of East Vancouver?s beloved Commercial Drive neighbourhood (1130 Commercial Dr., next to Tio Pepe?s), Rime will fill a niche in Vancouver, as a relaxed & intimate community gathering place, neighbourhood hang, fully licensed, authentic Eurasian eatery (classic Turkish & fusion food) and superb music room, with a focus on strengthening & nurturing the local music scene, as well as showcasing vital music from across the globe. Cream of the Vancouver music community, along with visiting players of all stripes will have a venue, on which both musicians & audiences can rely for regular presentation of quality music by Zula Productions along with great food by our chef & main man, Emir Polat, and drinks & music by yours truly, all at reasonable prices.
We at Rime take great pride in what we have created, a one-of-a-kind performance space & eatery in Vancouver and hope you dig & support our vision. We look forward to having you as our guests & to spoil you with world famous Turkish hospitality, food & international music of high caliber. More details on the Rime site (, which will be up & running soon, and the Zula site (, which will be updated beyond posters soon. As soon as we get all our ducks in a row and , we will have calendars on both sites, which will outline in detail all the activities which we would eventually want to include, based on the audience response, five nights of music, a film night & a special projects night with poetry & literary readings, burlesque, workshops & more...
Hope to see you all soon... Support live music in your community!!!
Your faithful bartender & neighbourhood music presenter,
Cem Zafir
Zula Productions / Rime
1130 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC
V5L 3X2
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Hey Everybody: Get Excited!
I know you've already marked your calendars in red, but just in case you haven't I'm issuing a big fat reminder that the second annual D.o.S. Xmas Massacre happens this Saturday (Dec 18). We'll be staring around 7pm, but if you can't make it 'till later don't worry just get here when you can 'cause we want a BIG turnout this year. As usal there will be games, movies, surprises and food (!) Also as usual it's B.Y.O.B. and you'll probably want to because I finally got ahold of what was supposed to be last year's surprise (props to Alex for helping us out). I offer a taste for those not convinced of their obligation to attend.
Also remember to bring a small (no more than $5), wrapped gift for the Greedy Santa Gift Exchange. Make something, re-gift, bring something you found on the way, just make sure it's wrapped so no one knows what it is. Points are awarded for humour value (we may even institue a special prize for whoever brings the best present). Last year's "high"lights include a can holder shapped like a curvy woman in daisy-dukes, an issue of Heavy Metal from 1981 and several pieces of junk culled from BJ's desk in the office. Don't miss out.
Kindly RSVP with whether you'll be attending or not (friends are more than welcome, just make sure they have a gift) so I know how much food to make.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Damned Africa...
Okay, so life is pretty good here, but someone convinced every net provider in the country that a web address can't have an underscore in it, so they don't even attempt to access it any more (it worked in the first few weeks). So I can't actually see the Last Time or the comments therein, but I can read the posts from Blogger's Dashboard.
So I have been keeping up, even with Graeme's elephant porn (sick fuck), but I don't get to see comments... damn...
Not entirely sure why that seemed important enough to post about, but it's too much work to delete now.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Birthday/Chirstmas party
I'll email those whose email adresses i have with details like my address when i figure everything out.
So Quiet it's Non-Existant
Especially the bastards and bitches that asked for a December party. Fuck all you stupid asses and their stupid fucking ass demands!
Anywho, I'll take up the New Year's and turn it into the Decemberween/New Year's thingy. Provided Christian promises no nudity. Seriously dude, we actually lose headcount when you do that.
And while I may sound like I'm blaming all, it's actually a good thing. I am so far from being in the mood to party, and Grae's got plans for that night he'd like to get up to. It all works out in the end.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Every year this is the most party-challenged day. If you have a party you're going to or planning to host one yourself, let's hear it.
Yes... I'm just looking for invites. :(
Monday, December 06, 2004

Hey all
One of the advantages of working at a video store is getting my dvds a few days before the rest of you suckers can get your hands on them. Oh those five days between thursday, when the shipment arrives, and tuesday, when they're released on the shelf, are pretty damn sweet. It makes me feel like a God. Well this weekend we get our copies of Return of the King: EE and dammit I'm watching it this Sunday and all those who want to see it please come.
We'll be starting at SIX FIFTEEN pm sharp (or when Owen shows up because he's awesome and you're not). Come any later, we will not open the door. This is a one time thing with the snobbery but I don't want to keep stopping and starting the movie all night.
So yeah come on down. The mouth of Sauron awaits

Sunday, December 05, 2004
Quiet Decemberween
Decemberween is kind of being thrown together and in a quiet, no-pressure sort of gathering. If it's super quiet, board & video games will get pulled out. Otherwise, normal drinking and socializing which you should all know the drill by now.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Thursday, December 02, 2004
For Paul
Well, hopefully that picture won't take too long to load over there.
Courtesy of Perry Bible Fellowship, which is a good place to go to.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Sorry for the late notice
Wednesday December 1 -- The News is F**ked
7pm: How's Your News [1999] -- Documentary which chronicles the cross country journey of a unique group of journalists, all with disabilities ranging from spastic Cerebral Palsy to Downs syndrome; as they perform "man on the street" interviews with a test pool of Americans.
9pm: Network [1976] -- Although made in the late '70's, this Oscar winning film is eerily relevant today. Also, Faye Dunaway is mega hot in it.
Saturday December 18 -- 2nd Annual D.o.S. Xmas Massacre
7pm: Whole lot of surprises and treats, just like last year. Remember to bring a small, wrapped mystery gift for the Greedy Secret Santa ($5 & under... make something, recycle something you got last year that you hate... whatever). Refreshments and knoshables to be provided, additional donations of all of the above greatly appreciated.
As usual please RSVP (especially for the Xmas Party) and we will be getting a hold of you soon regarding the first D.o.S. movie, Undead, shooting later this month.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Check This Out
See, I used to live in this house near UBC that we called "The Fletcher House" and we all had a Fletcher name and identity. We even recorded a single (covering The Velvet Underground's "Femme Fatale").
Please take this quiz and let me know which Fletcher you are most like and see if you can guess which Fletcher I am.
Monday, November 22, 2004
More Movies, More Changes
Here's the new schedule for this week.
Wednesday November 24, 2004
7pm: Beautiful Girl Hunter [1979] -- Based on a comic by Masaaki Sato, this is one of the better art-shock films out of Japan.
9pm: Convent of the Sacred Beast [1974] -- Described by Sinister Sam as "Female Convict Scorpion with Nuns", this is a classic of nun-sploitation.
Oddly enough, both films were directed by Norifumi Suzuki who was also responsible for the Sonny Chiba classic "Shogun's Ninja".
Let me know if you can make it or not (pleeeease). Pop fund is in effect and we'd like to start closer to on time this week, so the closer to 7pm you can get here the better.
Crazy-Ass Video Store
EDIT: HAHA I'm an idiot. Thanks meeko.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
"Results may be more vibrant on lighter hair"

More vibrant? This isn't more vibrant so much as it is a result that bears no resemblance to the color it was supposed to be at all!
But it's neat. Looks more pink and less orange in person.
I wonder what my boss'll think? She ok'd purple...
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Moving Day, Part 2
Just thought I'd update y'all with the scoop on my whereabouts for this month and also mention the "real" moving day. I stayed at my friend Chris' place in surrey for the first week of November, Gareth & Sophie's last week and am currently rooming at my co-worker's farm in aldergrove (well, technically abbotsford, though being on zero ave I seem to be on T-mobile, so I may not answer my cell some evenings...)
In between classes last night, I made a quick call and was informed that the developers working on my new apartment building weren't allowing any furniture into the suites until the occupancy inspection was completed on November 25th. This puts me at the 27th for a move-in day and I'll have a 2-3 hour time slot for access to the elevator (others will be moving in that weekend too).
So once again, anyone who might be available that day to help move furniture from the accountant's boardroom, down 2 floors on the elevator, across the indoor bridge, up 3 floors in another elevator and directly into the suite opposite, please let me know. The timeframe will likely fall somewhere in the 10:00am to 6:00pm range. I'm thinking a donair run, some snacks and maybe a pre-housewarming might be in order...that will likely be the first night I can actually crash there.
Grae and Cor can provide my email or cell number...which, incidently, is corinne's old phone number before it became grae's and was temporarily Clem's.
p.s. There'll be underwater photos here eventually, as I plan to start documenting the forthcoming journey into the depths of Indian Arm!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Geez, I take forever to get shit done.
Xian's brains
Xian and Miyuki
The burning of the gaunch
The afterimage, not just burned onto our retinas, but onto the very cement!
Little red and the wolf
Facehugger luvin'
Paul the pedophile priest
The woman of mystery
The scoutmaster
The john
Group shot
Monday, November 15, 2004
Special D.o.S. Screening this Wednesday
Wednesday, November 17
7pm: Orca: The Killer Whale [1977] -- Think "Jaws", but with a whale, and stupid.
9pm: Grizzly (a.k.a. Killer Grizzly) [1976] -- Think "Jaws", but with a bear, and really stupid.
RSVP please (!), pop fund in effect (email me if you want something other than Pepsi).
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Saturday, November 13, 2004
holy shiznit...
Thursday, November 11, 2004
in other news, I may be dying. I was awoken from my usual deep sleep at 4am by a pounding headache. I think I have an aneurysm. hypochondria is fun.
I'm also pissed that I got all excited for both finding neverland and kinsey opening tomorrow. neither open here until next week. no idea why I thought they were playing this weekend. wait, yes there is. stupid fecking fandango lied to me.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
About Africa...
One minor caveat... my grandparents and other sweet'n'innocent folks will be reading the new blog, so let's keep the assrape references to a bare minimum. You know who I'm talking to.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Hope you've all recovered from Halloween etc...
Now, here's your official reminder about the next movie night, Wednesday Nov 10 and some changes
Wednesday Nov 10: SEX!!
7pm: The Lickerish Quartet [1970] -- I've been waiting a long time to program something by Radley Metzger and this seemed like as good a time as any. Boobies and a mind-fuck all swirled together in one mod-Eurotrash package. A real treat for all who attend.
9pm: Valerie [1969] -- The film that invented "Maple Syrup Porno". A Catholic girl in Quebec embarks on a journey of self discovery. Also of note for it's swinging Franco-pop soundtrack.
**Changes** Wednesday Nov 17: Animals Attack
Because apparently people were looking forward to Orca, I decided to make an extra screening just to get it in.
7pm: Orca: The Killer Whale [1977] -- Produced quick on the heels of "Jaws", this features whale on whale love and sopping wet Charlottle Rampling & Bo Derek.
9pm: Grizzly [1976] -- Imagine if "Jaws" had been made with a giant bear instead of a giant shark. Now add Christopher George and Andrew Prine
Wednesday November 24: MORE SEX!!!!
7pm: Ecstasy of the Angels [1972] -- From IMDB: "Imagine seeing a hysterical comedy about idealistic terrorists betrayed by their leaders as written by Jean-Luc Godard, produced by David Lynch and directed by Gregg Araki: that gets you somewhere in the neighbourhood of what this picture is like." Also, there are naked Japanese girls.
9pm: Beautiful Girl Hunter [1979] -- This one is courtesy of Sinister Sam so you know it's gonna be good. Another one not for the faint of heart it mixes, sex, sadism and philosophy in the way that only the Japanese can.
Now mark your calendars and I'll see you on Wednesday.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I was robbed...
All tomorrow's parties...
If I may make a proclamation beyond any power I actually hold, NO ONE is permitted to stay home, or even at work, and fail to give the incoming results their full and undivided attention. Everyone is expected to be at the Pic slavishly following the returns from Ohio and Florida, and hopefully Jon Stewart will oblige us with much ongoing commentary, not just the one puny hour I've heard of so far.
For my part, I've managed to weasel my way into the US Consul-General's election night shindiggy at the Westin Bayshore, and I sure hope he's a Kerry supporter, 'cuz it'll be hard to feign disappointment when Kerry takes Ohio. That whole thing will wrap up by 9, or I may leave earlier if I can't get Comedy Central, so I'll head over to the Pic asap following my free dinner. Let's see a record turnout, people. Anytime after 6 PM or so is probably a good time to show up.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Bruised, Blistered and Bleeding...
Unfortunately, the move isn't finished. The apartment that I chose (best $/sf plus oversize balcony) has not been finished, hence the contents of my apartment are currently occupying the boardroom of an ex-accountant's office in the same complex. Once my suite is complete in a few weeks, I need to move everything over and finally take occupancy on the 1st of December. So I'm putting out another SOS with three weeks notice that I NEED ASSISTANCE on the 20th of November. This will involve moving furniture, boxes and bags out the boardroom, down the elevator across an indoor bridge, up another elevator and directly into the first suite across from the elevator. In the meantime, I need to go back, repair and dejunk a little more.
This halloween, I went as a homeless Elvis (In The Ghetto Elvis?) I'm staying with Chris this week, Gareth and Sophie next week and at a co-worker's farm the following week with no definitive plans for the last week of November (as I may be able to gain early occupancy). I can be reached on my cell...Grae and Cor have the number. Everyone'll like the new highrise...between the incomplete state and the security cards instead of keys it feels like wandering around Nakatomi Plaza or something...
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Christian needs to have his typing fingers broken
You idiot! You half-witted harbinger of doom, wtf did you say that?
Change in Numbers
Grae's cell number as of immediately. Grae's old cell phone, if
you've tried it lately, has been cancelled.
If you need to reach me, the house number remains, or by email.
Although, this may be temporary.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Help with happy fun games
Also there was this other game where it's some kinda world or something, and there are (for example) steers but no bulls and queers but no straight guys. I don't think the name was as important for this one, but I'd still like to know what it is, because every game needs a name.
I don't need a refresher on the rules, just the names. I remember how the games go. And also that this one guy was so amazingly awful at one of them that I wanted to hit something, maybe him.
P.S. If you haven't seen this yet, it's pretty cool. Actually, it's pretty cool whether you've seen or not, which makes this use of the conditional quite odd. I think I read a paper about that once. Something about cookies.
weekend update.
all I know for sure if party saturday at the clubhouse, all night movie marathon afterwards, and breakfast at kat's...
can't remember what other cinemuerte stuff was going on that people were interested in...
just trying to figure out who is doing what. anyone want to volunteer their plans? any non-muerte movies playing saturday or early sunday? any other social food gatherings planned?
I'd like to get some socialising done this weekend... available evening friday through evening sunday.
edit: cinemuerte tickets can be purchased online at so who is up for a showing of tamala 2010 at midnight friday, for certain? I'm not gonna buy tix for miyuki and me if it's just us, 'cos she'll sleep through it anyway. tickets are $5.50 US online with a $1 service charge... but it's guaranteed seating without the hassle of waiting in line. paul is pussing out, so we won't have our line bitch anyway...
Thursday, October 28, 2004
The Horror Of Moving or "How I learned to stop worrying and accept being homeless".
Now the reason for last minute boss, with the F350, has a family emergency out of town and may not be able to offer help this weekend, hence I'm without a truck and down to 2 definites and 1 maybe for assistance. I'm going to try to see what can be rented at the last minute, but I'm not having a good, anyone who'd be willing to contribute a vehicle or a hand with the lifting of 6 big pieces of furniture would definitely make my "people to appreciate" list and be treated to Mo 'n Meez donairs for lunch and sushi or indian food for dinner.
Not to compete with Paul, but I'm in a real panic over this, I don't have far to move and with the right size truck and a few extra people, I don't expect that the move would take more than 1-2 hours.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
The Joy of Moving...
Still unspoken for is my couch (which will go into storage if nobody's interested) and my bike. Anybody who wants to partake in the temporary goodness of my discarded possession, speak now.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Sketchy Sunday Breakfast
we'll be walking back to my place after the last film so if you're not going to attend the exploitation night you can either meet us at Pacific Cinematheque or i can email you the adress of the appartement and you can stop by sometime after 8. Either way make sure to let me know.
RSVP, we need to know how much food to make and if we'll be able to fit everyone. if you have any requests let us know, feel free to bring food as well.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Sooooo much greeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
Yeah that's it except for the disappointment in lack of comments with my last post. Haters of me. Screw you.
Hallowe'en night
I plan on going to the Sonar for Something Wicked This Way Comes, and with any luck, I'll experience a repeat of last year's win. Anyone looking to come out is more than welcome (provided they cheer their lungs out for me). I'll be heading down fairly early in the night, at approximately 9pm. If it is anything like last year, judging will occur some time around 1am, so plan on staying out late on a school night.
Top prize is $500 this year, with over $1000 in secondary prizes. Hope to see you there.
P.S. My mom will be attending too, and competing against me for best costume.
references required
if you'd like to volunteer, let me know on my email... melferburque at
not sure who out there is really good at this stuff aside from paul. never really seen anyone else in a professional context. I'm more concerned with the references making a good impression than speaking glowing praise about me anyway...
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Electra Exhibition Opening Reception
Thursday, October 21, 6-8 PM (that's today!)
at Electra (970 Burrard Street).
"Please join us for a wine and
cheese reception, celebrating the work of artists in
three diverse exhibits as part of the 2004 New Forms
Festival: Digitalis: Ethno Techno: An Exhibition of
Digital Print, First Nations Exhibit, and New Forms
Festival Media Installation. Local and international
artists will be in attendance. Admission is by
donation. For more information and a description of
the artists and their work, please visit"
Anyone else interested? Did you hear that there will be local and international artists? In Attendance!!! Fuck yeah!
Den of Sin updates
One we're back to tuesday on the 26th (and then back to wednesday on Nov. 10) due to Cine-Muerte starting up the next night.
Two no Orca or Jaws: The Revenge. Postponed til maybe December (and then maybe no Jaws since everyone seems to be sick of me purposely programming crap). After watching last week's "Sympathy for Mr Vengeance", to which Graeme and Brendan can attest to, we've decided to program some goodies as in actually good, really good.
Oct 26th
So this upcoming tuesday is a Chan-wook Park (director of "Sympathy for Mr Vengeance". One of my new all time faves) double bill.
7:00pm JSA (Joint Security Area) - A murder in the JSA of North and South Korea. The only witness commits suicide. Promises to be a decent thriller.
9:00pm Oldboy - Won the Grand Prix at this year's Cannes. Supposedly kick ass revenge movie. Can't wait.
Apologies to Owen after I promised tonight we would be watching Orca but, fuck, let's watch some damn good movies for a change (though Mariko's programming choices are usually excellent. Yay for her. Boo to me.)
Also Corrine rules because apparently she needs to hear that I give a shit. She and Graeme should also see I Heart Huckabees because I'm very curious what they BOTH think about it.
To end here are some previews of upcoming films
In december hopefully
And in January (Oh yeah)
(I love the music in this movie)
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
My advance funeral...
I'm thinking of getting started between 8 and 9. I'll try to reserve a table.
There'll be good Douglas College and SFU folk there too. C'mon out, it's your last chance to see me alive.
Another Day Procrastinating
cool features blogger has to offer. Have any of you guys tried Hello
or emailing a post?
I'm trying out the emailing post thing right now, but I have used
Hello as the image hosting by using such program is the absolute
bestest for free.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Queen-size bed (Still interested, Owen?)
Mountain bike (unless I figure out a way to take it with me)
6-foot-tall bookshelf
Coffee table
Three of those weird little stacking coffee tables
2 Ikea cube seats
Wheeled office chair
I also have miscellaneous kitchen stuff and minor crap like board games...
Also there's the big prize, my new TV, to which I may as well attach my dvd player, VCR, and about 120 dvds, only one of which is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. All for the low, low prize of offering up a few feet of storage space.
Oh, and there's more free stuff. I have two tix to The Glossy Awards from a coworker, but I'm otherwise occupied that night. Anybody wants 'em, they're yours.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Round Three
Free gin for everybody if Dubya bursts into flames or suddenly declares his undying love of the cock.
Many things...
A Paul's-Gonna-Die-In-Africa Party! I've been wracking my tiny brain to try and figure out what to do to celebrate my impending doom. As October 22nd (Friday) is the only evening not eaten up by other preparations, I'm pegging that for the drunkenness. But I don't know what I'm doing yet, and suggestions are most welcome. An evening of foolishness at the Bree has also suggested an 11-hour Lord of the Rings marathon drinking game on the 23rd (starting and finishing somewhat earlyish, a friend's birthday is that night), but she and I may be the only people geeky enough for that. Let me know.
Furniture! In the next few days I'll have a decent idea how much furniture I'll have by the time I leave, but already I can offer a whompin' huge computer desk, a coffee table, a bookcase, three end tables, and a couple of those stupid little Ikea cube seats. Anybody wants to borrow this stuff while I'm gone, let me know - better than putting it in storage for six (or more) months. I may also have a queen-size bed and a couch up for grabs, but that yet remains to be seen. Sorry, but I'm forced to be an ass regarding the big prize, the TV, and lend it to someone who can store a half dozen biggish boxes for me in my absence. Preferably someone who doesn't already have a TV.
Website! Since my Fillerbunny reference has grown mighty stale, and I need a more all-purpose website, I'm trying to learn how to make one and have even reserved an URL. Inasmuch as I know nothing about web design, yet I'm expected to be writing websites in Botswana, I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who has any books on Dreamweaver or HTML or any other goodies for the internets, and can part with them for a time. I offer payment in tacky souvenirs!
Spam! In a time before blog, when I was in Japan, I chronicled the weirdnesses in overlengthy emails, now archived on my site, and sent them to everybody I know. They were well received, and I had a great time writing them, so I'll be doing it again. Much of the stories of what I see and do and eat and fall ill with and get gored by may make it onto my blog, but I won't have constant email access, and will sometimes be blogless for weeks at a time. Writing these journals on my laptop and sending them off when I find a net cafe will sometimes be my best way to stay in contact with the real world. If you want my spam, send me your current addy at psrushton AT
Sunday, October 10, 2004
I'd heard this anecdotally....
Friday, October 08, 2004
He's still sitting happily on my shoulder, as I type this, both of us waiting desperately for morning to arrive so I can take him to the SPCA or back to the building from whence he came. He needs a name... any suggestions?
I hope he enjoys the presidential debate.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
sunday matinee
ideally, I'd like to see huckabees, but I can't seem to find any movie times for it because famous players can't program a proper website. I could also go in for motorcycle diaries, playing at tinseltown. will anyone be available, say, 2ish on sunday?
granted, I should probably check with miyuki before committing to anything... but I don't think we have anything pencilled in for sunday. well, the stinkhawks are on, but I'm sure she'd rather go see a movie. she's very unamerican in her hatred of football. and nearly every other way as well.
Shaun of the Dead...
Halloween Party
Parade of Lost Souls will be going on at Grandview Park. Standard system for the parties, only this time with costumes!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Alaska in 5 Photos.
Juneau, Alaska was the first stop. Here's what's behind the city.

Daily towel critter to appear on my bed. Also received were a snake and a puppy.

Harbour seals in Ketchikan.

Misty Fjords. Really.

Misty Fjords waterfalls.

Mt. St. Helens in 5 Photos.
Saturday, October 2nd 2004
The Brickyard
So I arrived at the Brickyard around 9:00pm only to find the place was deserted with only one middle-aged couple eating dinner there (who would eat at the BY???). Blarney Stone lineup was at approximately 2.5 blocks long. Within about half an hour, BJ, Mariko, Nick and Damon arrived and tickets went on sale at approximately
After a few pitchers of Rickards and a good dose of "Most extreme elimination challenge" (MXC/Takashi's Castle), the lights and music fired up for Pleaseeasaur! The stage was set up as two screens with a silver curtain in between and the Pleaseeasaur had assistants backstage projecting images and textbook illustrations on the screens to accompany his songs.
The first observation I'll make is that his costumes were amazing, everything from a 50's space suit to bad 80's workout clothes to a yeti to a granny carrying a baby on her back. The subject matter of his songs included a limousine service (no prob-limo), Sandy Duncan on good hygiene, strangers have the best candy (stay away from that white van badly in need of a paint job, children), a motivational fitness song. pizza brothers and sons (he had two chefs attached to his apron from the back), a corrupt law firm and meat island parts 1 and 2. Songs were brilliantly accompanied by overhead visuals that were animated by his assistant(s) and cardboard props would pop up from behind stage. The set concluded with grandma and baby exiting the stage through the jaws of a giant cardboard lion (meat island p2).
In between sets a guy in semi-ballet drag was dancing to George Michael. Alan Cumming bought him a shot. OH YEAH! Alan Cumming (X2, The Anniversary Party) was wandering around the bar with a shirt that said "Fuck Yoga".
Neil Hamburger took the stage in anticipated fashion, dressed like a burned out lounge comedian who just escaped from a 1950's time capsule with a glass of water under his arm. His routine, of course, is more of a laugh riot about his character, not so much the jokes he tells (although some were pretty amusing). His deadpan delivery, often preceded by a minute-long session of clearing his throat, was followed by his nervous groan and a comment on the most unruly members of the audience (his fans heckle him on purpose, they love his belligerent reactions). Neil attacked everyone from Courtney Love to Madonna to God; it was more the anticipation than the actual delivery that had people roaring.
"What's the difference between Courtney Love and the American flag? It would be wrong to urinate on the American flag."
The joke that I thought was going to put BJ in the hospital went something like this:
"Why will Courtney Love not be enjoying gravy with her turkey this thanksgiving seas-*MIC DIES*-this thank-*MIC DIES*-assholes...this thanksgiving season? You know, with the cranberry sauce and the stuffing and those little brussel sprouts, often followed by a course of dessert with the pumpkin pie and ice cream. The whole family gets together for the occasion and it's often at the grandparent's place. Anyway, the reason is that she'll be dead...from all the heroin." (It took 2 minutes to deliver)
Another long-winded delivery:
"Why did Ronald McDonald take a semi-automatic, put four bullets into his wife's chest and three into her head, then he went into his son's bedroom and threw him out a plate glass window down 3 stories, in their Illinois mansion, then he goes over to the daughter's bedroom and tosses her out the window down two stories into the swimming pool at which point he takes an uzi and riddles her body with bullets while she?s struggling to stay afloat. Then he takes a pistol and fires a shot into his head, but it doesn't kill him, it just grazes his scalp, see, so he lives through the whole ordeal. Now, *MIC DIES*...the thing...*MIC DIES*...why did all this...why would he do all of these things? Because he found KFC grease spots in his wife's underwear."
A two joke encore preceded a promised appearance by Robert Palmer and Jan 'n Dean. After screaming for Robert Palmer, we got to boogie to George Michael while people filed out at around
It was awesome; I'd expect to see crazy stuff like this in Seattle or San Fran, but Vancouver? We were privileged as Pleaseeasaur told me that when he toured with Giant Robot (Buckethead), they never went north of
Too surreal.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Things are looking up...
And it just endorsed John Kerry.
That rocks.
Friday, October 01, 2004
In which I extend invitations...
Next up: Tuesday at 6, the Vice Presidential debate! This should be the most entertaining of the lot - slimy, scary and corrupt Dick Cheney squaring off against one of the best lawyers in America. I'm expecting a massacre.
Presidential Round 2 - Friday at 6: Bush and Kerry accept unfiltered questions from audience members in a Town Hall format. Inasmuch as last night was about the first time in nearly four years that Bush had to answer unrehearsed questions (and he got clobbered at it), I'm twitching with geeky joy at the thought of him having to deal with real people who just might not be drooling Republican stooges!
Round 3 - Sometime a week after that. I'll post more then.
Thanks to those Nick, Rachael and Bob for last night's visit and booze... I'll be summing up my thoughts on last night's rhetorical cage match on my own blog sometime today.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Neil Hamburger
Neil Hamburger
w/ Pleaseeasure
@ Brickyard
315 Carrall St
Vancouver, BC V6B2J4
Phone: (604) 685-3978
Saturday, October 2nd
Doors 9:00pm
Come on, he opened for Mr. Bungle for god sakes! They wouldn't take him on tour unless he was horribly (but subtly) offensive.
Vancouver is also getting a Tzadik treat coming up:
Living Cinema
Curated by Kenneth Newby
Featuring Pierre Hébert and Bob Ostertag
Western Front
Thursday, October 14, 2004
8 - 10:30 PM
"A spectacular collaboration between prize winning Canadian animator Pierre Hébert and cutting edge electronics wizard Bob Ostertag. Outrageous noise sampling interacts with spontaneously created live animation in this groundbreaking improvisational work!"
This is currently on Tzadik DVD along with my long coveted biography of John Zorn "A bookshelf on top of the sky: 12 stories about JZ".
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
D.o.S. Schedule for November
Wednesday November 9
SEX!!!! (This is to make up for the Orca/Jaws debacle programmed by BJ)
7pm: The Lickerish Quartet [1970] -- I've been waiting a long time to program something by Radley Metzger and this seemed like as good a time as any. Boobies and a mind-fuck all swirled together in one mod-Eurotrash package. A real treat for all who attend.
9pm: Valerie [1969] -- The film that invented "Maple Syrup Porno". A Catholic girl in Quebec embarks on a journey of self discovery. Also of note for it's swinging Franco-pop soundtrack.
Wednesday November 23
MORE SEX!!!! (I figure I've got a lot of making up to do)
7pm: Ecstasy of the Angels [1972] -- From IMDB: "Imagine seeing a hysterical comedy about idealistic terrorists betrayed by their leaders as written by Jean-Luc Godard, produced by David Lynch and directed by Gregg Araki: that gets you somewhere in the neighbourhood of what this picture is like." Also, there are naked Japanese girls.
9pm: Beautiful Girl Hunter [1979] -- This one is courtesy of Sinister Sam so you know it's gonna be good. Another one not for the faint of heart it mixes, sex, sadism and philosophy in the way that only the Japanese can.
That's it for now. Stay tuned for December and the second annual Den of Sin Xmas Massacre...
D.o.S. Schedule for October
Since a lot of people can't make Tuesdays anymore, we're going to switch screenings to Wednesday nights, but because of VIFF & Cinemuerte this month is a little screwed. So mark your calendars, watch for updates and we hope to see you there.
Wednesday October 13
Those Crazy Asians
7pm: 2LDK [2002] -- Directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi as part of a friendly battle with his "Versus" filmaking buddy Ryuhei Kitamura (they each had to make a film about a duel to the death and see which won did better at the box office), this film concerns two actress roomates and their increasingly sadistic turf war. The title refers to Japanese apartment listing for "2 Bedroom, Living room, Dinning Room & Kitchen".
9pm: Sympathy for Mr. Vengence [2002] -- Not a film for everyone, this is pretty much what you'd expect in a Korean revenge movie. Bleak, gory and ultimately unforgetable.
Tuesday October 26 (day before Cinemuerte!)
Don't Go In the Water!
7pm: Orca: The Killer Whale [1977] -- For the record, I am taking no responsibility for this one. Produced quick on the heels of "Jaws", this features whale on whale love and sopping wet Charlottle Rampling & Bo Derek.
9pm: Jaws 4: The Revenge [1987] -- Again, for the record, not my fault. "Refreshments" encouraged for those brave enough.
(Insert standard disclaimer about RSVPs and Pop Fund here).
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004
VIFF stuff...
And yes, Christian, I'm a dork. We've established this already, so there's little need to point it out again (or any other euphemisms for my nerdiness). But I hope you'll find some really geeky bar somewhere and watch the damn thing too.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Pasta Potluck Party
I hope this is enough warning.
I'd love to have all you fine folks over for a Pasta Potluck next Saturday.
(aka Atkins my ass...)
Your job... bring a sauce for pasta.
If you have any questions let me know. I'll check the messages linked to this post during the week.
The game plan.
5:30 Pre-dinner drinks and prep. (Salad makin' compitition. Cook the pasta.)
6:30 Sit for dinner
7:30 Coffee and tea
8:30 Dessert
9:30 Goodnights and goodbyes
Feel free to just come for coffee and dessert. If you'll be here for dinner get here early so we make the right amount of pasta. We have two kitchens too, so you can cook here if you like.
Love to see you all.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
this bears repeating...
am I in the minority here? I've already acknowledged I'll never be a true canadian. there's not enough blunt head trauma in the world to get me to like the hip...
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Raunchy Fun from Nick
"Hey, I am probably going to the Wet Spots sometime this week. Either:
Thu Sep 23 9:30 pm
Fri Sep 24 10:45 pm
Sat Sep 25 5:00 pm
I personally am leaning either to the thursday show or the Saturday show. If anyone is interested in going let me know. Btw if you don't know them then check out they are pretty damn funny. And somewhat dead on when you think about it."
Both Paul and Bree have also mentioned them in their blogs for reviews... I'd have to go on the Friday show, I don't think I have plans....but I have class thursday and Mike's party Sat. Comment for hook-ups with when Nick and others might be going.
Monday, September 20, 2004
"I'm moving and good riddance" party, Saturday September 25th
The main living room and dining room went well, with "golden horn" covering all but the bayview window wall, which I chose to convert into a feature wall. Unfortunately the "tomahawk" wasn't as dark as the paint chip indicated and it looked like ketchup and mustard. So I redid the feature wall to match the rest of the room and starting prep'ing the kitchen and bathroom, where I found mildew and mold above the shower stall and bathroom fan. I've suspected this for a while given the number of leaks and the complete plumbing replacement this summer, but have only just found evidence.
A friend of my Mom is managing a brand new building a few blocks away that will be available for November which is perfect if I give my notice now.
So the main living room and dining room were finished and the kitchen and bathroom will be restored to glorious white this week. The rest is someone else's problem.
Email me for directions:
"ilich_m" at "lycos" dot "com"
p.s. I didn't drown in paint, but I appreciate the fact that I've infiltrated Rachael's subconscious.
NB: Let's say any time after 7:00pm? By the way, the party will be entitled "Hallway is stink" after the following letter I read in response to a neighbor who leaves his garbage at the foot of his door in the hall:
"Dear Tenant of 2xx,
Please not to leave the garbage outside apartment. Hallway is stink."
I've had it, that's more...I'm leaving...
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Last Night?s Dream (Sorrry it's a bit long)
It starts off at home (which isn?t my real home) where I look across the courtyard of our home into the living room of my neighbours. My neighbours have many daughters (around 5?) who, because they are going to a fancy party, are all wearing beehives. This is especially hilarious on the youngest girl who has flaming red hair.
Anyways it is now time for my sister?s wedding. I have no sister so I will describe my dream sister. She is extremely beautiful and young about 18. She has sleek dirty blond hair (almost mousey) and she is very short only coming up to my chin and she is very slim. She was wearing an early eighteenth century empire waist dress (think Jane Austin) and looking very ethereal. She was also a bit of a flake. I didn?t like the guy she was going to marry and I kept calling him a jerk or an asshole. We got on transit to go to her wedding and were consequently late. We entered the hall where the feast has already started. All the tables were lined up along the left hand wall in this narrow room in which everything seemed to be made of unfinished wood (tables, benches, floors, walls, plates etc.). We sit down a the centre table and are served something breaded that we are informed by most of the room that it is ?MEDIUM-RARE SALMON. Even the kids know that!? For some reason we are in Germany and most of the groom?s family is German. So after my culinary blunder I start worrying about how I am going to officiate at the wedding ceremony. This is a pagan wedding and I am going to marry my sister and this guy (whose name I never do learn). I decide to say ?Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutch aber mein Deutch ist nicht gut. Also, Ich will in Englisch sprechen.? (I speak a little German but it isn?t any good so I will speak in English.) My mother/aunt rises to give a speech. This woman is a huge strong-looking beefy woman who has short black hair cut straight at her shoulders in a very severe style. I hover around to try and help her with her German which she seems to know perfectly well. We then find out my sister?s finance has been arrested for fondling children or doing something rather nasty to children at least. I then have to go pee so I go into the kitchen and try to pee in a bowl of ice that is in the fridge because I can?t find the bathroom. (These things make sense in dreams!) But as I am trying to figure out how to get in the fridge and close the door, Paul Rushton comes up to me and I pass him some cake from the fridge to him. (As far as I know the cake wasn?t peed on but I wasn?t looking very closely). Then for some reason it is my wedding. But I don?t know any pagan wedding ceremonies. I go into the original hall which has now turned into a mystical bog where the grim reaper, standing on a wooden walkway and surrounded by decay and mist, is burying the plague dead. I take a big thick book of pagan ceremonies from the grim reaper who I suspect to be Eva. (I don?t generally associate skeletons wearing very weathered cowls with Eva I just thought she must be wearing a lot of make-up.) I take it back into the kitchen but I doesn?t have anything on weddings, I leave somebody looking through it for any mention of weddings and start wandering around. I am looking for people. I remember that Corinne and Graeme are at Corinne?s Dad?s Surprise party and that Mike is painting his house. We then have a weird cut-scene at my fiancé?s house. He has been released by the police. His mother and sister are hurrying to get ready for the wedding but his dad and him are still in their underwear. As the women run out of the bedroom, his dad who is wearing a wife-beater made out of SPARKLY BLUE SEQUINS is laughing and my jerk fiancé just turns over in bed and goes back to sleep. (I uppercased sparkly blue sequins in case you missed it). Back at the wedding several hundred RCMP arrive to search the party. They tell me it is not serious or official. I start thinking that I will complain to my friend who was high-up in the RCMP. (I don?t know anyone high up in the RCMP but I do know their sustainability coordinator but I really don?t think she can do much about police complaints.) Paul comes up to me and is facing me when they arrest him. I take his mostly eaten piece of cake and his candle (It?s a pagan wedding, remember). Then another of the wedding guests twists his arm to make easier for the police to arrest him but his arm (which is extremely bendy) slips out of the grip. He is then held to the floor and arrested. He and two other people are left. One guy I don?t know very well but Paul and another are my ?really good friends.? I know the second ?really good friend? was one of you but I can?t remember who. I was somebody who was smaller than Paul (so not Owen, BJ, or Gareth) but not terribly skinny either (So not Scott) and not anybody else accounted for in this dream. Nick and I are watching from the front steps. He and I are sobbing because we think that we will never see them again. He is saying what a good guy Paul was. (Emphasis on ?was?). My friend John-Paul from school comes up the steps to me and seems kind of amused at the whole thing. End of Dream.
So my predictions:
Paul is going to die in Botswana.
Nick is going to commit suicide because Paul left him to go to Botswana.
Eva is going to die in a horrific make-up accident or of the plague.
Corinne and Graeme have already been killed by a champagne cork at her father?s party.
Mike drowned last night in paint.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Seizure-inducing fun...
Advance press is outstanding, so my initial certainty that film would suck donkey has given way to a fanboyish determination to see it asap.
Plus Bree and I will be catching the One Man Lord of the Rings (too lazy to look for a link right now, maybe later) tomorrow night at 11:00. All are welcome to join us.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
More Film-y Goodness
The rest of September
Being that school is back in session we have noticed a considerable drop off in attendance, but I'm hoping that once we get into a better rhythm with the schedules things will improve. So, here is the program for the second to last week in September.
Tuesday September 21/04
Back to Classics... Classic perversion that is!
7pm: Doctor X [1932] -- Thanks to the financial triumph of "Dracula" at the box office, movie studios in the thirties were desperate to jump onto the horror bandwagon, some with more success than others. The engineers of the Hays Code frantically tried to play catch up, but things still fell between the cracks. This was MGM's Michael Curtiz's shot at things, and he didn't shy away from anything: sadism, blood, implied incest... it's all here folks. Also notable for Fay Wray ("King Kong") and the use of an early two-colour Technicolor process.
9pm: Freaks [1932] -- Extremely controversial when it was released and something of a hot button to this day, many people consider this Tod Browning's ("Dracula") masterwork (well it certainly wasn't "Dracula", IMHO). A beautiful but cruel trapeze artist marries a circus midget in an attempt to inherit his fortune. When the rest of the side show learn of her treachery, they inflict an even crueler vengence. Surreal and troubling still. Features real side show freaks.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Yes, I know this links to a known porn site...
Sample Awesome quote:
DRE: What?
JV: Yeah, a lot of kids came into Nickelodeon on tours. Well they used to. See, Roman was seriously into drinking floor polish, and when he had too much he'd just start beating the children with children from previous tours that he would just pull out from...well...I don't know from where. He was uncontrollable sometimes. A monster.
and one more for posterity:
DRE: You obviously made some money from it.
JV: Yeah, but it's all gone. The last thing that I wanted was to be sitting around in this pile of cash, which is what I did for way too long before deciding it was bad. I had this Hefty bag filled with cash that I would get into and have one of my slaves seal twist tie closed. I'd roll around in it, giggling and laughing like a monster baby until I was tired. But it was dirty money, dirty children money printed on the skin of flayed children. I needed to find an evil way to it so that Nickelodeon would be contributing to something unholy in the world.
DRE: What'd you spend it on?
JV: Just whores. Whores over on Sunset Boulevard and Santa Monica. Whores and robots. Some of the whores were robots.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Of all the things I've lost...
I've gone and misplaced my two black Cinemuerte hooded sweatshirts. One has the outline of a dead crow in black and white, and the other has Alucarda in yellow and ochre. If I've left it at your place, could you drop me an email please? roland303 [at] shaw [dot] ca. Possible rewards include a hearty handshake, and possibly booze.
Paint Day. Saturday, September 18th.
I've decided to repaint my apartment in an effort to:
a) remove obvious relationship triggers
b) appease the landlord from whom I may need a reference in the next year
So I'd like to announce a gathering this Satuday, September 18th. 1:00pm until midnight.
I thought I'd provide beer, music, paint and brushes. So show up anytime, stay for as long as you want. I'll probably figure out some kind of BBQ and/or take-out arrangements on the day.
I'm halfway through priming the living room and have settled on a shortlist for colors. I'd love to catch up with everyone, I know I haven't had a chance to get out and see all of you yet, so feel free to drop by and I'll update you on recent events and efforts of spontaneity.
If you need directions, contact me at "".
(removing NOSPAM of course).
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Party Pics
Katherine, the only person I know who dyes her hair more than me.
The twins.
Separated at birth?
And the heavy drinking we indulge in.
How about some time to unwind?
I shall provide homemade soup and maybe a few other munchies. Contributions toward feeding the masses gratefully accepted.
I supply the games "Talisman" and "Gother than Thou". Let me know what all anyone else can bring.
Drop by anytime after 2pm. I'll probably kick out any stragglers around midnight.
Drop me a line at for an address, directions, whatever.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Carter makes up for his lackluster speech at the DMC...
The obsession continues...
Sunday, September 05, 2004
This week at the D.o.S.
I realize it's been a little confusing since we switched to every other week, but I wanted to let you know that there is a screening this week (Tuesday Sept. 7) starting at 7pm.
7pm: Purple Rain [1984] -- Yes, the special edition of Prince's master work.
9pm: Cool As Ice [1991] -- The only film I'm aware of that stars Vanilla Ice. Yes, we found a copy. Now you must pay.
R.S.V.P. if you can make it or not. Pop fund will be in effect, but it is recommended that you bring other "refreshments" as well, otherwise you're in for a very long night.
Hope to see you all there.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
freedom party '04
paul and I will be scaling the grouse grind earlier in the day, so if I haven't died of a massive heart attack or anything, it seems like a wonderful excuse to celebrate how shitty my home country is, what with its fearless and brilliant leadership and loving moral majority...
didn't someone mention baking two tall, skinny cakes? that would be awesome... and was the clubhouse officially offered as a locale, or will graeme and bean go all paul on us and leave us without a fun zone at the last minute?
so, who is gonna rsvp?
Friday, September 03, 2004
Thursday, September 02, 2004
A Sad Day
A Night of Rockin' N' Rollin'
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Mmm... cancelling...
PS Who's in for seeing Enter the Dragon at Grandview park next Sunday?
bestest movie ever weekend.
now, if no one else wants to go see them sometime saturday or sunday (I'm not doing the drive up friday night thing again), I'm sure miyuki will head down here for the weekend... may as well try to make it a party tho.
you know, more of a party than this saturday will be. bunch of ingrates. anyone up for karaoke, maybe?
oh, and has anyone noticed bean hasn't posted here in a longass time? she doesn't have a single post in the past week. what gives?
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Actually to other people it kinda looks like a riot
Please, please, please, sneak some GHB into their drinks, and lock them up in a closet, or something. Or, perhaps a little more productively, convince them that they should goddamn well stay home, and get them to convince some other people, lest they get mad, act out, and re-elect George Bush.
And if you were planning to go yourself, please don't.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Aww, fuck...
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Two things...
Also, since everyone's been whining I did a little digging and found concrete info on Cinemuerte VI here. It runs Oct 27 - 31.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
this sucks ass.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Tuesday Aug. 24th
7:00pm - BOA vs PYTHON: "So I approach a potential financier about putting some money into my movie. He asks, 'what's it's about?'. Well, I tell him the idea of two GIANT snakes fighting in a urban setting."
"Will there be titty?"
"What will these titties do?"
"I don't know. Jiggle?"
"Boom! A cheque falls in my lap and I'm a producer!"
Tuesday Aug. 31st
Nothing at our place. If anyone wants to see ANACONDAS: THE HUNT FOR THE BLOOD ORCHID that day (or another) I'm game.
Tuesday Sep. 7th
7pm - PURPLE RAIN: Vicki Vale loves purple and PRINCE did do a thwack of songs for BATMAN. And BATMAN's cool so that obviously is because of PRINCE and the colour Purple. PURPLE RAIN, cinema gold. (wait what if Prince did the score to a Color Purple instead of Quincy Jones. GOD what a missed opportunity like AVP being good)
9:00pm - COOL AS ICE: This time for real. I'll open an account tonight at Videotronics, reserve it and then we'll watch it. Yay!
as usual RSVP
pop fund in effect.
COMING SOON: ORCA: THE KILLER WHALE with JAWS: THE REVENGE (it's a whole lotta personal), PENITENTIARY 2, HOW'S YOUR NEWS?, and maybe some Asian movies.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
why is it nobody actually WORKS on labour day?
also, paul has decided that he needs to demonstrate just how fat and american I really am (because it's not obvious, given the extra forty pounds in girth and boorish, nay, assholish behaviour), and has thusly challenged me to the grouse grind. I'm thinking the day of the party (preferably a saturday, I have to work friday) we could climb the hill, then celebrate by getting really blitzed that night. anyone who wishes to witness the impending heart attack is welcome to join us. should be good for a larf.
it's too bad bean won't be around. I was looking forward to another stag. I really wanted to buy paul a rocky mountain bearfucker to repay him in kind. and since he IS leaving in the near future, and probably won't see another white titty in the flesh for at least three more years, it seemed a decent idea...
mostly, I just wanted to see what happens when I yell "titties!" at the top of my lungs at canadian po-pos. the 'merkin ones really didn't appreciate it.
I know it's fairly short notice...
Monday, August 16, 2004
Off I go...
Holy shit.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
So Sorry!
Thanks for putting up with me!
This one I definitely can't put on my web site...
A group called Human Rights Internet got a resume from me some months back, and have pegged me (as one of four) for three positions doing IT and communications work for human rights groups in developing countries, for four to six months starting from late September to late October. So here's my choice:
A) Have a 75% chance (three jobs for four people) at spending half a year in a yet-unnamed Third World hellhole, dripping through the rainy season and probably catching malaria, for a pitiful monthly stipend. Return home with no money and no job, and possibly on the shit list of the folks (the BC Liberals) I'd be breaking a contract with.
B) Stay here in my comfortable headspace with a job that pays well and an apartment full of stuff I haven't finished paying for. (Sorry, Corinne, the TV would have to go back to Future Shop.) Possibly accumulate enough money to pay for school next year, and not infuriate any of the people currently running the province. Have a guaranteed job offer overseeing public consultation on the RAV line after the election, if I can hack it.
On second thought, doesn't sound like much of a choice at all, does it?
Damn, I'm gonna miss the Clubhouse Hallowe'en party.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Any interest in...
The Grouse Grind, tomorrow at about 11AM?
so many titties...
I had a couch dance. I saw the worlds most perfect (and most fake) set of boobs on the planet. I saw an impressive stripper who had more piercings than I could count (at least 20) and 67 hours worth of neo-tribal body art. I marvelled at how despite seeing well over fifty girls nekkid, I don't recall seeing a single pubic hair.
in all, it was nearly eight hours of debauchery for roughly $90 american. that includes two dinners, lots of overpriced drinks, three cover charges and at least $30 in singles thrown at the hoors.
I think I'll be good on the whole stripper thing for a few years, to say the least. however, if bean decides bj needs a stag party, I suppose I could be persuaded...
It's Not a Jewish Wedding, Paul
Anyway, Happy Birthday again to Bob & Rachael.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
This is the most disgusting thing I've seen in a while...
Uppity states try to import Canadian prescription drugs to cut costs. Big Pharma is unhappy.
What's a corporate-owned president to do?
Anything he can get away with, apparently.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
More O'Reilly Fun
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
As for next week it's ALIENS vs PREDATOR. Don't expect it to be good but we're going anyway. I'll update this when showtimes are announced.
Satanic Paradox
Of course, this post, in being made, ends the very occasion it is intended to mark. So, if you are reading this post (and unless you are me typing this post), then the phrase "the Last Time's post count is currently 666" is false if interpreted as referring to the time of your reading.
A solution to this difficulty which might prima facie seem promising would be to have posted "The Last Time's post count is currently 666" at a time when the post count was 665. However, while this would eliminate the tendency to interpret the quoted sentence in a falsificatory manner (as explained in the preceding paragraph), it would also have make a liar out of me, since the sentence would have been false at the time at which it would have been typed in this counterfactual scenario.
(It should be noted that this is not a true paradox; so the title of this post might seem to be presumptuous. But, as everyone knows, Satan is a deceiver, so one should not expect the "paradox" to be a genuine one.)
Monday, August 09, 2004
Bob & Rachael's B-Day
This is just a reminder about our Friday party. We figure we will start about 7:30ish.
BYOB. Call or email us if you need directions.
I have just finished school today. So I am pretty relieved. I can relax a little until September.
lots of love,
PS Paul since you broke my wine glass last year as my birthday pressie do I get a replacement as this year's pressie.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Free Beer...(sort of)
Ikea and bad weather are an ironic combination...
Life goes on.
We're still doing the gathering, and I should be at my place by 7:30. I guess we'll figure out from there whether we want to trek to the fireworks, pending weather, or stick around.
Anybody who wants details give me an email. I brushed off Owen's doom and gloom prophecies the last time I posted my phone number here... until the crank calls started rolling in.
Never again will I doubt the wisdom of Owen.
Side note: Since I never replenished my CD collection after losing the bulk of it, and just formatted my hard drive, my music bites. Outside tunes welcome.
Clarification: Regarding above, I mean *I* expect to be at my place by 7:30. Y'all are welcome to show up anytime between then and fireworks time... or after fireworks, of course, if you're dead inside and don't enjoy the sparkly lights.
Oh yeah, directions. Go to Granville or Burrard Skytrain, and walk up to Robson. Walk down Robson to Broughton (about 4 blocks from Burrard), and turn left. Walk 3ish blocks to Nelson, turn right. I'm in the first highrise on the left, 1424 Nelson. Buzzer number 1904.