Friday, October 29, 2004

Help with happy fun games

I remember playing this game with dice, where the name of the game is important and the answers are all either even numbers or zero. Actually, zero is an even number, too. So, all the answers are even numbers. And the name is important. What was the name again?

Also there was this other game where it's some kinda world or something, and there are (for example) steers but no bulls and queers but no straight guys. I don't think the name was as important for this one, but I'd still like to know what it is, because every game needs a name.

I don't need a refresher on the rules, just the names. I remember how the games go. And also that this one guy was so amazingly awful at one of them that I wanted to hit something, maybe him.

P.S. If you haven't seen this yet, it's pretty cool. Actually, it's pretty cool whether you've seen or not, which makes this use of the conditional quite odd. I think I read a paper about that once. Something about cookies.

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