Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Many things...

I'm vanishing in three weeks and gotta get a whole buncha stuff done in the meantime, like:

A Paul's-Gonna-Die-In-Africa Party! I've been wracking my tiny brain to try and figure out what to do to celebrate my impending doom. As October 22nd (Friday) is the only evening not eaten up by other preparations, I'm pegging that for the drunkenness. But I don't know what I'm doing yet, and suggestions are most welcome. An evening of foolishness at the Bree has also suggested an 11-hour Lord of the Rings marathon drinking game on the 23rd (starting and finishing somewhat earlyish, a friend's birthday is that night), but she and I may be the only people geeky enough for that. Let me know.

Furniture! In the next few days I'll have a decent idea how much furniture I'll have by the time I leave, but already I can offer a whompin' huge computer desk, a coffee table, a bookcase, three end tables, and a couple of those stupid little Ikea cube seats. Anybody wants to borrow this stuff while I'm gone, let me know - better than putting it in storage for six (or more) months. I may also have a queen-size bed and a couch up for grabs, but that yet remains to be seen. Sorry, but I'm forced to be an ass regarding the big prize, the TV, and lend it to someone who can store a half dozen biggish boxes for me in my absence. Preferably someone who doesn't already have a TV.

Website! Since my Fillerbunny reference has grown mighty stale, and I need a more all-purpose website, I'm trying to learn how to make one and have even reserved an URL. Inasmuch as I know nothing about web design, yet I'm expected to be writing websites in Botswana, I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who has any books on Dreamweaver or HTML or any other goodies for the internets, and can part with them for a time. I offer payment in tacky souvenirs!

Spam! In a time before blog, when I was in Japan, I chronicled the weirdnesses in overlengthy emails, now archived on my site, and sent them to everybody I know. They were well received, and I had a great time writing them, so I'll be doing it again. Much of the stories of what I see and do and eat and fall ill with and get gored by may make it onto my blog, but I won't have constant email access, and will sometimes be blogless for weeks at a time. Writing these journals on my laptop and sending them off when I find a net cafe will sometimes be my best way to stay in contact with the real world. If you want my spam, send me your current addy at psrushton AT hotmail.com

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