Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Welcome anyone and everyone.

A few small regulations about this.

One is that you write in proper English. Well, preferably English. French is acceptable for the francophones in the crowd. Try to avoid using AOL abbreviations such as LOL and ROFL and uh... something else like that. It's a journal in the sense that there is no rush to type out the words, and if you write in a program with a spell checker before posting that would be even cooler.

The second rule is no insulting. This should be a given. Debating is okay, but lame insults like "you're dumb" or "you're wrong" aren't going to fly.

I won't edit anyone's posts unless there is a specific message at the bottom such as "edit for html coding" or insults fly. I figure we're all adults here, or adult enough to know that we're juvenille. Or something like that.

I will give admins over time to regular posters. That is to lighten the load of adding team members (that is what they call posters to a community blog) when needed and editing. If you know html, you'll probably get some admin privlidges early.

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