Thursday, April 10, 2003

Hey guys, I understand that a bunch of you are having problems getting on. Make sure you have cookies and java enabled. That seems to be a big barrier. Another might be updating you web browser (IE or Netscape).

I know that some of you don't know about your registration level so I am posting a list of people who are officially registered:


If you are not on this list, then you have not registered yet. Fairly simple.

If you continue to have problems, you can contact me via email, or by the response section. By using the response section you are allowing others to help you. It's more open.

I will be adding more features as time goes on; if there is anything (free) that you would like to see here, send me the link or post a response below (click on the word Response).

There will be a link section in the near future for links of interest. If you have a webspace you want posted, either post it (add an asterix * after the link to let me know your wishes) or email me, or respond with it. Plenty of options and they all work.

I do have a webspace to upload pictures and the like to, and I'm considering what kind of pictures and graphics I might use on this site. Currently, I am using a Blogger template, but would like to upgrade in a bit. After exams, I assume. If anyone has a design they think would work in the blogger atmosphere of archiving and weekly post lists, email me.

Otherwise, I'm expecting some news and reviews. :grin:

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