Thursday, December 28, 2006
Ain't No Party Like a Clubhouse Party
The clubhouse's first official party in over a year.
New Years Eve, BYOB, Friends and Such.
Start around 8-9. Bring Food please. In Return I will try my hardest to tidy up the damn place. Oh when will I find the time.
Mike if you are interested in kjing, let me know what you need and I will try to accomodate. Not much space for it, but what the heck.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
it's like an xmas party, only easier...
paul mentioned getting together for the foo while he's in town. I'm proposing meeting up at noon sunday (the 24th). I have confirmed they are open. we can meet up and watch paul finish TWO big bowls of congee all by himself this time!
we'll be there at noon, at the big table in the back...
Christmas Party
1. Christmas cards. A shout out to those who actually got their shit in gear and got the cards out. Props go far to Mariko for sending hers the earliest. It also helps that I only raked in a scant 6 or so addresses, and was going to scout out theother dozen or so friend cards and another dozen or so family cards. So... I have your cards, they're just at my place.
2. Along with said cards were going to be Christmas party invitations. Really cool ones with instructions and possibly pirate themed. As you can see that I got left at the design phase. I can poop out a mailout in about 4 hours, but here, we are, more than 4 hours later, and no invitations.
3. Plan a hand-made gift exchange. I suppose there is still time to do that, but I'm thinking the gifts might be a little on the scrimpy side with such short notice.
4. Bake cookies! Again, while there might be time, there are other pending issues needing to be done (like actually acquiring Christmas gifts and wrapping them in time). Maybe I'll make New Year's cookies.
Instead, I beat Zelda: Twilight Princess and set up my tree. I made handmade ornaments for it to make sure it wasn't sparsely decorated (even after making a bunch of ornaments, it was still naked, so I bought some extras).
BUT NOW! I am ready and prepared to announce a Christmas party that has yet to be officially announced. A few weeks back I sent out a "it's coming this night" email to a bunch of you, and to wait for further instructions (Which were going to be in the mail, but... number one thing of things I didn't do). But I still love you all, even if I've been socially hibernating (sometimes unintentionally).
In conclusion: Come to my party on Saturday. Bring your egg nogs, your rum, your hot toddies, your friends, your plus-ones, your parents (if they've got nothing better to do), something to drink, a snack to share if you can (veggies, dips, chips, crackers & cheese, etc.), and last but not least: yourselves. Also: gift wrapped empty boxes so my tree looks way less humiliating are being accepted. I also have no problem with people exchanging gifts among each other and if there is enough of a interest, I can set aside a time when that will happen.
Core group, I ask that you give me a solid RSVPASAP as it'll give me a mini-gift head count.
Saturday December 23, 2006
8pm onwards into the night.
The Jolly Roger
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Back in town...
Friday, December 15, 2006
Corinne and me with the Decemberists
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Birthday palns!
also this week i will be at karaoke as per usual and on my actual birthday i will be going to the five alarm funk show at the buffalo club. so if you can't come on saturday maybe i'll see you tonight or tomorow
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
New Year's Resolution
I have decided to start up the writing club anew next year as we have been derailed from regular meetings since November.
Too come: exciting new activities and a far better drill sergeant (especially for herself).
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Communications Snafu
Therefore if you are in need of contact with me you are going to have email me (email in forum), not that there is likely to be any urgent reason to reach me before Friday but...y'know...just in case.
lots of love,
Naked Tree Party
So, I finally have a place big enough to support a "real" Christmas tree & I'm all jazzed on getting one. Thing is, I don't have any decorations to go on my cool new properly sized Christmas tree. This is where you guys come in. I'll provide the food & some drinks, you make/bring the ornaments. I'll have lots of craft stuff available for making paper chains & I'll pop some popcorn to make garlands. Vince Guaraldi Trio optional. Low key, no stress. Come for a little or a long time, any time after 7pm on Friday, December 15th.
Hope to see you there,
Friday, December 01, 2006
Party on December 16th AT KAT's! (and Lindsay's et al)
I'll try to organize a couple of smaller events at my place this month, perhaps a screening of "city of lost children" and a trial run of the first "cooking group" (TBA, think writing group but with utencils instead of pen and paper...err...laptop...equally educational though).
Monday, November 27, 2006
One more thing, in case my last post rolls off the edge of the blog, Kate: can you email me at "ilich AT alumni DOT sfu DOT ca", I had no idea you were in CS/PSYC? My only HCI exposure at SFU was through Kori Inkpen (now a prof at Dalhousie) and I was curious who the key people are now. With the project I had previously mentioned, we're aiming for publication, hence the long hours and kind involvement of our prof.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The B&B Presents: Gang Colours
7:00 pm

Switchblade Sisters (1975) USA
?Mothers... lock up your sons. The Switchblade Sisters are coming!?
From the director of Coffy and Foxy Brown, so you know it?s gotta be a girl gang movie of the highest caliber and with a bit of stylistic charm to boot. It focuses on the ?Dagger Debs? a snarling ladies auxiliary of the ?Silver Daggers?. Both are embroiled with infighting and defending their turf from rival gangs and the new threat of a community action team.
9:00 pm

The Warriors (1979) USA
?There are Armies of The Night. They are 100,000 strong. They outnumber the cops five to one. They could run New York City. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.?
The gangs of New York all seem to be wearing themed costumes in this late 70s battle royale from the point of view of a small time gang that has been set up in the killing of one of the major gang bosses in the city. They have to face off with Yankees themed rogues holding baseball bats, Roller Derby punks, and of course the gang of Marcel Marceau Mimes.
Extra points for those who come in costume for any themed gang - real, fictional, ridiculous, or a mixture of all three.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Evil Film School: Not This Friday!
So, because I am a goof, I did not realize that Blim had actually scheduled Evil Film School for Thursday November 30th, not the 24th as I had been advertising.
Turkish Wizard of Oz will be happening on THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30th.
A big huge apology to anyone this might inconvenience.
Thank you,
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The B&B Presents: Ecological Apocalypse
7:00 pm

An Inconvenient Truth (2006) USA
The immensely powerful and honest and from all accounts accurate portrayal of climate shift made yet to date. The fact that it focuses on - Inventor of the Environment and First Emperor of the Moon - Al Gore should not be something that scares you off?

This portrayal is way more charismatic than any of the spin on him as former vice president and former next president of the United States from years past. Do not also be run off due to the fact that it is a movie about a power point presentation? Think of it more as a well-edited concert movie with more engaging action going on than environmental groupies and guitar solos.
9:00 pm

Slipstream (1989) UK
Mark Hamil?s first foray back onto the silver screen since the Star Wars franchise is as a badie villain cop in the future, trying to recapture his prisoner from a bounty hunter who intends to get the bounty for himself. This all likely mediocre story unfolds on a planet Earth devastated by human generated pollution, floods and ravaging winds known as ?the Slipstream?, and where humans are left only as small pockets living in canyons and where kites that pick up on these high powered storms are the most reliable form of transportation.
It was a hard decision of what to add as the second half of the double bill, two other top contenders were, and, if Slipstream is terrible without any B-movie hilarity, still are:
Gojira tai Hedorâ AKA "Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster" (1971) Japan
The Day After Tomorrow (2004) USA
As part of my Human Computer Interaction course, I'm conducting a study on password entry and management techniques. Virtually anyone who has ever registered for an account online (including email, bank, blog, etc...) is eligible. If you can spare an hour of your time between tomorrow (Sunday) and the 25th of November, please comment or give me a call. The experiment can be conducted anywhere (not necessarily at UBC) as I just need to run an automated tool on my laptop.
I should run 3-4 subjects myself, I already have one...we'll discuss, food, a crash course in something...
Friday, November 17, 2006
Details are on the forum.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
craft fair!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Writing Group Blog Updated
2. The Writing Group Blog has been updated to include the next 6 weeks' agenda for writing.
3. I'm looking forward to writing 50,000 words of crap. I work best under deadlines.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
49 UP
The latest long awaited installment of Michael Apted's documentary series that has documented the lives of a several English children every seven years since 1964. 49 Up looks back at the previous years and interviews the subjects now pushing 50. The landmark Up series is reality programming at its best - a story that investigates the hopes and fears of childhood, the prejudices of predetermination and weighs them against the present.
Anyone else want to go to the 9:30 show tomorrow (Friday)?
UPDATE: Exerpts are available to read!
National Novel Writng Month starts in less than two weeks and some of us (a few in the writing group) are taking up the challenge of writing 50,000 words in one month. Mind you, they may not be 50,000 good words, or even 50,000 coherent words. It's like a Page-A-Day calendar, except instead of being a little square with kittens or Bushisms, it's an 8.5" x 11" douple spaced typed page a day and you have to make it! Doesn't that sound like fun (or torture, but fun?). To win NaNoWriMo, you just have to finish 50,000 words in 30 days.
The above website has registration and if you need a laptop to write on AlphaSmart has provided the organization with 25 mini-notebook computers that run on 2 AA batteries for 700+ hours (so you knw they're going to be bare bones word processors). I just think that fact is so cool. Also, it is filled with hints, encouragements and tips for all writing, not just time-pressured novelists.
If you register with the website, you can buddy with "corinnebean" and others from The Clubhouse (who can opt to share their nicknames) to monitor and mentor each other. Oh, and I'm pretty sure you can opt to share your writing or opt out of it. Considering that whatever you write is copywritten, I imagine the sharability is controlled.
Discouraging stat: this post comes under 250 words.
P.S. is coming June 2007 for you, Beej!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
EFS After Party / Halloween Party!!
Where: Kat's place (18th & Columbia, address will be in the forum)
What: Halloween Party!
Aparently Kat's new place used to be quite notorious for their Halloween parties, so they've decided to resurect the tradition!
Times to follow, but it's a party so no one's gonna show up until after 9pm anyways. For those attending the Monster Mash, we'll all trundle our butts down after the movie.
Group Costume
Hints: It's movie based. It's cheap. It's versitile.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monster Mash - Oct 27th!
Have Halloween weekend plans yet? Well, now you do!
What - Evil Film School's First Annual Monster Mash
When - Friday Oct 27th
Doors - 7pm
Admission - $5 - $10 sliding scale
It's a Halloween Party with a horror shorts program, costume contest (with AWESOME) prizes and of course, the main attraction: The Monster Squad [1987]. Directed by Fred Dekker (House, Night of the Creeps) and written by Shane Black (Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang; Leathal Weapon), this is sure to be a major nostalgia fest for many of our regulars.
Remember, costumes are manditory, and if you don't have your own, one may be provided for you.
Shorts start at 7:30pm, costume contest stars at 8:30pm and The Monster Squad will be on around 9pm. Bring your friends!!
Prizes provided by Fright Rags and Happy Bats Cinema! Thanks guys!

Friday, October 13, 2006
Apple festival!

Anyone want to go to the UBC apple festival on Saturday?
Ryan and I will be there at about noon if anyone wants to meet up.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Update October
Shoutouts are as follows:
Alex T- Use a computer machine to Call me!!
Scott PM- Yay, your blog's back!!
Paul R- miss you. uh,I mean.. Your Mom said you're a dork.
Brendan H- I saw a poster for your Brother's show last week on my way to getting my criminal record check done but I'm so f@cking sick I just went home to rest.
All others- Keep on Rockin' in the Van World
and I'm very happy to read that you Turkey dayed together.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
MANHUNT!! Tonight @ Waterfront Station
-every OTHER week (until its warm out)
-a new location every week
-everyone is welcome, bring as many friends as you want!!!
MONDAY - {October 9} - 2006
Game 1 - 7:30pm
Game 2 - 9:00pm (be on time, come play both!)
[Out front near the creepy statue]
Manhunt is a hide-and-seek variant. The game starts out with one person, known as the MANHUNTER, who is "it". After the manhunter has been selected, the FUGITIVES have 120 seconds to hide.
If a FUGITIVE is tagged by a MANHUNTER, she or he is BRAINWASHED and forced to join the side of the MANHUNTERS. At the end of the designated time limit, all FUGITIVES who have not been arrested are declared the winners.
Play occurs within predetermined boundaries. If a FUGITIVE exits these boundaries for any reason, she/he joins the MANHUNTERS. Players are identified as being distinct from the general civilian population by means of a HIGHLY-VISIBLE ARMBAND.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
TURKEY DAY! (No singing...)
As an alternative, I thought of throwing one for anybody in the same boat (but ALL are welcome). So I'm taking a Turkey over to Scott PM's place and cooking it there!
Saturday, October 7th...6:00pm on...(yeah, I need to be there just after lunch)
Who's game?
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm handi-capable!
Singing Turkey Party *CANCELLED*
New stuff:
Legends: Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin (all hits)
Zoom: Smiths, Elton John (ZMP103-105)
Top Hits: October, November ( - check these for new top 40)
Back to my grindstone.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
B&B Presents: Let's keep this Soul Train running.
Sun. Oct.1

Sadly I won't be there due to a certain Korean Monster movie. Why you guys didn't rush to get tickets is beyond me. Anyways hopefully I'll see ya on the tail end of the night
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Week of Work/Week of Pay
I doubt any of you want to work for a week, but I'm putting it out there in case any of you want it.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Evil Film School - This Friday!!
Bothering you once again to remind all fans of Blaxploitation to get their butts down to Blim this Friday for Blaxploitation Rarities. Once again, the line-up:
7:30pm: Darktown Strutters - Action musical with "Thumper" from Diamonds are Forever. A MUST SEE!
9:30pm: Candy Tangerine Man - Sleazy. Violent. Pimpin'... Sam Jackon wants you to see this M.F. movie.

And... Mark your calendars in Blood Red Ink for (drumroll)...
Evil Film School Presents - The First Annual Halloween Monster Mash!!
Doors 7pm
Admission $5 - 10 slidding scale
7:30pm - Horror Shorts Massacre
8:30pm - Costume Contest (Prizes!)
9pm - The Monster Squad [1986] - The cult hit from the 80's is back!
Costumes mandatory. Free admission to anyone dressed as a Universal monster (Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Wolfman, the Creature From the Black Lagoon, Bride of Frankenstein, etc).
For more info go to or email
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Now that's what I call culture: Movie night and so much more
B&B Presents: RollerMADNESS!
Sun. Sep.24/06

7pmRoll Bounce (2005): Well you have a typical coming of age story set against a roller skating competition in the 70s (so great music) and CHARLIE MURPHY! Don't forget Nick Cannon, he's hilarious.

9pm Kansas City Bomber (1972): When the fuck is the Vancouver Roller Derby league gonna start up! Last I heard they were having trouble getting insurance for their players. BOOOO! Anyways roller derby, Raquel Welch wearing tight shirts, that just may show a bit of cleavage, beating the shit out of other girls while wearing rollerskates. My head swoons with delight.
and possibly an AFTERHOURS showing of Miike's episode of Masters of Horror, IMPRINT. For those who haven't downloaded it months. Like myself.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics.
Ok I have tickets to LADYTRON on Oct. 14 (where I'll dance like a middle aged gay man at the Pet Shop Boys farewell concert) and DETROIT COBRAS on the following Monday and I want to spend those times with you. Regarding the Cobras, I've just found out how musically ignorant I am, since finding out they're a cover band. Albeit a cover band with their own great rockin' sound. So if anyone is interested in doing the Cha-cha twist with me come along. Also note, the near pleading tone comes from the fact that the only person I know going is someone I have a huge crush on and she has a boyfriend. Help me not flip out. Oh yes SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS is coming to town on Nov.16. One of the funnest live acts still around that I have yet to see (and I've hardly seen any, so that's a whole lot of potential funness).
Ugh sleep sentence construction difficult. Work soon. blahhhh.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Vet's Club Saturday?
Maybe a pre/post drink at the B&B? Or my place (19/25 bus to vet's)?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
No trouble so far...
I'm okay, and haven't seen any troops yet. But I'm going looking for some, camera well-hidden.
I'll keep you posted here.
Arrr Sea Battle will be at Grandview Park on Commercial Drive! The time of attack will be 4:30!
Avast ye hearties, 'tis the day of piratanical reckoning TODAY, Tuesday, September 19th! In celebration of the scourge of the bonny ocean, ye scurvy curs are expected to stand proudly as pirates and brandish yer grimy cardboard swords for a battle of grate proportion.
Make yer own ship, parrot or wench to kidnap!
Bring booty and swag!
Remember, you are rogues! Privateers!
Don't dance the hempen jig, but plunder in the park, hornswaggle the landlubbers and win the day!
Pirate after-party confirmed at El Cocal! Grog and shanties at six p.m.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
MOVIE NIGHT! new releases?
Sun. Sep. 17

7pm The Proposition (2005): Harsh Australian western with a great cast. Ray Winstone and John Hurt are my stand-outs. Either way I've heard nothing but badass things about this movie.

9pm Hard Candy (2006): Basically the same set up as Freeway. "Little Red Riding Hood" parable of little girl being taken in by child molestor. The one we're watching is done as a straight thriller unlike Freeway which was a satire (If you haven't seen Freeway check it out).
Apologies for unexciting write-ups. Again hope to see you there. Be lovely.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics or Rollerskating madness with Charlie Murphy.
Shout Outs are as follows:
Alex - "do ya, do ya, doya, doya, wanna?"
Bob - How's that co-habitation working out for ya? (subtext, I'm happy you don't have to keep your door shut any more.. oh, wait a minute .. never mind..)
Scott - What's with your blog? also, be on MSN more please.. Also, (even more also) WTF is going on with Wink? Hey, hey, the Winnipeg Improv Festival is in late October and guess who's gonna be here... you can see my grin right?
BJ - School?? you know. that whole thing.
Mike - miss you and your cakes.. Also, school?? Also, thank you for your cockroach advice. I told Fran what to get and what to do.
Aidan - I had a dream about dodge ball.. ok, I can't even finish that sentence. that's not true. but I do really miss it. so fun.
hugs for all,
sing sing sing!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
So long, and thanks for all the fish/karaoke...
A new blog will appear very soon either here or here, but I haven't decided which yet, and I've been too consumed with pre-trip prep that I haven't started posting. This will be a more permanent blog, since folks are apparently getting sick of me changing them every six months. Should I have two blogs? (i.e. one my grandma can read, and another where Christian can comment all he wants about prepubescent prostitutes?) Probably a good idea...
OK, I'm off to bond with my parents for my remaining hour. Y'all have a good time, and don't let the karaoke trend die - I'll be practicing in Thailand if the opportunity arises. Toodles!
P.S. I'll make sure to get high-speed internet in Chiang Mai, so I'll be a bit more of a web presence than I was the last couple of trips.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
VIFF schedule up NOW!
So far most looking forward to THE HOST. Same director (Joon-ho Bong) and some of the cast (including fave Kang-ho Song) as Memories of Murder and it's a monster movie. A river monster movie. Life is sweet. A huge blockbuster in South Korea and Japan. There's talk it's going to be South Korea's submission to Best Foreign Language film at the Oscars. A monster movie. A river monster movie. Wait a mutant river monster movie.

Here's the Japanese trailer. Myself, I'm doing a blackout on the movie til I see it. It's been picked up by Magnolia pictures (which Alliance-Atlantis occasionally does releases for) so it might play here after the fest.
I'm going to the Oct. 1st 9:45pm showing. Tickets on sale now.
Will be back with more info on fest titles as time permits.
btw I have a pass to Science Of Sleep this wednesday but have no date. Any takers?
Friday, September 08, 2006
MOVIE NIGHT is still here dammit!
Sun. Sep. 10

7:30pm The Candy Snatchers (1973): Gnarly kidnapping movie. What? want more description? Go to the Subversive website link up above. The trailer's on the site.

9:30 pm The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976): Millie Perkins likes to castrate. Again trailered on Subversive's website. I missed this one at Cinemuerte a few years back. Now I'll rectify that.

Oh yeah I have a new number 778-866-1089. I might even be late so now you can yell at me if I'm not there or the doorbell's still not working.
Next week: Mondo Macabro maybe, Yet another post-apocalyptic night, Cute asian girl movies. I don't know. We'll see.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The City that Never Sleeps for the Guy who seldom does

B-town will be in New York City come Sept 11, but before those shenanegans can begin I have a wedding to got to in Ontario.
Here's the jib.
I am in T.O. for the next couple of days and Peterbourough for the rest of the week and would like to see my newly Ontarian friends.

If anybody could send me the new ontario digits of JP or JKM. I know they have called some of you... and I know they check this blog to...
So any of youse or thems please send the infor to my
bhurley (at)interchange (dot) ubc (dot) ca
Thanks, and if any of y'alls wants anythin' from back east, let me know.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
House Warming!
When: Saturday September 9th
Time: 6pm - Whenever
Where: Address in the forum
Notes: 1) Come early if you want raclette (cooler version of fondue), since we'll only be doing it from 6 - 8pm cause I want to drink and don't want to be in charge of scalding cheese thing when I'm drunk. And bring your own cheese (firmer, smelly cheeses work best, but just bring what you like. Swiss, Guyere & smoked Gouda are particularly tasty). 2) Despite multiple conversations with my building manager, the buzzer to my apartment still doesn't work, so you'll either have to call me once you get there if you have a cellphone, or come around the back and yell. Apparently one of the buzzers does buzz into my apartment, just not #5. If you're feeling adventurous you can go ahead and buzz a bunch of apartments until you get me, just make sure you note which one actually got my attention. p.s. Brendan, I'm kidding.
There will be lots of yummy food. You are in charge of your own drinks. Bring your friends (don't worry, there's lots of room).
RSVP if you get a chance.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
swm seeking tech geek
Is there a quick, one-maybe-two step way to back up the contents of one's blog?
I also like imaginative use of marmalade.
Friday, September 01, 2006
7:30pm and 9:00pm (be on time, come play both!)
(up top by the buses)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
chineefoo redux
we'll be arriving saturday morning, leaving sunday night. lunch both days are covered, as is dinner sunday. we will begin accepting bids for our spare free time immediately. anything coo happening?
Now the best part, I've recently moved to an external HD system with a song selection that might actually impress even Ron. Unfortunately, the list is too big to post to the web. So go to or and "browse" or search by artist/song title and give me the code (I should be able to search by artist or song, but just in case). There will be 6 books also. Expect complete song selections from all major artists and ALL the recent top 40.
I'll post the address and my cell no in the forum tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Top Stories
-Travel was Lovely, Clear Skies and Relaxing Flights
-My Aunt had an emergency operation on her eye yesterday and is blind right now.
-My Uncle got a speeding ticket driving me from the airport today. But he got off with a warning because he's a fireman.
-Fran's home gaurdian threw out her computer without telling her.
Please tune in for a new feature..
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
I will also be going to Home Depot for paint.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
MANHUNT! Mon Aug 28 9PM
9:00 PM SHARP!
(meet out front waterfront station in front of the statue)
Manhunt is a hide-and-seek variant. The game starts out with one person, known as the MANHUNTER, who is "it". After the manhunter has been selected, the FUGITIVES have 120 seconds to hide.
If a FUGITIVE is tagged by a MANHUNTER, she or he is BRAINWASHED and forced to join the side of the MANHUNTERS. At the end of the designated time limit, all FUGITIVES who have not been arrested are declared the winners.
Play occurs within predetermined boundaries. If a FUGITIVE exits these boundaries for any reason, she/he joins the MANHUNTERS. Players are identified as being distinct from the general civilian population by means of a HIGHLY-VISIBLE ARMBAND. A VISIBLE ARMBAND IS PROVIDED!
taken from
Monday, August 21, 2006
7:00 PM SHARP!
the park at nelson
and thurlow
(behind the hostpital on burrard)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
and they said geography is dead
Check out this site. It is a google map like website, but instead of landmark locations, the dynamic map is overlain with transcripts of conversations overheard in specific sites in Manhattan. Hmm this website oversteps ethics, but what the hell -- the transcripts are anonymous and kinda fun! So enjoy.
PS: Whoever came up with this website is to be blamed for my lapses of procrastination! Curses.
some photos from Ontario camping trip
Check out the photos from my first camping trip here in Ontario. The place is called Killarney Provincial Park.
The people in the photos are my roomies (Justine - the girl - and Ryan - the Caucasian guy with no glasses). The other two people are Ryan's friends, Eddy - the Chinese guy - and Matt - the guy with glasses.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
B&B Presents: "Hey B.J. when are you going to give me back..."
Sun Aug.20
7pm Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987): Todd Haynes (director of Far From Heaven and Safe) sophomore effort detailing the rise and anorexic fall of Karen Carpenter all performed with Barbie Dolls. Long only available on bootleg (don't expect that to change) due to the essential use of The Carpenters' music throughout the film. It's a fun watch. When not following Karen battle with herself the movie becomes a 80s Educational film on Anorexia. Well you'll see what I mean when you see it. Soon to be returned to the lovely Coleman.

9pm 3:15: The Moment of Truth (1986): Seems to be pretty much the same plot as Deadbeat at Dawn (Though I doubt as brilliant) most feared gang member leaves gang, gang attacks his girl and are now after him. Unlike Deadbeat the location is high school and at 3:15, after school, everything's gonna get settled in the final battle royale. (I was thinking of double Billing with Class of 1984 but I saw it already at Cinemuerte). Take note Browncoats (dork code for Firefly fan) Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly) is the lead here. Excitement abounds! Soon to be returned to the stellar Larissa.
Next week: Comedy Gods on Dysfuntional Romance.
Coming soon: More Craven, More Fulci, Bronson and Silva vigilante action, Seijun Suzuki, Fukasaku and Verhoeven double bill. Oh geez so much more.
Who's up? We'll make our own audience participation event, since we missed thursday night!
Friday, August 18, 2006
eat a BBQ pork steam bun for me.
I love this game!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
My B-day Party
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Party party!
BYOE, as always. Those who know not where I live may find directions hidden in the forum. Bring hot tub wear (or not, we're fairly tolerant people).
UPDATE: Oh yeah, it's at 7-8ish this Friday. Probably really fires up around 9, but if you want to barbeque anything or hunt squirrels with me you should come by a bit earlier.
My Birthday Bash!

As Paul has informed me of his plans for Friday the 18th (my b-day), I will be having my party time on Saturday the 19th. Wink is hosting a night of various humour based performers and you can buy tickets for this night there. They cost $8. I know I keep saying this but it really may be your last chance to see my beautious visage before the east claims me for their own. As of today my flight is on the 21st.

Sat 19th
Buy your $8 tickets
My Birthday Party!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
B&B Presents: Wong Kar Wai: Hong Kong present, past and future.

7pm Fallen Angels / Duo Luo Tian Shi (1995):
In a multilayered and surreal Hong Kong nightscape a disillusioned hit man on his ?last? kill deals with his feelings for his partner, a drifter searches for her ex-boyfriend, and a mute breaks into stalls in the Kowloon Night Market.

9pm 2046 (2004):
The fantasy future world of his writing allows a sci-fi author to connect with the love that fate would not allow him in the 1960s past. The much acclaimed continuation / fan service of the much more acclaimed In The Mood For Love likely does not need you to have seen the first. It is to be a visually exquisite meditation on romance, remembrance, and regret.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
this weeks game
9:00 PM SHARP!
(meet south side on the steps
of the Vancouver Art Gallery
on Robson)
Manhunt is a hide-and-seek variant. The game starts out with one person, known as the MANHUNTER, who is "it". After the manhunter has been selected, the FUGITIVES have 120 seconds to hide.
If a FUGITIVE is tagged by a MANHUNTER, she or he is BRAINWASHED and forced to join the side of the MANHUNTERS. At the end of the designated time limit, all FUGITIVES who have not been arrested are declared the winners.
Play occurs within predetermined boundaries. If a FUGITIVE exits these boundaries for any reason, she/he joins the MANHUNTERS. Players are identified as being distinct from the general civilian population by means of a HIGHLY-VISIBLE ARMBAND.
if you want to play, just show up
everyone is welcome.
Who's coming? I want to go.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Fang in Cheek! Friday Aug 25th

What: Fang in Cheek
Where: Blim (197 E. 17th @ Main)
When: Aug 25 (Fri)
Doors: 7pm
Admission: $5 - $10 Sliding Scale
7:30pm -- Sundown, The Vampire in Retreat [1991]: Count Dracula (David Carradine) thinks he's got it made after retiring to the Western town of Purgatory, a sort of Fort Lauderdale for vampires. They're all non violent and drink a blood substitute. Unfortunately, he didn't count on a bumbling descendant of Van Helsing (BRUCE CAMPBELL, yes, that Bruce Campbell) or a rogue band of vamps intent on returning to the old ways. Extremely goofy and silly, it's still a rather unique take on an old tale. And just think, Ash vs. Bill. That's gotta be worth something, right?
9:30pm -- Vampira (a.k.a. Old Dracula) [1974]: David Niven stars as the count, and Teresa Graves (a.k.a. TV's Christie Love) stars as his lady love Vampira after a faulty blood transfusion turns her black. No really. Tries to be sort of an English version of "Young Frankenstein", but doesn't quite live up. Worth a look if only for the unflappable Niven and of course a whole host of hotties including Graves and the lovely Jennie Linden.
As usual, beer & popcorn will be available
Events to note
2. Sports Day. Of note: that link takes you to last year and a spectacular photograph of Duke. This year it takes place Saturday September 16 from 11am to 4pm in Coquitlam somewhere (I can look it up; it's a different location than last year I think). It's $15/person and a team of 4 is $60 (what a bargain!). You get a swank (not really) t-shirt and a chance to win some dapper prizes. The year I participated, I won a Roots watch. Not only can you win by participating, but you can put more money in to win raffle prizes (I hate the word "raffle"). I can list you all the prizes, but there is a ton of neat stuff and some crap (like TV Week subscriptions). Anyway, it'd be cool if we had a showing of Clubhousers. My work may have a team or two and I'm already signed up with my family, but this event is way less torturous with cool people around. If you think your workplace or social collective would like to start a team I can send out a registration form.
3. Other activities that I'd like to happen in the next month: I'd like to make it out to the Night Market, go out dancing, plan/attend a party where karaoke is not the central focus, summer picnic at a park (potluck style), possible PNE/Playland day if there is any interest.
I know this is a lot to digest, but I'm going to start planning a lot of these on the Google Calendar and I might try to add the Calendar to the blog to make it more accessible. I'd appreciate some input from any of you as to what you'd like to attend, what you would not attend if your life depended on it, and other events you would like to see happen in the Clubhouse.
Also, I am looking for contest ideas because we're coming up on having enough credits to get a t-shirt from Threadless. If there are no contest ideas,I'm just going to get the shirt for myself! ;)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
you know the drill...
the token 'merkins are making a trip up north to kick paul's ass for leaving again so soon, and to partake in whatever festivities may be occuring.
mark your calendars for the foo, however. and given the recent turnouts, it seems prudent to say the "kids table" rule will be in effect again for anyone showing up late.
I'm gonna eat me a metric ton of pork fried rice.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
B&B Presents: Noir in the Key of B
SUNDAY (as in tomorrow) AUG. 6th

7pm The Maltese Falcon (1941): Yes, John Huston?s directorial debut which adapted Dashiell Hammett?s classic noir novel to the screen and served as the launch pad for a then still relatively unknown Humphrey Bogart. The film became the archetype for the hardboiled private detective story and only existed because the 1930s pre-code version couldn?t be re-released due to sexual content. Bogie plays Sam Spade, a PI hired by femme fatale Brigid -Mary Astor. I have not seen this movie since I was six or seven - there is photographic evidence that after seeing the Maltese Falcon I had a fedora wearing Popeye candy cigarette smoking stage until I was nine - and may burst into glee with seeing it again.

9pm Brick (2005): Brendan, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt,- from 3rd Rock, a sharp outsider is thrust into the noir underworld of high school when he investigates the disappearance and death of his ex-girlfriend, Emily. The gritty noir directorial debut of Rian Johnson is self conscious of its roots. Dialogue, while swift and smooth, sounds like it?s out of those dramas of the 30s/40s. The soundtrack is eerily entertaining. And, who can resist a main character based on Bogart who shares the same name as me.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
B-Day Plans
Your role in all of this:
Bring booze; and
My addy and # should still be in the forum.
Lots of love
Thought I'd Share

Hey Kids!
Wener House Music is proud to offer Evil Film "Students" a limited time special discount 15% discount on select seats for ?An Evening with Spike Lee? on Saturday August 12 at the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver !
From August 1 to August 7 only, click on this link and you will be directed to Ticketmaster where you enter the special password SUMMER where it says ?Promotions and Special Offers?. This link will no longer be in effect after August 7.
Do not miss out on this opportunity to hear this true titan - a groundbreaking filmmaker and director of contemporary cinema -talk about his life , popular culture, and of course, film . Provocative and often controversial, Spike Lee speaks with candor and from the heart about politics, the perpetuation of African-American stereotypes in film and music, and the challenges young people face today. He is an activist and passionate about social and world issues and knows the value of positive role models for the youth of today. He doesn't mince words and he certainly won't Saturday, August 12th!!!
This offer begins August 1 and is only good until August 7. DON'T miss this important evening - Spike Lee is one of Hollywood's most important and influential filmmakers during the past decade!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
More pics!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
B&B Presents: The bond that can only exist between a man and his dog.
SUNDAY (as in tomorrow) JUL.30
7pm ANIMAL LOVE (1995): Here's a write-up from the AUSTRIAN FILM COMMISSION; "In conurbations where hundreds of thousands live alongside one another, in the era of a highly technological society, in which communication has never played such a significant role, man has become lonely. Disappointed by his fellow human beings, he turns to animals. Dogs and other domestic animals serve him as companions, life partners, cuddly objects and bedfellows." Um yeah. I was originally going to program with THE LIFESTYLE, a docu about swing culture but I'm kinda tired of sex themed nights and the fallout from them. So instead of my first idea of following this with Old Yeller...

9pm A BOY AND HIS DOG (1975): Oh wait here's me again being too lazy to do my own write up, "A post-apocalyptic tale based on a novella by Harlan Ellison. A boy communicates telepathically with his dog as they scavenge for food and sex, and they stumble into an underground society where the old society is preserved."
So yeah. Probably watching Kaiju movies on Monday. Hope to see you there.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
let me know if you can, no worries if you can't.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Keeping busy to keep from keeping still
More to come ...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
More to come...
For example:
Monkey photo everyone is on about.
Editor: Sorry, Paul, this was really messing with the formatting of The Clubhouse, so it's down to link format. In the future, try using Blogger's photo adding function and choose size small.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Movie Night Cancelled. But first...

Ahh San Diego. Once upon a time you would get great comic news from the San Diego Comic Con. Now Quesada (the Editor in Chief at Marvel) makes a point of making the big announcements at the Chicago Con so it doesn't get drowned out by the Hollywood shit (By shit I mean stuff, not shit.). But that's fine cause what great movie buzz comes from the Con every year. The Fox panel sounded the best with the cast of RENO: 911 cast appearing in character and the same for BORAT.
But hey, the official announcement for the new Trek. Suprisingly retro look. J.J. Abrams is now officially signed to produce with an option to direct. Him and LOST co-creator Damon Lindelof (who finally has gotten around to writing the 3rd issue of Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine)are writing. I was a little worried for my boy Abrams after the box office of MI:3 (which is the best pure action film I've seen in quite some time.) but I guess Paramount is putting the blame on Cruise for that which pleases me 'cause Abrams did great work considering it was his a) first feature and b) his first feature being a tentpole title. Either way I'm glad it was Abrams and not JMS rebooting trek 'cause after reading his pitch it felt like a B5 retread.
Question: would it be too hackneyed if they got Dr. Cottle from BSG to play Bones in the reboot? Like have him play the exact same character just different names. Though maybe this time they'll be brave enough to make him the bigoted xenophobe (is that redundant?) we all knew Dr. McCoy to be. I saw it in his eyes, fantasizing about dragging that soulless devil-eared monster by horseback through the decks of the Enterprise.
Anyways no Movie Night this week it's too damn hot in my apartment and I blew my load with the Beat the Heat night by two weeks. Sigh. We'll probably be watching movies anyways on Monday but no set programming. Probably new releases from work or whatever's unwatched on the shelf.
Friday, July 21, 2006
decemberists 11.18
if people are wanting to go and will be picking up tickets, I would gladly you pay you tuesday for two tickets today...
Sunday at Tinseltown?
12:35 / 2:55 / 5:20
12:55 / 3:15 / 5:35
Though maybe not those last showings, since I intend to join Jessica for dinner. If you'd like to accompany, please leave a comment and let's work out a time.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Clerks II -- The Plan
Hope to see you there,
In the meantime you can watch Kevin Smith dance like a 14 year old girl & Rosario Dawson scream the word "vagina" by going here.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Summer Camp! -- July 28

Hey All,
Just a quick reminder that the next Evil Film School is happening next Friday (July 28th) @ Blim.
Doors: 8pm
Start: 8:15pm
First Film: Mooch Goes to Hollywood [1971] -- Very strange children's film co-written by Jim Backus about a lovable tramp named Mooch who comes to LaLaLand to become a star. Along the way she's helped by Zsa Zsa Gabor, Vincent Price and a whole host of Hollywood who's who (including a very creepy Mickey Rooney). Short & sweet (50 min running time), it's worth seeing if only for the scene where a 70+ Vincent Price runs along a beach with open arms towards the Benji-like Mooch.
Second Film: I Woke Up Early the Day I Died [1998] -- Dialogue free film based on a script by Ed Wood, starring Billy Zane & almost anyone else who was famous in the late 90's. Was a bit of a vanity project for Mr. Zane who allegedly sank his own money into the film, which has not really seen the light of day in America, save a few festival appearances shortly after it was made. The lack of dialogue and expressionistic acting lend it the feeling of a highly demented silent film and an awesome and omnipresent soundtrack ensure that the audience is always engaged. Note: Although there is no dialogue, this the occasional voice over or title card. Because the only source print is of German origin, these will be entirely in German with no subtitles.
Admission: $5 - $10
Popcorn & Beer (recommended) will be available from the bar.
For more info feel free to email me: evilfilmschool @