Ahh San Diego. Once upon a time you would get great comic news from the San Diego Comic Con. Now Quesada (the Editor in Chief at Marvel) makes a point of making the big announcements at the Chicago Con so it doesn't get drowned out by the Hollywood shit (By shit I mean stuff, not shit.). But that's fine cause what great movie buzz comes from the Con every year. The Fox panel sounded the best with the cast of RENO: 911 cast appearing in character and the same for BORAT.
But hey, the official announcement for the new Trek. Suprisingly retro look. J.J. Abrams is now officially signed to produce with an option to direct. Him and LOST co-creator Damon Lindelof (who finally has gotten around to writing the 3rd issue of Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine)are writing. I was a little worried for my boy Abrams after the box office of MI:3 (which is the best pure action film I've seen in quite some time.) but I guess Paramount is putting the blame on Cruise for that which pleases me 'cause Abrams did great work considering it was his a) first feature and b) his first feature being a tentpole title. Either way I'm glad it was Abrams and not JMS rebooting trek 'cause after reading his pitch it felt like a B5 retread.
Question: would it be too hackneyed if they got Dr. Cottle from BSG to play Bones in the reboot? Like have him play the exact same character just different names. Though maybe this time they'll be brave enough to make him the bigoted xenophobe (is that redundant?) we all knew Dr. McCoy to be. I saw it in his eyes, fantasizing about dragging that soulless devil-eared monster by horseback through the decks of the Enterprise.
Anyways no Movie Night this week it's too damn hot in my apartment and I blew my load with the Beat the Heat night by two weeks. Sigh. We'll probably be watching movies anyways on Monday but no set programming. Probably new releases from work or whatever's unwatched on the shelf.
Doc Cottle is one of my favorite characters from BSG. :D
I'm not sure if this is great news or terrible news. Guess we'll have to see how it shapes up.
I am also a little worried since that Lost guy is doing the writing...I hate Lost.
My dorkiest post gets a dorky reply. hmph.
Honest to baby jebus, there have been WAY dorkier replies to posts on The Clubhouse.
Ahhh. Ain't I a stinker.
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