7:00 pm

Switchblade Sisters (1975) USA
?Mothers... lock up your sons. The Switchblade Sisters are coming!?
From the director of Coffy and Foxy Brown, so you know it?s gotta be a girl gang movie of the highest caliber and with a bit of stylistic charm to boot. It focuses on the ?Dagger Debs? a snarling ladies auxiliary of the ?Silver Daggers?. Both are embroiled with infighting and defending their turf from rival gangs and the new threat of a community action team.
9:00 pm

The Warriors (1979) USA
?There are Armies of The Night. They are 100,000 strong. They outnumber the cops five to one. They could run New York City. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.?
The gangs of New York all seem to be wearing themed costumes in this late 70s battle royale from the point of view of a small time gang that has been set up in the killing of one of the major gang bosses in the city. They have to face off with Yankees themed rogues holding baseball bats, Roller Derby punks, and of course the gang of Marcel Marceau Mimes.
Extra points for those who come in costume for any themed gang - real, fictional, ridiculous, or a mixture of all three.
1 comment:
It should be noted that "the Warriors" being shown is the newly released "Director's Cut", which has scene transitions through comic panels, ala Ang Lee's under-rated "The Hulk", which has sent many purists into a tizzy. The only person I know who has seen the "Director's Cut" without seeing the original did enjoy the film and even the new comic book feel.
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