I like how you can hear other people in the house casually going about their business while he's doing that. Just another day at casa del Gondry, I guess.
OK, apparently the actual solving of the Cube is really him scrambling the thing up, run backwards with back-walking passersby about. Watch for the cut between the introduction and the actual solving. It's not as though he doesn't use this technique in his music videos.
I like how you can hear other people in the house casually going about their business while he's doing that. Just another day at casa del Gondry, I guess.
OK, apparently the actual solving of the Cube is really him scrambling the thing up, run backwards with back-walking passersby about. Watch for the cut between the introduction and the actual solving. It's not as though he doesn't use this technique in his music videos.
On some level, that just makes it cooler.
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