Thursday, August 09, 2007
Rachael's B-day
Hosting a B-Day Party tomorrow at my house for myself. Just bring booze and your good selves.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Jeff is asking The Clubhouse...
Jeff is asking for recommendations on cell phone deals.
He has no phone and no service.
Come September, Jeff has to get hooked up quick for work and fun. Shopping for such things gives Jeff headaches.
Jeff asks: any tips?
He has no phone and no service.
Come September, Jeff has to get hooked up quick for work and fun. Shopping for such things gives Jeff headaches.
Jeff asks: any tips?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
the clubhouse blogspot is dead. long live the clubhouse blogspot!
bean said miyuki had to make a facebook entry for chineefoo. miyuki doesn't do squat on facebook.
that means I ultimately had to join that fucking trend-factory myself to post something, since it's obvious no one uses this anymore...
on the plus side, at least I can limit the invitations to clubhouse regulars, and not all eight thousand people corinne has met through the years...
keep an eye out for a chineefoo group.
also, chinefoo next sunday (july 29) at peking restuarant. call it noonish for now, possibly an hour earlier, maybe an hour later... depends on who whines louder.
oh, and I wasn't aware that "facebook" was the new "fascist" and they wouldn't change my name freely... hence I'm stuck with "el chingacabra"... fuckers.
that means I ultimately had to join that fucking trend-factory myself to post something, since it's obvious no one uses this anymore...
on the plus side, at least I can limit the invitations to clubhouse regulars, and not all eight thousand people corinne has met through the years...
keep an eye out for a chineefoo group.
also, chinefoo next sunday (july 29) at peking restuarant. call it noonish for now, possibly an hour earlier, maybe an hour later... depends on who whines louder.
oh, and I wasn't aware that "facebook" was the new "fascist" and they wouldn't change my name freely... hence I'm stuck with "el chingacabra"... fuckers.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Lost Phone
My phone went missing at the library last night. I will check to see if it's been returned. Email me if you get a mysterious phone call from me please.
In communicado,
In communicado,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Summer Event Listings
99.3 The Fox Seeds Finals - THIS WEEK IN HISTORY and Scatterheart
Friday night at The Roxy!
Hosted by: 99.3 The Fox
Where: The Roxy
When: Friday, June 22 from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Karaoke House Party
KJ Duke's Housewarming Gig - Xian's Birthday
Hosted by: Karaoke Veterans
Where: The Slack Shack
When: Saturday, June 23 from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am
Chinese Food @ the Peking
Same old drill
Hosted by: Vancouver Clubhouse
Type: Party - Birthday Party
Where: Peking
When: Sunday, June 24 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Turkish Star Wars (and More)
Hosted by: Evil Film School
Type: Education - Class
Where: blim
When: Friday, June 29 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Please suggest the where!
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: TBD
When: Saturday, June 30 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Mountain Biking
Please suggest the where!
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: TBD
When: Saturday, July 14 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Commercial Drive "DriveFest"
The people of East Van Welcome YOU
Hosted by: East Van
Type: Party - Holiday Party
Where: Grandview Park
When: Sunday, July 22 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Lynn Canyon
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: Lynn Canyon
When: Saturday, August 18 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday night at The Roxy!
Hosted by: 99.3 The Fox
Where: The Roxy
When: Friday, June 22 from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Karaoke House Party
KJ Duke's Housewarming Gig - Xian's Birthday
Hosted by: Karaoke Veterans
Where: The Slack Shack
When: Saturday, June 23 from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am
Chinese Food @ the Peking
Same old drill
Hosted by: Vancouver Clubhouse
Type: Party - Birthday Party
Where: Peking
When: Sunday, June 24 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Turkish Star Wars (and More)
Hosted by: Evil Film School
Type: Education - Class
Where: blim
When: Friday, June 29 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Please suggest the where!
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: TBD
When: Saturday, June 30 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Mountain Biking
Please suggest the where!
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: TBD
When: Saturday, July 14 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Commercial Drive "DriveFest"
The people of East Van Welcome YOU
Hosted by: East Van
Type: Party - Holiday Party
Where: Grandview Park
When: Sunday, July 22 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Lynn Canyon
Hosted by: Outdoor Enthusiasts - Lower Mainland Chapter
Type: Sports - Pick-Up
Where: Lynn Canyon
When: Saturday, August 18 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Evil Film School,
Slack Shack
Thursday, June 14, 2007
birfday 'foo.
as a final huzzah before my entrance into old age, I'd like everyone to join me next sunday, june 24, at peking restaurant, noonish elevenish (to accomodate owen), for a feast of chineefoo.
word to your plumber.
word to your plumber.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Writing Club is NOT on!
I'm out in Pitt this week. Unless any of you feel like travelling three hours for an hour long writing club, I am cancelling this week. It will be back on in two weeks.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Back from Burma...
And still not dead.
But I did just walk over the Bridge on the River Kwai. And you can bet I whistled that silly song while I did it.
But I did just walk over the Bridge on the River Kwai. And you can bet I whistled that silly song while I did it.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Corporate Dragon Boat Team is Short FIVE THREE PEOPLE
Hey guys, I seriously need five two MORE people to commit to dragon boating (three if Lee & Mariko make the leap over the fence).
My work is short 12 people, but between the group of us, have managed to compile7 10 (thanks Mariko, Lee, Mike, Graeme & Brendan). No, I don't need to get all of them for the company, but I think I can do my best. Some of you aren't on facebook, so I didn't get a chance to invite you there.
We're practicing 3 times in 5 weeks time before enterting the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival's competition (pfffft). This will all wrap up after the festival on June 16th.
Please, please, please join. Without you there will be no team. And that will make me very sad.
Practices will be evenings & weekends; ideally, you can commit to any time so as to create as few scheduling conflicts as possible, but I am sure some shifting will have to occur.
Pretty please?
(begging is so not becoming of me).
My work is short 12 people, but between the group of us, have managed to compile
We're practicing 3 times in 5 weeks time before enterting the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival's competition (pfffft). This will all wrap up after the festival on June 16th.
Please, please, please join. Without you there will be no team. And that will make me very sad.
Practices will be evenings & weekends; ideally, you can commit to any time so as to create as few scheduling conflicts as possible, but I am sure some shifting will have to occur.
Pretty please?
(begging is so not becoming of me).
Friday, May 04, 2007
New fun!
Yesterday I went dragon boating with my work. It was as much fun as I expected (I really do enjoy being on the water) and it looks like my company is putting together a corporate team for the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival. I asked to join, let's see if they let me.
You kids know me, I am a wimp and a half! But my team came in second and for first timers, our team was at the upper novice, lower recreational team times. It was wicked awesome totally cool fun.
And now, to the point: Dragon Zone, for the month of May, on Sundays has $2 lessons at 2pm (all equipment included!). I'm going to leave Chinee foo at 1pm on the dot to make sure I can get into this. I'm going to try to make it out every weekend (it's a great deal compared to the season rates they charge), and if there is enough interest from Clubhousers, we might be able to even get a recreational team going. How awesome* would that be!?
So, I'm getting to Chinee Foo at 11:45am and ordering the tofu, the green onion cakes, & mushroom fried rice. Anyone interested in dragon boating on Sunday with me is more than welcome to come. If you can't make it this weekend, and you're interested in going later this month, give me a holla'! I'm also going to set up a Clubhouse series of events on facebook.
You kids know me, I am a wimp and a half! But my team came in second and for first timers, our team was at the upper novice, lower recreational team times. It was wicked awesome totally cool fun.
And now, to the point: Dragon Zone, for the month of May, on Sundays has $2 lessons at 2pm (all equipment included!). I'm going to leave Chinee foo at 1pm on the dot to make sure I can get into this. I'm going to try to make it out every weekend (it's a great deal compared to the season rates they charge), and if there is enough interest from Clubhousers, we might be able to even get a recreational team going. How awesome* would that be!?
So, I'm getting to Chinee Foo at 11:45am and ordering the tofu, the green onion cakes, & mushroom fried rice. Anyone interested in dragon boating on Sunday with me is more than welcome to come. If you can't make it this weekend, and you're interested in going later this month, give me a holla'! I'm also going to set up a Clubhouse series of events on facebook.
dragon boating,
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Umm... just to be on the safe side...
OK, I couldn't quite mention this on my own blog, but I need some serious radio silence for the next few weeks. I've got to go off the grid for some fieldwork (hint: I'm posing as a missionary!). Please don't email me or comment (on my blog) about anything even vaguely connected to my work, or Thailand, or Burma, or buttsex, or my foolishness for doing this crazy shit in the first place, or anything other than pleasant wishes and the weather. Facebook commenting is likewise out. Otherwise, I'll be deported, and fired, and possibly (much) worse.
And to those with a particularly contrarian sense of humour, this is not one of those times where ignoring my plea will make it extra funny. Seriously, just don't.
P.S. This blog is probably a safe place to say whatever. Christian, I'm hoping you'll get it out of your system here.
And to those with a particularly contrarian sense of humour, this is not one of those times where ignoring my plea will make it extra funny. Seriously, just don't.
P.S. This blog is probably a safe place to say whatever. Christian, I'm hoping you'll get it out of your system here.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Something Happening
Prior to Chinee Foo on Sunday May 6, 2007, the Jolly Rodger will host a rough* and tumble* Cinco de Mayo.
Byob and all smoking of all things will take place in the back alley. Tap on the window or ring buzzer 103.
8pm until everyone is sick and tired of each other (or Chinee Foo happens).
And WHY do we have four tags for alcohol consumption on here?!
Byob and all smoking of all things will take place in the back alley. Tap on the window or ring buzzer 103.
8pm until everyone is sick and tired of each other (or Chinee Foo happens).
And WHY do we have four tags for alcohol consumption on here?!
Jolly Rodger,
Monday, April 23, 2007
anything happening?
we're planning a trip north in the next few weeks... I thought we had plans for drinko de mayo, but it turns out we probably don't. so which of the next three weekends would be best to head north? what's the most exciting thing happening?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fine. I'll Cross-Post.
Hey, unhip kids, want to see a movie? Sure you do. Do you want to see Coupland's script on film? Sure you do.
Everything's Going Green
2:30pm Matinee, Sunday. Tinseltown. Be early. Buy tickets. Watch movie. Don't bring anything electronic because the fuzz think you, the paying movie attendee, is the reason that the movie industry is making tens of billions, as opposed to hundreds of billions, of dollars. Which is their prime concern, you know? I am bitter. But I'll get over it. By going to a movie.
And being treated like a criminal.
If you want more info, join facebook like the rest of civilization.
Everything's Going Green
2:30pm Matinee, Sunday. Tinseltown. Be early. Buy tickets. Watch movie. Don't bring anything electronic because the fuzz think you, the paying movie attendee, is the reason that the movie industry is making tens of billions, as opposed to hundreds of billions, of dollars. Which is their prime concern, you know? I am bitter. But I'll get over it. By going to a movie.
And being treated like a criminal.
If you want more info, join facebook like the rest of civilization.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Karaoke Fundraiser
Lee's very cool friend Tammy is having a Karaoke fundraiser this Saturday for a documentary film she is working. Details are below the poster.

Where: 'The Met' 320 Abbot St. (Gastown)
When: Saturday, March 21st, 2007
9pm 'til your voice is gone!
Cheap drinks, no cover, a good cause! Look for the person with the big jar!
The documentary is about the non-profit organization '' They are bicycling from Vancouver to Mexico to raise a $1,000,000 for microcredit initiatives. Microcredit is the concept that won Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
Come see us make fools of ourselves! For more information about the documentary contact me directly, all the information for the event is on the flyer attached, feel free to share it!
Tammy Bannister
Change Agent

Where: 'The Met' 320 Abbot St. (Gastown)
When: Saturday, March 21st, 2007
9pm 'til your voice is gone!
Cheap drinks, no cover, a good cause! Look for the person with the big jar!
The documentary is about the non-profit organization '' They are bicycling from Vancouver to Mexico to raise a $1,000,000 for microcredit initiatives. Microcredit is the concept that won Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
Come see us make fools of ourselves! For more information about the documentary contact me directly, all the information for the event is on the flyer attached, feel free to share it!
Tammy Bannister
Change Agent
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Passing this along, because it sounds awesome. I'm planning to be there around noon. Anyone else?
Swap-o-rama-rama is a clothing swap and wearable art creation event where all your fabulous fashion fantasies can come true!
The swap begins with a giant collective pile of clothing, the unwanted costumes of all who attend. Everyone is welcome to dive in and find their next new/used items from the pile. Take as little or as much clothing from this pile as you like, it's all free!
After you have chosen your new dandy duds, slide on over to a transformation station, where you can cut, sew, glue, paint, bedazzle, and otherwise renew someone else's rags into your riches. Materials and a few sewing machines will be available to help you unleash your well-dressed muse. Or, attend a workshop where you can learn to modify your re-fashioned finds in unexpected ways.
An all day participatory runway will feature the silly, the sophisticated, and the sublime. All are invited to take a playful spin down the runway in their most fabulous fashionry. Ask the audience for their opinion on the outfit you just plucked from the pile... or just show off!
Swap-o-rama-rama is coming to Vancouver and will take place April 15,
2007 from 11:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Heritage Hall.
For more information contact: or check out
Sunday, April 08, 2007
it must be an azn thing...
I just wanted to announce to the world that miyuki has just accomplished something that to my knowledge, only alex has performed... a perfect 50,000 score at karaoke revolution! ironically enough, it was also at "time after time"... this would seem to diminish the effect of the accomplishment, except I managed a paltry 22,000 at the song on my attempt, and we all know what a karaoke genius I am...
all of you know what this means... we totally need to force her to sing next karaoke party. she's blown away my best score ever at KR, which was a paltry 45k... a perfect score is a perfect score. no more of this "I'm shy" bullshit... she's a cyndi lauper karaoke savant...
update... she just finished with a perfect score on "do you really want to hurt me"... I'm not sure if I want to press her to go for a record, 'cos this is just getting damn humiliating... she didn't even know all the words to the last one.
update #2... just scored 50k on "material girl" as well... she's got the damn hat trick. is humiliating your husband at karaoke grounds for divorce?
yeah, update #3... 50k at "I'll be" as well, and she didn't even know that fucking song. I swear, she's a KR savant. this is getting embarassing.
all of you know what this means... we totally need to force her to sing next karaoke party. she's blown away my best score ever at KR, which was a paltry 45k... a perfect score is a perfect score. no more of this "I'm shy" bullshit... she's a cyndi lauper karaoke savant...
update... she just finished with a perfect score on "do you really want to hurt me"... I'm not sure if I want to press her to go for a record, 'cos this is just getting damn humiliating... she didn't even know all the words to the last one.
update #2... just scored 50k on "material girl" as well... she's got the damn hat trick. is humiliating your husband at karaoke grounds for divorce?
yeah, update #3... 50k at "I'll be" as well, and she didn't even know that fucking song. I swear, she's a KR savant. this is getting embarassing.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Today 9:30pm at the Paramount, be there around 8 (per Lee). Sorry for the short notice. Any up for it call me; y'all know my digits.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
7:00pm Thursday Apr. 5, Vancity Theatre.
Far from a classical historical biopic, Raoul Ruiz’s warped take on the life of famed art nouveaux symbolist Gustav Klimt—here played by one John Malkovich—treats fin-de-siècle Vienna as a vibrant, lively painting waiting to be immortalized. Ruiz sees Klimt’s life as something deeply personal that can only be understood through the painter’s own eyes, and forges a feverishly stylish portrait of erotic deception and delusion, coming and going from Klimt’s death bed, through his studio, and into smoky Viennese cafes and high society. “The time portrayed in the film was one of the highlights of Viennese culture, which had burst onto the scene very quickly and in which the first seeds of decay were evident almost straight away, since such brilliance rarely lasts. We have Klimt, his private life, the world around him in all its splendour, but in the background we feel something malignant that quietly gains prominence, something contagious.”—Raoul Ruiz
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Writing Club is on
The thrills of writing club await!
Reasons to come:
Reasons to come:
- the third new layout for my place this year!
- review of Scott's revenge fiction from last time!
- apple pie!
See you there,
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
we've moved.
addy is the same, just apartment #209 instead of #206. if you're wondering why, see below:
why I don't like bleu cheese
why I don't like bleu cheese
Monday, March 26, 2007
My house is soooo cold please help me warm it.
So, for those that have not heard, I have moved. To commemorate this auspicious occasion I am inviting you, my friends, to my new home this Saturday March 31st 2007 at 7:30PM. The new home is conveniently located close to Nanaimo Station. For the exact address please call, e-mail or check the forum.
PS My new landlord room-mate is not in favor of drugs in his house, so please leave them at home or discreetly go to the park a block away.
PS My new landlord room-mate is not in favor of drugs in his house, so please leave them at home or discreetly go to the park a block away.
Blaxploitation Rarities II - This Friday (March 30)

Hey Kids!
Just a reminder that Blaxpolitation Rarities II is happening this Friday, March 30th.
Doors open at 7pm, get there on time to get a good seat.
7:30pm - Black Shampoo [1976]: John Daniels (Candy Tangerine Man) plays Mr. Jonathan, a hairdresser as loved by the ladies as he is feared by the mob. When his new receptionist starts getting hassled by some mobsters, he takes matters into his own hands. With a chainsaw! Funny, fast & outrageous.
9:15pm - Savage! [1973]: Who cares what it's about, there's a big black dude named "Savage" with an all girl gang. And machine guns! Machine guns!
Admission: $5 - $10 (sliding scale)
And if you can't make it this month, here's what's in store for April & May:
April: Psych-Out!
BJ Lang Presents (The Manipulator): Mickey Rooney freaks out and kidnaps a woman so he can subject her to his "acting".
Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness: Writer-Director Anthony Newly also stars as Hieronymus Merkin, a Hollywood director having a massive midlife crisis who decides to make a film about his life and all the mistakes he's made. Self absorbed? You be the judge.
May: Shatner: The Early Years
Incubus [1965]: Satanic cult? Check. Shatner? Check. In Esperanto?! Check.
The Intruder [1962]: A young and sexy Shatner plays a charismatic racist in this Roger Corman pic.
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Slack Shack (Mark White) is hosting a house party on Friday night (March 23rd) starting at around 7:30pm (karaoke + sound system pending, but we're working on it). The address is in the forum if you don't recall, accessible from Holdom Skytrain or #9/N9.
7:00pm - Clubhouse Restaurant (255 West 2nd (at Alberta), 879-8998)
9:00pm - The Pic Pub for TWIH $7 (620 West Pender St.)
11:00pm - The Bourbon (50 West Cordova St.)
RSVP via email or comment if you can, thanks!
The Slack Shack (Mark White) is hosting a house party on Friday night (March 23rd) starting at around 7:30pm (karaoke + sound system pending, but we're working on it). The address is in the forum if you don't recall, accessible from Holdom Skytrain or #9/N9.
7:00pm - Clubhouse Restaurant (255 West 2nd (at Alberta), 879-8998)
9:00pm - The Pic Pub for TWIH $7 (620 West Pender St.)
11:00pm - The Bourbon (50 West Cordova St.)
RSVP via email or comment if you can, thanks!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Hopefully, more popular on Sundays!
This Sunday March 25
11am - noon/1pm: Pirates! A Collectable Card Game
After lunch hour: Many other games: Robo Rally, Apples to Apples (now with expansion!), others!
3 tables for 3 games!
11am - noon/1pm: Pirates! A Collectable Card Game
After lunch hour: Many other games: Robo Rally, Apples to Apples (now with expansion!), others!
3 tables for 3 games!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Board/Card Games
Thursday March 15
I'm having a few people over, 7pmish, to play some games like Apples to Apples and... uh... other games?
I'll probably get the first game going at 7:15pm, and then start subsequent games.
I'm having a few people over, 7pmish, to play some games like Apples to Apples and... uh... other games?
I'll probably get the first game going at 7:15pm, and then start subsequent games.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007

A group of armed men take a subway train full of people hostage and declare that they'll kill a hostage a minute if their demands aren't met. The transit cop there to deal with the hostages and the beauratic red tape is Walter Mathau, who we love simply for being being Walter Mathau, and it's always grand to be loved for just simply who you are. Leading the hostage takers is Robert FUCKING Shaw. Now there are not many actors you can refer to and and honestly throw a 'fucking' in their name without cheapening it, the icon status has to be tough as nails. Even James Cagney, one of the toughest, meanest little bastard of the gangster golden age, made queer little movies like Yankee Doodle Dandy (writer's confession: have never seen Yanke Doodle Dandy, but it's a musical, musicals are for sissies, like Ewan McGregor, a sissy with a big schlong). John Wayne was too much of the protector. No it's rare actor that qualifies to have their name interrupted by a cuss (common though cussing is now, but hell it's been constant throughout my living history, so...), they have to be tough as nails and capable of doing anything. Any one of these actors could play a phenomenal Punisher, and I'll tell you it ain't Thomas Fuckin' Jane. To tell the truth I don't think there's a living working actor right now who'd deserve it. I got a short list of all time here:
And Robert FUCKING Shaw. I haven't seen that many Shaw films, hell only two. He was the heavy/mark in The Sting and he was motherfucking QUINT in JAWS. If he only made one movie and it was Jaws, he'd still be Robert FUCKING Shaw, maybe with a purer 'fuck'. And Mathau, he doesn't need a cuss in his name, his very presence gives you, at least, the slight inclination to rent Hanging Up, even though you know you'll hate it.
Bullet Train

It's Speed, but on a subway! Some nefarious no-gooder has planted a bomb on a high-speed train which will explode if it goes below 80km/h. And SONNY FUCKING CHIBA is in it.

A group of armed men take a subway train full of people hostage and declare that they'll kill a hostage a minute if their demands aren't met. The transit cop there to deal with the hostages and the beauratic red tape is Walter Mathau, who we love simply for being being Walter Mathau, and it's always grand to be loved for just simply who you are. Leading the hostage takers is Robert FUCKING Shaw. Now there are not many actors you can refer to and and honestly throw a 'fucking' in their name without cheapening it, the icon status has to be tough as nails. Even James Cagney, one of the toughest, meanest little bastard of the gangster golden age, made queer little movies like Yankee Doodle Dandy (writer's confession: have never seen Yanke Doodle Dandy, but it's a musical, musicals are for sissies, like Ewan McGregor, a sissy with a big schlong). John Wayne was too much of the protector. No it's rare actor that qualifies to have their name interrupted by a cuss (common though cussing is now, but hell it's been constant throughout my living history, so...), they have to be tough as nails and capable of doing anything. Any one of these actors could play a phenomenal Punisher, and I'll tell you it ain't Thomas Fuckin' Jane. To tell the truth I don't think there's a living working actor right now who'd deserve it. I got a short list of all time here:
And Robert FUCKING Shaw. I haven't seen that many Shaw films, hell only two. He was the heavy/mark in The Sting and he was motherfucking QUINT in JAWS. If he only made one movie and it was Jaws, he'd still be Robert FUCKING Shaw, maybe with a purer 'fuck'. And Mathau, he doesn't need a cuss in his name, his very presence gives you, at least, the slight inclination to rent Hanging Up, even though you know you'll hate it.
Bullet Train

It's Speed, but on a subway! Some nefarious no-gooder has planted a bomb on a high-speed train which will explode if it goes below 80km/h. And SONNY FUCKING CHIBA is in it.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
THREE-PEAT (or Green Party)
Celebrate your lack of heritage by co-opting the Irish, at a party at the Clubhouse!
Green Beer, Hideous Decorations, and Great Fun!
This will be the Third Month in a row with a Clubhouse party! Yay!
When: Saturday the 17th of March. 8-9 starting time. Indeterminate ending time!
Where: The Clubhouse, in the hood, yo!
What: Mayhem, Mayhem, Mayhem.
Bring your own libations, and extra friends! I will provide mood and green stuff!
(Maybe saying I will provide green stuff might be taken poorly.....)
Come one come all!
Green Beer, Hideous Decorations, and Great Fun!
This will be the Third Month in a row with a Clubhouse party! Yay!
When: Saturday the 17th of March. 8-9 starting time. Indeterminate ending time!
Where: The Clubhouse, in the hood, yo!
What: Mayhem, Mayhem, Mayhem.
Bring your own libations, and extra friends! I will provide mood and green stuff!
(Maybe saying I will provide green stuff might be taken poorly.....)
Come one come all!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Threadless $10 tee sale
Use the link on the top right column to give me credit. Or use Alex's link, because I owe that man some t-karma back.
Friday, March 02, 2007
B&B Presents: Ecological Apocalypse II: Nature’s Revenge
I had so much fun the last time around, I have decided to do a second round of Man Vs. Ecology Pictures.
Again, it is going to be a documentary saddled up next to a Cheesy B-movie.
7:00 pm

Manufactured Landscapes (2006) Canada
I usually do not do this, but I will use the text out of the studio’s promotion to give you an Idea. It is just that eloquent.
“Manufactured Landscapes is a feature length documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Burtynsky makes large-scale photographs of ‘manufactured landscapes’ – quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines, dams. He photographs civilization’s materials and debris, but in a way people describe as stunning or beautiful, and so raises all kinds of questions about ethics and aesthetics without trying to easily answer them.
The film follows Burtynsky to China as he travels the country photographing the evidence and effects of that country’s massive industrial revolution. Sites such as the Three Gorges Dam, which is bigger by 50% than any other dam in the world and displaced over a million people, factory floors over a kilometre long, and the breathtaking scale of Shanghai’s urban renewal are subjects for his lens and our motion picture camera.
Shot in Super-16mm film, Manufactured Landscapes extends the narrative streams of Burtynsky’s photographs, allowing us to meditate on our profound impact on the planet and witness both the epicentres of industrial endeavour and the dumping grounds of its waste. What makes the photographs so powerful is his refusal in them to be didactic. We are all implicated here, they tell us: there are no easy answers. The film continues this approach of presenting complexity, without trying to reach simplistic judgements or reductive resolutions. In the process, it tries to shift our consciousness about the world and the way we live in it.”

To give you a further idea of the quality of this Doc., when I was in T.O. during the Toronto International Film Festival in September I was in an elevator with a bunch of film makers who were raving about how visually astounding this film was. When I checked it had been sold out almost right away.
9:00 pm

Gojira tai Hedorah AKA Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster (1971) Japan
For a bit of fun at the end of the evening I want to show this classic and campy Kaiju monster battle. It had not been released yet during the last Ecological Apocalypse night.
The Gojira series, especially the original, is one of the best for popularizing concern over threats to the Earths Balance. Lost in the 1950s American Version is that Godzilla started out as an anti nuclear testing statement, especially due to the activity in the pacific during the Cold War. This 1971 version directed by Yoshimitsu Banno was more intended for children and the ecological statement is fairly weak. Keep in mind that weak usually lends to more laughter. In this version: Gojira, defender of the Earth, has become a national phenomenon, akin to the Loch Ness Monster, especially for children. The monster has been ingrained into the Japanese consciousness. However, the Japanese citizens and industrialists still do not realize that destroying the balance of the Earth will summon the millennia-old protector. The story follows a young boy who finds a creature, which thrives on toxic waste, naming it Hedorah, a pun on the Japanese word for sludge, hedoro. This monster sucks on smokestacks, oozes at the screaming populace, and belches poisonous fumes. In his dreams, the boy wishes for Gojira to defeat Hedorah and for people be persuaded to stop polluting the earth. Gojira, as the great protector of the planet’s balance, fights the monster in a rage against humanity’s destruction of his ecology.
If Manufactured Landscapes is unavailable, I will alternate with:
The Day After Tomorrow (2004) USA a blockbuster disaster flick about climate change.
Again, it is going to be a documentary saddled up next to a Cheesy B-movie.
7:00 pm

Manufactured Landscapes (2006) Canada
I usually do not do this, but I will use the text out of the studio’s promotion to give you an Idea. It is just that eloquent.
“Manufactured Landscapes is a feature length documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Burtynsky makes large-scale photographs of ‘manufactured landscapes’ – quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines, dams. He photographs civilization’s materials and debris, but in a way people describe as stunning or beautiful, and so raises all kinds of questions about ethics and aesthetics without trying to easily answer them.
The film follows Burtynsky to China as he travels the country photographing the evidence and effects of that country’s massive industrial revolution. Sites such as the Three Gorges Dam, which is bigger by 50% than any other dam in the world and displaced over a million people, factory floors over a kilometre long, and the breathtaking scale of Shanghai’s urban renewal are subjects for his lens and our motion picture camera.
Shot in Super-16mm film, Manufactured Landscapes extends the narrative streams of Burtynsky’s photographs, allowing us to meditate on our profound impact on the planet and witness both the epicentres of industrial endeavour and the dumping grounds of its waste. What makes the photographs so powerful is his refusal in them to be didactic. We are all implicated here, they tell us: there are no easy answers. The film continues this approach of presenting complexity, without trying to reach simplistic judgements or reductive resolutions. In the process, it tries to shift our consciousness about the world and the way we live in it.”

To give you a further idea of the quality of this Doc., when I was in T.O. during the Toronto International Film Festival in September I was in an elevator with a bunch of film makers who were raving about how visually astounding this film was. When I checked it had been sold out almost right away.
9:00 pm

Gojira tai Hedorah AKA Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster (1971) Japan
For a bit of fun at the end of the evening I want to show this classic and campy Kaiju monster battle. It had not been released yet during the last Ecological Apocalypse night.
The Gojira series, especially the original, is one of the best for popularizing concern over threats to the Earths Balance. Lost in the 1950s American Version is that Godzilla started out as an anti nuclear testing statement, especially due to the activity in the pacific during the Cold War. This 1971 version directed by Yoshimitsu Banno was more intended for children and the ecological statement is fairly weak. Keep in mind that weak usually lends to more laughter. In this version: Gojira, defender of the Earth, has become a national phenomenon, akin to the Loch Ness Monster, especially for children. The monster has been ingrained into the Japanese consciousness. However, the Japanese citizens and industrialists still do not realize that destroying the balance of the Earth will summon the millennia-old protector. The story follows a young boy who finds a creature, which thrives on toxic waste, naming it Hedorah, a pun on the Japanese word for sludge, hedoro. This monster sucks on smokestacks, oozes at the screaming populace, and belches poisonous fumes. In his dreams, the boy wishes for Gojira to defeat Hedorah and for people be persuaded to stop polluting the earth. Gojira, as the great protector of the planet’s balance, fights the monster in a rage against humanity’s destruction of his ecology.
If Manufactured Landscapes is unavailable, I will alternate with:
The Day After Tomorrow (2004) USA a blockbuster disaster flick about climate change.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hi All,
As many of you do not know, I am moving this Sunday! Not having siding for three years and the whole ceiling collapse fiasco is just too much. Also we are getting a new door -- in the floor of the bedroom. The locals were nice enough to remove a couple of stained glass windows from the back patio for us too. This brings me to my request, my dear loving friends (and the rest of you).... I need one volunteer to help move fragile items such as guitars this Saturday at 10am. So, either reply to this post or give me a call.
As many of you do not know, I am moving this Sunday! Not having siding for three years and the whole ceiling collapse fiasco is just too much. Also we are getting a new door -- in the floor of the bedroom. The locals were nice enough to remove a couple of stained glass windows from the back patio for us too. This brings me to my request, my dear loving friends (and the rest of you).... I need one volunteer to help move fragile items such as guitars this Saturday at 10am. So, either reply to this post or give me a call.
Friday, February 23, 2007
B&B Presents: Wack History Month
This Sunday we present an alternative to the innane speeches of the Oscars.
7:00 pm

C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004 / 2006 ) (- it took a while to be distributed and was eventually picked up by Spike Lee)
What if the South had won the War?
Directed by Kevin Willmott in the voice of a BBC documentary film crew, this mockumentary is a must for the historically or politically inclined. The hilarious, yet chilling, version of history posits what the last 150 years would have been had the Confederates won the American Civil War. The most frightening aspects are the ties to actual events both past and present in American policy and culture, replete with commercials.

9:00 pm
Wild In the Streets (1968)
Max Frost, a 24 year old charismatic rocker, has just successfully lowered the voting age to 14 (Something I’ve been in support of for years), and he’s now rolling the wave of popularity from a babyboom majority right to the American Presidency. Following the 60s edict of “Never trust anyone over thirty”, his first presidential edict turns the new hippie state to a totalitarian hell for anyone over thirty by requiring them to live in retirement homes where they are force fed LSD.
This psychedelic exploitation flick riled a generation and it has Richard Prior in it as a character named Stanley X.
I wanted to show some Blaxploitation Flicks focussed on the Black Nationalist movement to match up with the CSA, but instead Wild in the Streets seemed to be a much better fit with the themes of CSA. If I can't get wild in the streets, fear not... I will book it with My first choice. The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973) about a Black CIA agent who works throught the system to set up the Nationalist cause behind the backs of his own agency.
7:00 pm

C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004 / 2006 ) (- it took a while to be distributed and was eventually picked up by Spike Lee)
What if the South had won the War?
Directed by Kevin Willmott in the voice of a BBC documentary film crew, this mockumentary is a must for the historically or politically inclined. The hilarious, yet chilling, version of history posits what the last 150 years would have been had the Confederates won the American Civil War. The most frightening aspects are the ties to actual events both past and present in American policy and culture, replete with commercials.

9:00 pm
Wild In the Streets (1968)
Max Frost, a 24 year old charismatic rocker, has just successfully lowered the voting age to 14 (Something I’ve been in support of for years), and he’s now rolling the wave of popularity from a babyboom majority right to the American Presidency. Following the 60s edict of “Never trust anyone over thirty”, his first presidential edict turns the new hippie state to a totalitarian hell for anyone over thirty by requiring them to live in retirement homes where they are force fed LSD.
This psychedelic exploitation flick riled a generation and it has Richard Prior in it as a character named Stanley X.
I wanted to show some Blaxploitation Flicks focussed on the Black Nationalist movement to match up with the CSA, but instead Wild in the Streets seemed to be a much better fit with the themes of CSA. If I can't get wild in the streets, fear not... I will book it with My first choice. The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973) about a Black CIA agent who works throught the system to set up the Nationalist cause behind the backs of his own agency.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My New Fav Website and Blog
I like the whole concept of this site (Technology, Entertainment and Design) but the people they have giving thirty minute talks are so awesome I cannot believe the site is free (Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, Eve Ensler, Rick Warren and of course Bono and Al Gore).
If you already know about this why didn't you tell me and if you didn't I can't wait to share it with you.
So I'm talking about the Ted Talks tab on the main page but there's a blog too. sigh.. ya.. smile.. I like good stuff..
Oh, PS. I'm fat and happy in the Peg. I have three part time jobs, a 19 year old boyfriend, a computer that I can watch TV on while I play minesweeper and a cheap room in an all female boarding house right downtown. I'm near all the buses and my house is also one and one half of a block from the University of Winnipeg and their library. I have a queen sized waterbed in my room. I'm also in a good mood because the Sunday Service Boys are here for the Winnipeg Improv Fest and I plan to see them on closing night this Saturday doing a cool new video thing. As always I love love love love winter and it snowed again today.. I'm doing 8 out of 10 well.. I send my love bumps... (like goose bumps on puppies' paws.. )
I like the whole concept of this site (Technology, Entertainment and Design) but the people they have giving thirty minute talks are so awesome I cannot believe the site is free (Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, Eve Ensler, Rick Warren and of course Bono and Al Gore).
If you already know about this why didn't you tell me and if you didn't I can't wait to share it with you.
So I'm talking about the Ted Talks tab on the main page but there's a blog too. sigh.. ya.. smile.. I like good stuff..
Oh, PS. I'm fat and happy in the Peg. I have three part time jobs, a 19 year old boyfriend, a computer that I can watch TV on while I play minesweeper and a cheap room in an all female boarding house right downtown. I'm near all the buses and my house is also one and one half of a block from the University of Winnipeg and their library. I have a queen sized waterbed in my room. I'm also in a good mood because the Sunday Service Boys are here for the Winnipeg Improv Fest and I plan to see them on closing night this Saturday doing a cool new video thing. As always I love love love love winter and it snowed again today.. I'm doing 8 out of 10 well.. I send my love bumps... (like goose bumps on puppies' paws.. )
Monday, February 19, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Can't Get a Date to the Prom?
Or, tickets, for that matter?
Well, there is an alternative activity happening on Valentines Day (this Wednesday) that also sounds super fun. Lee & I will be there, probably around 8pm. Feel free to call or email or post if you're interested and we can try to work out a meeting place.
Address: Ukranian Cultural Center
805 East Pender (at Hawks, right by Bob's house)
I know some of you might be puzzled by the fact that I am daring to socialize on a weeknight. The short answer is that I now get to work normal hours, so you should be seeing a lot more of me in the future.
Well, there is an alternative activity happening on Valentines Day (this Wednesday) that also sounds super fun. Lee & I will be there, probably around 8pm. Feel free to call or email or post if you're interested and we can try to work out a meeting place.
Address: Ukranian Cultural Center
805 East Pender (at Hawks, right by Bob's house)
I know some of you might be puzzled by the fact that I am daring to socialize on a weeknight. The short answer is that I now get to work normal hours, so you should be seeing a lot more of me in the future.
Friday, February 09, 2007
B&B Presents: Samouraï Noir
February 11, 2007
This Sunday night we present two films about non-Japanese hitmen obsessed with the Samurai Code of Bushido.
7:30 pm

Le Samouraï (1967) France
Jef Costello is a perfectionist hitman who never gets caught. After a hit gone wrong with surviving witnesses and an ever elusive alibi, Jef is backed into a corner. His code of solitary honour predisposes him to complete his task, yet under an air of the inevitability of death. Jean-Pierre Melville’s use and deconstruction of the American Noir Genre in this picture has heavily influenced other film makers. John Woo noted that everything about Le Samouraï is perfect, and was a central inspiration for The Killer (1989).
9:30 pm

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) USA
Acclaimed writer and director Jim Jarmusch was also heavily influenced by Le Samouraï in the development of Ghost Dog. The story follows an African American hitman, played by Forest Whitaker, who is self-retained within the local New York mob and strictly follows the Bushido code of Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai. When he becomes expendable can Ghost Dog maintain his code of honour and still confront his mob superiors? Jarmusch’s films often capture and are based around moments, yet his slow direction style in this picture is balanced by a beat heavy soundtrack compiled and composed by Wu Tang Clan’s the RZA. This is one of my favourite films, even though I haven’t seen it since it came out. I’m exited to see it through new eyes along with its French inspiration.
This Sunday night we present two films about non-Japanese hitmen obsessed with the Samurai Code of Bushido.
7:30 pm

Le Samouraï (1967) France
Jef Costello is a perfectionist hitman who never gets caught. After a hit gone wrong with surviving witnesses and an ever elusive alibi, Jef is backed into a corner. His code of solitary honour predisposes him to complete his task, yet under an air of the inevitability of death. Jean-Pierre Melville’s use and deconstruction of the American Noir Genre in this picture has heavily influenced other film makers. John Woo noted that everything about Le Samouraï is perfect, and was a central inspiration for The Killer (1989).
9:30 pm

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) USA
Acclaimed writer and director Jim Jarmusch was also heavily influenced by Le Samouraï in the development of Ghost Dog. The story follows an African American hitman, played by Forest Whitaker, who is self-retained within the local New York mob and strictly follows the Bushido code of Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai. When he becomes expendable can Ghost Dog maintain his code of honour and still confront his mob superiors? Jarmusch’s films often capture and are based around moments, yet his slow direction style in this picture is balanced by a beat heavy soundtrack compiled and composed by Wu Tang Clan’s the RZA. This is one of my favourite films, even though I haven’t seen it since it came out. I’m exited to see it through new eyes along with its French inspiration.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Favourite photographs of...
I would really appreciate it if you could g-mail me 1-3 pictures of yourself or other clubhousers that you really like (the pictures, not necessarily the clubhousers). 3 megapixels or higher please--they are being printed professionally and added to a collage.
deadline:Friday February 9 Saturday February 10
I would really appreciate it if you could g-mail me 1-3 pictures of yourself or other clubhousers that you really like (the pictures, not necessarily the clubhousers). 3 megapixels or higher please--they are being printed professionally and added to a collage.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Writing Club is on tomorrow night
If you come you with your homework done (It doesn't even have to be an entire page) you will get fresh baked cookies.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Vet's Club gone private
ADDENDUM: I spoke with Ron earlier today and he mentioned that the turnout last night (I couldn't make it) was very good, in fact the dance floor was packed towards the end of the night. One thing I should mention is that the membership dues are enforced by the veteran's board (on behalf of other clubs that don't draw the same kind of business), not the management. Anyhow, the liquor control board talks to the veteran's club board and they talk to management, coupled with the pressures of fire code regulations and bad behaviour on certain nights...the membership makes sense. I definitely think that they deserve our support...many veteran's clubs around the lower mainland are closing after being consistently in the red (the entertainment and atmosphere at #298 are keeping it alive). Not to mention that a vet's club membership gets you into any local across North America or in England.
Membership is $26 anually and each member can sponsor 3 guests.
Membership is $26 anually and each member can sponsor 3 guests.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
The B&B Presents: Christian Scare Films
Just in case anyone questioned my fears of religion... This Sunday, I will be presenting two recent flicks about when Evangelism thinks too much of itself and goes too far.
7:00 pm

Jesus Camp (2006) USA
"Onward Christian Soldiers!" A documentary on the not so innocent side of Evangelist Summer camps. The Trailer proved terrifying.
9:00 pm
1950s Christian Scare Films
As a treat, and only if there is time, I will show some Christian Documentary Shorts from the 50s. I hope these documentaries prove to be edifying, if not hilarious.
9:30 pm

Saved (2004) USA
"They without sin cast the first stone." When a girl in an Evangelical Christian highschool winds up pregnant she finds herself becoming ostrasized and demonized, by her classmates and former friends. Maculay Culkin shows up as a Blastphemous Parapalegic. I am told this one's very funny.
Let me know if you're gonna make it out.
7:00 pm

Jesus Camp (2006) USA
"Onward Christian Soldiers!" A documentary on the not so innocent side of Evangelist Summer camps. The Trailer proved terrifying.
9:00 pm
1950s Christian Scare Films
As a treat, and only if there is time, I will show some Christian Documentary Shorts from the 50s. I hope these documentaries prove to be edifying, if not hilarious.
9:30 pm

Saved (2004) USA
"They without sin cast the first stone." When a girl in an Evangelical Christian highschool winds up pregnant she finds herself becoming ostrasized and demonized, by her classmates and former friends. Maculay Culkin shows up as a Blastphemous Parapalegic. I am told this one's very funny.
Let me know if you're gonna make it out.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pan's Labyrinth
7:20pm, Thursday February 1
Fifth Aveune Cinemas
It's a movie. Let me know and I'll make sure there are enough seats.
And, people, tag your posts.
Fifth Aveune Cinemas
It's a movie. Let me know and I'll make sure there are enough seats.
And, people, tag your posts.
They've let me loose...
On the airwaves.
For the next few weeks, every Friday from 1pm to 2pm, I'm gonna be on the radio!
CJSF 90.1 FM. I'll doing what they call a Jambalaya spot. Essentially playing songs from the New Music playlist, giving my 2 cents and generally rocking the house. This should give me time until I come up with my own radio show idea.
Please listen and call in to wish me a happy birthday! Haha. You can listen online as well, so you have no excuse, other than that whole, "I'll be working" thing.
Anyways, Stay tuned for more info on upcoming shows.
For the next few weeks, every Friday from 1pm to 2pm, I'm gonna be on the radio!
CJSF 90.1 FM. I'll doing what they call a Jambalaya spot. Essentially playing songs from the New Music playlist, giving my 2 cents and generally rocking the house. This should give me time until I come up with my own radio show idea.
Please listen and call in to wish me a happy birthday! Haha. You can listen online as well, so you have no excuse, other than that whole, "I'll be working" thing.
Anyways, Stay tuned for more info on upcoming shows.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
My Birthday.
The Big Three-Oh.
Friday February 2nd.
My place. Plans: Chill with my peeps.
Starts at 8, BYOB and friends (and presents for me, duh.)
Please come.
(also, thinking of picking up an Elvis platter or something like that before hand. Anyone down?)
Friday February 2nd.
My place. Plans: Chill with my peeps.
Starts at 8, BYOB and friends (and presents for me, duh.)
Please come.
(also, thinking of picking up an Elvis platter or something like that before hand. Anyone down?)
The B&B Presents: Ladies Night
Tonight is the second night of previously screened (at this movie night) films by B-town. Tonight is all about the ladies getting their sweet sweet revengeance. Two beautifully filmed, yet violent pictures from Asia.
7:00 pm

Lady Vengeance (2005) South Korea
Chan Wook Park’s final episode in his lauded Vengeance Trilogy. Started in 2002 with Sympathy for Mister Vengeance and followed up by Old Boy these independently watchable films are known for their cinematic beauty intertwined with violence. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is said to play like a heady opera of wrongful imprisonment and elaborate brutal revenge.
9:00 pm

Lady Snowblood (1973) Japan
This film from the Toho studios a favorite in this house for the Japanese Exploitation genre stars one of our favorite actresses of the 70s Meiko Kaji. Kaji - with her distinctively capturing looks of death - plays Lady Snoowblood who, through the brutal slaying of her parents, lives for only one reason, bloody revenge!
Next Week: Religion is Scary!
Jesus Camp and Saved
7:00 pm

Lady Vengeance (2005) South Korea
Chan Wook Park’s final episode in his lauded Vengeance Trilogy. Started in 2002 with Sympathy for Mister Vengeance and followed up by Old Boy these independently watchable films are known for their cinematic beauty intertwined with violence. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is said to play like a heady opera of wrongful imprisonment and elaborate brutal revenge.
9:00 pm

Lady Snowblood (1973) Japan
This film from the Toho studios a favorite in this house for the Japanese Exploitation genre stars one of our favorite actresses of the 70s Meiko Kaji. Kaji - with her distinctively capturing looks of death - plays Lady Snoowblood who, through the brutal slaying of her parents, lives for only one reason, bloody revenge!
Next Week: Religion is Scary!
Jesus Camp and Saved
Friday, January 26, 2007
The People's Prom
So, I was just wondering, you know, if you would, um, maybe like to, uh, go to the prom with me?
Tickets go on sale today, and they will sell out fast. Let's have sexy fun time! Very nice!!!
Tickets go on sale today, and they will sell out fast. Let's have sexy fun time! Very nice!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Vets Club this Saturday the 27th
Since Ron will be KJing with his kajillion songs, and Mariko and Lee plan to be there for a full night, let's meet up at the usual time.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Reminder: Brenton and Lindsey B-day Saturday!
Just a reminder that there will be a birthday celebration for Brenton and Lindsey this Saturday at Kat, Lindsey, Jaime et al's house this Saturday night (I know, et al, haven't met the fourth roommate). If you know either of them, enjoy karaoke or just want to be social that evening, I highly recommend you get the address from Kat.
I've been asked to host Karaoke for them and will be updating the song list with the February discs (which include most top 10 spanning different genres up to the first week of January). Check with Kat on the start time, I imagine 7-7:30pm.
I've been asked to host Karaoke for them and will be updating the song list with the February discs (which include most top 10 spanning different genres up to the first week of January). Check with Kat on the start time, I imagine 7-7:30pm.
EFS February Heads Up
Hey kids,
Before I depart for Sin City and a four day booze bender, I though I would give you a heads up on next month's EFS:
Evil Film School Presents: New York Sleazy
When: Friday, February 23rd
Two lost gems from the golden age of exploitation.
7:30pm - Telephone Book [1971]: Wacky comedy about one girl's quest to date the world's greatest obscene caller. Ahead of it's time.
9:15pm - Who Killed Teddy Bear [1965]: Post "Rebel" Sal Mineo is a creepy stalker with serious sexual hang-ups. First rate trash that's still creepy.
Doors: 7pm, Admission $5 - $10 Sliding scale
For more info: or
p.s. It's also my birthday that night, so get there early if you want birthday cake!
Before I depart for Sin City and a four day booze bender, I though I would give you a heads up on next month's EFS:
Evil Film School Presents: New York Sleazy
When: Friday, February 23rd
Two lost gems from the golden age of exploitation.
7:30pm - Telephone Book [1971]: Wacky comedy about one girl's quest to date the world's greatest obscene caller. Ahead of it's time.
9:15pm - Who Killed Teddy Bear [1965]: Post "Rebel" Sal Mineo is a creepy stalker with serious sexual hang-ups. First rate trash that's still creepy.
Doors: 7pm, Admission $5 - $10 Sliding scale
For more info: or
p.s. It's also my birthday that night, so get there early if you want birthday cake!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Friend of some Clubhousers on CBC
Bob mentioned this months bag on his website, but I thought I would let you guys know about it here now that it appears to have gone legit:
Heart of the World campaign.
More art is better.
Heart of the World campaign.
More art is better.
Pre-corpse, post-Wii Dinner
Saturday night, 8:30-8:45pm start at Nirvana on Main near Broadway.
RSVPs so I can get a table big enough for all... six of us?
RSVPs so I can get a table big enough for all... six of us?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Nerd Party!
It looks as though I am getting my two extra wiimotes today or tomorrow! I would've liked to have had 4 remotes, but Wii Play comes out next month and it comes with an extra wiimote.
I'd like to schedule a Wii Party for Saturday late afternoon prior to going to Body Worlds (that forces us to leave around 8:30 to get dinner and to Science World in a timely fashion).
I'm thinking of being ready for gaming around 3:30-4pm. Earlier birds will get guaranteed play time on the game(s) of their choice. Multiplayer games (number of people able to play at one time) as as follows:
Need for Speed Carbon (2)
Elebits (3 - limited to number of wiimotes)
Rayman Raving Rabbids (3 - limited to number of wiimotes)
Wii Sports (2, 3, or 4 - one wiimote is shared for bowling, boxing is 2-player only)
I do not have Zelda: Twilight Princess at this time as I have leant it out in exchange for Need for Speed.
House rules are as follows:
1. The wrist strap stays on all the time.
2. Mach 10 speeds are not required for the system to recognize your movements.
3. Share. I may have troubles adhering to this one, but I'll try.
4. The wrist strap stays on all the time.
Anyway, let me know if you're interested, feel free to bring snacks or drinks as dinner will be late.
I'd like to schedule a Wii Party for Saturday late afternoon prior to going to Body Worlds (that forces us to leave around 8:30 to get dinner and to Science World in a timely fashion).
I'm thinking of being ready for gaming around 3:30-4pm. Earlier birds will get guaranteed play time on the game(s) of their choice. Multiplayer games (number of people able to play at one time) as as follows:
Need for Speed Carbon (2)
Elebits (3 - limited to number of wiimotes)
Rayman Raving Rabbids (3 - limited to number of wiimotes)
Wii Sports (2, 3, or 4 - one wiimote is shared for bowling, boxing is 2-player only)
I do not have Zelda: Twilight Princess at this time as I have leant it out in exchange for Need for Speed.
House rules are as follows:
1. The wrist strap stays on all the time.
2. Mach 10 speeds are not required for the system to recognize your movements.
3. Share. I may have troubles adhering to this one, but I'll try.
4. The wrist strap stays on all the time.
Anyway, let me know if you're interested, feel free to bring snacks or drinks as dinner will be late.
Jolly Rodger,
Video Games
Monday, January 08, 2007
Body Worlds
I am going to order tickets tomorrow for Body World 3 at Science World for Saturday,
If you are interested, Be prepared to attend at 4am on the morning of Saturday, but I'll aim for an evening spot. There are only 125 spots available for each time slot, so I am looking for solid responses by tomorrow 9am to ensure a respectable hour. If you are interested in going during any hour on the Saturday, post in the comments.
Rates are $20 for adults, $17 for students, with a $2/ticket surcharge for "convenience".
I'll post the time on here as soon as the tickets are ordered, for people who are waffling and would rather buy tickets on their own.
If you are interested, Be prepared to attend at 4am on the morning of Saturday, but I'll aim for an evening spot. There are only 125 spots available for each time slot, so I am looking for solid responses by tomorrow 9am to ensure a respectable hour. If you are interested in going during any hour on the Saturday, post in the comments.
Rates are $20 for adults, $17 for students, with a $2/ticket surcharge for "convenience".
I'll post the time on here as soon as the tickets are ordered, for people who are waffling and would rather buy tickets on their own.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Cup noodle day of mourning
I encourage everyone to eat a cup of noodles today, in memory of the late Momofuku Ando, inventor of instant ramen and cup noodle.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
7pm Saturday for dinner. Let me know asap if you're planning on coming so I can make reservations (assuming I still can.)
Blogger Switch - A message for authors
Scott illuminated the fact that the Clubhouse has a scant 6 authors now because I switched over to the new Blogger (because it's more awesome and blog authors who are logged on don't have to type in the stupid key pass phrase to post comments).
To remedy this problem, follow my simple steps (no guarantee that it will work, as I have never HAD to do this, as I was the catalyst, not actually the flock):
Log into Old Blogger (you get the choice of Old or New now). If you're already logged on, log out and log back into Old Blogger. Click the SWITCH NOW button that features somewhere prominent on the front page. Sign in with a google account or a gmail account. You are now allowed to use New Blogger. But, wait! Make sure you log out of all Google products and Blogger before attempting to post again.
This, pressumably, will get you up and posting again. If not, be patient. Somehow that worked for another author of the blog and he ended up with two accounts to write for the Clubhouse (so I deleted one, if it was the wrong one, I am sorry).
If anyone else has sage advice to give to the old bloggees, post it in the dear old comments.
To remedy this problem, follow my simple steps (no guarantee that it will work, as I have never HAD to do this, as I was the catalyst, not actually the flock):
Log into Old Blogger (you get the choice of Old or New now). If you're already logged on, log out and log back into Old Blogger. Click the SWITCH NOW button that features somewhere prominent on the front page. Sign in with a google account or a gmail account. You are now allowed to use New Blogger. But, wait! Make sure you log out of all Google products and Blogger before attempting to post again.
This, pressumably, will get you up and posting again. If not, be patient. Somehow that worked for another author of the blog and he ended up with two accounts to write for the Clubhouse (so I deleted one, if it was the wrong one, I am sorry).
If anyone else has sage advice to give to the old bloggees, post it in the dear old comments.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Notice: Writing Group Homework
Writing Group Homework is posted on the Writing Group blog. Don't worry it is not too onerous.
PS Further info on Scott's B-day requested!!
PS Further info on Scott's B-day requested!!
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