Thursday, August 02, 2007

Jeff is asking The Clubhouse...

Jeff is asking for recommendations on cell phone deals.
He has no phone and no service.

Come September, Jeff has to get hooked up quick for work and fun. Shopping for such things gives Jeff headaches.

Jeff asks: any tips?


Corinne said...

Most of us use Fido, so I would recommend Fido to Fido to keep in touch (~$30/month).

Work is best found via "" as it's basically the classifieds online.

Housing is or see if the Slack Shack has an opening :D

It'll be great to have you back, Jeff!

Owen said...

I'd say you can't go wrong with Fido's 'Unlimited Incoming Calls' package. $35 if using voicemail and call display.

For phones, I reccomend:
Sony Ericsson W3001 $25
sony Ericsson Z710i $50
Sony Ericsson Z310a $25