Hey Kids!
Just a reminder that Blaxpolitation Rarities II is happening this Friday, March 30th.
Doors open at 7pm, get there on time to get a good seat.
7:30pm - Black Shampoo [1976]: John Daniels (Candy Tangerine Man) plays Mr. Jonathan, a hairdresser as loved by the ladies as he is feared by the mob. When his new receptionist starts getting hassled by some mobsters, he takes matters into his own hands. With a chainsaw! Funny, fast & outrageous.
9:15pm - Savage! [1973]: Who cares what it's about, there's a big black dude named "Savage" with an all girl gang. And machine guns! Machine guns!
Admission: $5 - $10 (sliding scale)
And if you can't make it this month, here's what's in store for April & May:
April: Psych-Out!
BJ Lang Presents (The Manipulator): Mickey Rooney freaks out and kidnaps a woman so he can subject her to his "acting".
Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness: Writer-Director Anthony Newly also stars as Hieronymus Merkin, a Hollywood director having a massive midlife crisis who decides to make a film about his life and all the mistakes he's made. Self absorbed? You be the judge.
May: Shatner: The Early Years
Incubus [1965]: Satanic cult? Check. Shatner? Check. In Esperanto?! Check.
The Intruder [1962]: A young and sexy Shatner plays a charismatic racist in this Roger Corman pic.
Hope to see you there!
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