7:00 pm

Jesus Camp (2006) USA
"Onward Christian Soldiers!" A documentary on the not so innocent side of Evangelist Summer camps. The Trailer proved terrifying.
9:00 pm
1950s Christian Scare Films
As a treat, and only if there is time, I will show some Christian Documentary Shorts from the 50s. I hope these documentaries prove to be edifying, if not hilarious.
9:30 pm

Saved (2004) USA
"They without sin cast the first stone." When a girl in an Evangelical Christian highschool winds up pregnant she finds herself becoming ostrasized and demonized, by her classmates and former friends. Maculay Culkin shows up as a Blastphemous Parapalegic. I am told this one's very funny.
Let me know if you're gonna make it out.
saved was awesome, yo. it made me love macaulay culkin.
not again. for the first time. but at least I was able to forgive him for everything else he's ever done...
Sounds like a blast(phemy).
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