Monday, July 14, 2003

Rachael Contributes

Well, finally after a month and a half of stalling we have ADSL installed. Our housewarming went well. Plenty of people showed up. It was a jam session and we had great live loud music late into the night that I am assured my landlord who lives above us appreciated. I attempted to bore to death, by discussing postmodern theory, anyone I could corner. I was unfortunately too drunk to keep time and play the flute concurrently. Bob played well, though. We had a second quieter jam session that was this Saturday. Lots of fun we spent a lot of our time talking and listening to music from Karen's computer.
Karen and I have decorated. Our kitchen is lilac with a short breer rabbit-type story written in darker purple by the door. One of the walls in our living room is orange. We will also each pick a piece of music and paint them as sheets of music on the wall by the front door.
This week I am quite busy selling Geography Student Union shirts. Hoodies, zipper hoodies and t-shirts that have a small sfu crest with the word Geography written above it. I am holding "office hours" all week in the Geography Common's Room RCB6102 selling them. We have a Geography Student union meeting there tomorrow where we will be postering for our final BBQ which occurs on this Friday (July 18).
I am currently writing a paper for my regional development and planning course which is an analysis of sustainability in False Creek. I am very interested in social sustainable planning but False Creek is a top down authoritative model whereas if I had studied an area such as the Downtown East Side I would be discussing bottom up, community building models of development which interest me more. I am registering on Weds (July 16) I am debating whether I should take both Geog 355 a GIS course and Geog 301 methods and ideas in Geog as not only are the lectures only 10 mins apart but their final exams are only 1/2 hour apart. I feel maybe this would be too much.
I am also studying Japanese, the daily quizzes are becoming a bit much but to keep my interest keen I dragged Corinne to the public library to help me select Japanese children's' books to read.
I also bought three new books at the SFU bookstore sale. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, S.M. Celeste Galilei's (Galileo Galilei's daughter) Letter's to Father, and George Elliot's The Mill on the Floss. I am halfway through Canterbury Tales and I am almost finished Letters to Father. I am also waiting for Grae to finish the new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix so I can read it.
My flute is going well. I recently bought a book of celtic songs which I am enjoying. My trio may be held every week rather than just every two weeks. I would like that but it would be more consistent but I don't think I can continue on Monday nights as Geog 301 overlaps the trio time and if we hold the second trio time after my already late lesson I will have no time study for Japanese on Tuesday morning.
I am going to the Folk Festival with my Mum on Saturday. I forgot I have a co-op meeting to go to that day so I will have to reschedule the co-op meeting. Corinne and Grae's liver destruction party is on that day so apparently I have to start drinking at the festival beer garden and then come over after the night concert is over. Karen is thinking of having a poetry or literary passage reading night soon at our place (Ed. Note: it's called The Sorority House, Rachael). That is about all I can think of for now.

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