Wednesday, July 02, 2003

I'd post what Classic Movie I am, but I'd just repeat the image Corinne already posted.

I figured I should give my 2 cents about the movies Corinne mentioned, as I saw both of the as well.

28 Days Later:

I've been asked more than a few times since I've seen whether it was scary or not. I'm really not sure how to answer. On one hand there was a few parts where I jumped (and one part with horrible eye pain that had me cringing), and a truly creepy vibe to it. On the other, it was more about developing a fairly complex theme about social relationships and such. I think I am a little de-sensitized to zombie violence and that maybe one reason I wouldn't think of it as scary, as well, I think that to call it a scary movie would belittle the rest of what the movie had to say. Anyways, Great movie, wickedly acted, directed, and effected (the zombies were fucking killer!).


It's tempting to think of this as a comedy, in which you just laugh at the the subjects of the film. But again, I think that would do the movie a diservice, since it brings much more to the table. It deals with motivations, competition, class, and parental relationships. Sure it has some of the funniest scenes and characters I have ever seen on film (all the more funny because they are real), but it also has depth. Another good movie, and tha tmakes two in a row.

Kevin's Birthday:

Went out for a few drinks on Monday night for Kevin's birthday. We met at the Granville Room. There we met Kevin and the whole BBS (Burnaby Boy Squad) as well as Rachel, Bob, and a bunch of SFU philosophy types. The BBS pussied out early, with what I am sure are truly great excuses, and the rest of us decided to leave the horrible 'chachi' confines of the Granville Room for the cozier, watered-down beer flavour of the Lamplighter. A few beer, and some really lively debate later we parted ways, in what I think was a fun and successful evening. Good times.

Link of the day:

Band of the Day: Good Clean Fun.

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