Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Liver Destruction Info

This Saturday (July 19) at 8pm begins the Liver Destruction Party 2003. This is going to be the last Clubhouse party for a little while.

Edward Fortyhands participants, the game begins at 8:30pm. If you haven't been briefed of the early game, email me if you are interested.

The Drinkmasters will be appointed at random at 9:30pm. Monopoly money ($1K per person) will be distributed at this time. This is pure compitition, with the ablity to exempt yourself. Drinkmasters are allowed to command someone to finish their drink, at a cost. They have to finish their drink regardless. The commanded can bribe the Drinkmaster $100 or finish their drink (if the commanded finish his/her drink, the commanded get $100). Either way, the commanded becomes a Drinkmaster whether they drank or not. Because we are not trying to give out alcohol poisoning, the game will end at midnight and the wealthiest wins a prize (A&B G.C.s). Smaller rules: Drinkmasters can't ask the same person on the same round. If you're broke and you're commanded to drink, you're drinking your drink. Drinkmasters cannot have reign for more than 20 minutes. If you fear this take small cups or watered/soda'd down alcohol. If you need a cheat code because you aren't feeling well, talk to me. We're not a vengeful bunch, and the profit is made in the declining, so don't feel guilty decling if you aren't in for a win. The more bribing the Drinkmasters, the better the compitition.

Edward Fortyhanders are exempt from the Drinkmasters' rules. Fortyhanders can collect their money to participate when they are finished. Fortyhanders will be given bonus funds (to be determined $200-$500) to compensate for previous drinking.

There may be smaller drinking games, but both of these allow for social interaction and don't tie anyone down to one table/room/game.

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