1. I will need music selections in advance for Liver Destruction. The set up will involve the bedroom being off-limits for everyone to give the cats a private place, while letting the front door be open for the night. I have some fun drinking songs, and the odd "party hit", but any suggestion for keeping the beat alive would be appreciated.
2. I was mulling over Mike's disappointment with Gareth & Sophie's Casa name. Seems Mike wanted the title Casa as well. To which Karen piped in that her and Rachael's pad needed a name. As I was exiting, The Sorority House was founded (this will bring me back to point three in a bit). Anyway, as I was falling asleep last night I came up with a bunch. Here are a bunch that I recall: The Frat House, the Treehouse, the (Rec.) Centre (which I think is the most apt for Mike), the Flat, the Dwelling, the Shire (but I seriously doubt we know anyone who has a geeky enough place to warrant this), the Pad, the Beach House, the Common Room, the Forum, the Station, the Commune, the Watering Hole, the Coop, the Conservation, the Habitat, the Teatersalong (Swedish for house), the Laboratory (muhahahahaha!), etc. I'm going to work on thinking of more so that Mike can pick out one that he (and Ang) likes.
3. The Sorority House needs a birthday (as Karen & Rachael's b-days are a week apart) hazing party. This could be so much fun (and messy!). Now, of course, it should be exclusively female (and in doing so would allow for more gruesome/hilarious hazings), but I think it would be fun to have some he-sisters initiated. It'll have to occur in the summer, probably while it's still warm out, and not on a rainy day. Some traditional hazings include: dressing the "juniors" as babies (or stripping them down to their skivvies--this isn't just for the opportunity to see others underwear, as you'll see), miscellaneous food fight (this is all outdoors at a park or front lawn)--ingredients such as flour, eggs, ketchup, mustard, whipped cream, shaving cream, cream pie, other cheap mild and sticking substances that won't burn eyes or mouths, ice baths (warm summers + gross food fights + ice/hose baths = almost refreshing), parade of hazees, some sort of obstacle course, beer, beer and more beer. Of course we will have the two initial sisters Karen and Racheal exempt from the mess, but there can also be open positions such as photographer/cameraperson. I'm in for whatever mess/initiation, especially if there is a shortage of volunteers. We'll definitely need five people being hazed to make it balanced. I think Double-Pi would be a great name for the Sorority. Another one of Corinne's falling asleep ideas. May be held in and around the Clubhouse if the Sorority house is unavailable. Because, quite frankly, I don't believe one has lived until they have had a food fight.
4. Gearing up for the Liver Destruction Party. Drunken Moneybucks (the monopoly money game) will also be participated by those not drinking alcoholic beverages (see: Edward Fortyhands); those that are not drinking alcohol will take a "pay cut" as well as being discouraged to be challenged (you are just handing over $100 and the rule to someone soberish). They are still entered into the competition for the A&B Sound Gift Certificates, but they will find it harder to make money (if all things are aligned). So, the starting money is as follows:
Regular drinkers: $1,000.
Early Bird Bonus: $100 (One drink must be consumed between 8:30 and 9:30 in order to qualify)
Light drinkers (or non-drinkers): $700
Edward Fortyhands: $1500 @ 9:30, $1400 @ 10:00, $1300 @ 10:30, $1200 otherwise (this is when you have stopped Fortyhands and started Moneybucks)
It looks like there will be a different crowd for Saturday, so be prepared to meet some new people (and don't worry, there will be a secure place for personal items).
5. Uhm... the background changed... WHY?