Thursday, June 05, 2003

Even the bees are romancing me

Getting up really early after staying up really late to do homework isn't easy. I woke up either which way and as soon as I stepped outside I found something I've been missing for about 8 months. No, no, no--it's not my sanity. I found SUMMER! Very pleasant at 7am in my schoolgirl outfit. I have to catch my school bus on Powell, aka protitution row, which is generally empty at that time of the day so it rarely phases me. Anyway, every other trucker eyed the schoolgirl at the bus stop (kind of traumatic, actually), but what traumatized me the most was that a bee fell in love with my vanilla scent and red sweater vest. I realize that I am not afraid of bees, per se, but I will admit that I am not comfortable around them, nor am I comfortable swatting them. Childhood trauma of stepping on 7 bees in one day. You would think that would make me immune to the bee sting trama, but no, it seems to only have gotten worse over the years.

Then came the school part. Damn, school is boring in the summer. And terrible. I got my mid-term that I didn't really study for back. I got 65% (after the entire class got a bump with an extra mark, so really it was more like 62%) on something I genuinely expected to fail. All the questions were from the text book (which is painful to read at the best of times) and a few were loosely tied to the lectures. It kind of pissed me off that I was wasting 8 hours in a room a week listening to this pansy of an instructor talk about things that I could easily read at home in a third of the time. And probably make better sense and notes. And not have to deal with the two people who really like hearing their voices (ohhh the one girl was bad today). And spend more time in the sunshine. I hate intro anything now. I feel like I could infer most of these thing sfrom a higher level class rather than taking an intro and having two hours spent on the ecplaination that the House of Commons is elected and the Senate is appointed. For fuck's sake. Sorry about the language, I'm just frustrated with how he told us to study and then made all the lectures absolutely useless. The class is all about memorizing the text book and reguritating it back rather than learning about the sublect and relaying in back in our own words.

And philosophy is so not my thing. Or at least the regurgitation of Kant's catagorical imperative (blah blah blah).

After class I fell really sick on the bus. Over heated from this cruel summer we got hit with this afternoon (I admit it, it's a double-edged sword, I love it, I hate it) and ended up at work to rinse myself off with water and fill a bottle full of water. A bit of a detour, but necessary. I hadn't felt that sick in so long (instantly... I've been sicker recently).

I went to see Finding Nemo last night. Although one should not compare two "unlike" movies when reviewing, but Monsters Inc. was so much better, so much darker, so much more appealing. Finding Nemo definitely had its moments, and I really enjoyed it, but Monsters Inc. was so much more. There were no characters that irritated me in Monsters Inc., and as hard as I tried, I could not transpose the idoicy of Dorie (Dory?) under an image of G.I.R. like I was able to for Cowboy Bebop. Ellen Degeneres is evident as Ellen Degeneres. I think animation studios are better off getting no-namers to do character voices rather than big-named stars (I'm looking at you Disney's Sinbad).

Also to be included in my movie review section (really great reviews, huh?) is Identity. SPOILERS: You cheeky little curious bastard! You're going to ruin the movie! I am serious, if I said anything (including saying nothing or saying that I should say nothing or saying that I said nothing about saying anything) the movie would be spoiled. I guess I could theoretically comment on the acting. The big fat guy did a great job at looking crazy. And "I LIEK KAVINE SPASSEYY!11!111" A strong cast with some shitty dialogue once in a while. There were some strong plot twists and some seriously weak ones. Admittedly, I do like the thriller-thinking movies as of the past few years. In one way they have a reviewability, but that reviewability only lasts two extra views at most. You so want to read that, don't you? [laughing maniacly!]

So far for my birthday I got the Animatrix DVD and $50. I like munny. It's been a decent birthday so far, and I still have a frying pan to look forward to from my parents. I don't know if they'll get it for me, but it was my only request because I'm weird like that.

I had other stuff to say, but I need a shower a nap and travel time to watch the Radiohead concert at the movie theatre (that's weird, it really is). I'll post the Friday MP3 when I get in and will try to write a review about the Radiohead thingy tomorrow. But whenever I say I'm going to do something it fails miserably. Like that Ozzy review? Let's just say "he's old" and say I'm squared up for the review I promised.

Edit: Quite frankly, the ads on this thing are starting to make me feel uncomfortable. What the hell is up with the "Hotel near Cap College" ad? Did I mention Cap anywhere on this page?!

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