Monday, December 22, 2003

Paul Missed Out on the Following:

1. A very friendly US customs officer.
2. Jack in the Box. The magical one.
3. Bellis Fair and their great selection of pop culture stuff.
4. Hot fresh Krispy Kreme.
5. Shoe outlets.
6. Christianity outlet.
7. Cheap new shoes!
8. Lots of driving.
9. Getting lost in North Seattle.
10. Finding out way in North Seattle.
11. Christian!
12. Christian's place!
13. Saku!
14. Northgate mall. The temple of Nordstrom, God of Concrete.
15. Wizards of the Coast.
16. Kidd Valley and their killer garlic fries.
17. Cold Stone Ice Cream. With mashed in flavours.
18. Archie McPhee.
19. The intenational Twinkie taste test. There are supposed to be at least three commentaries here regarding it and the results.
20. Sports Night on DVD.
21. An early bed.
22. Hattie's Hat.
22. Capitol Hill and a half dozen sex shops.
23. Seattle Starbucks. Battling for a key to the pee room.
24. Peeing in the parking lot.
25. More driving.
26. Jack in the Box, take two. The ULTIMATE MAYO BURGER.
27. Bellis Fair, take two.
28. Fast border crossing!

And that was it in a nutshell. Or sure, crap happened and jokes were made. Bob was the weekend's bitch (he was tired, so it worked really well). Owen left a whole bunch of glass in Seattle purchased from Archie McPhee. I think it was a lot of fun, and definitely encourages me to make more trips in the new year.

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