Monday, December 08, 2003

D.O.S. Movie Nights Revision/Reminder


after some casual observations made last week (thanks to everyone who showed. see, culture is good) i have decided to cancel the godard program for this week (trust me, you'll thank me later). so in it's place we're moving the schedule up a week and replacing the Monday Dec 22 program with the first annual D.O.S. "Xmas-Crap Spectacular". in keeping with the Chirstmassy theme, the program will be kept secret (like a present from me to you), but trust me you do not want to miss it. those who don't show up will speak to others who did and weep. trust me.

so, to review:

Tuesday Dec 09/03 (TOMORROW) - Tom Tykwer
7pm: Wintersleepers
9pm: Heaven

Tuesday Dec 16/03 (for those of you not going to LOTR: EE marathon) - Shoei Imamura
7pm: Vengence is Mine
9pm: Warm Water Under a Red Bridge

MONDAY Dec 22/03 - 1rst Annual Xmas-Crap Spectacular
Program is TOP SECRET, but trust me it will be spectacular.
Remember to bring a small, wrapped gift ($5 & under... make something, recycle something you got last year that you hate... whatever) for the secret Chanukhah Harry exchange. Nog, mulled wine, & cookies will be provided. Additional donations of all of the above greatly appreciated.

Tuesday Dec 30/03 - Paul Verhoeven
7pm: The Fourth Man
9pm: Spetters

As usual, RSVP if you can (please, please, it makes our life much easier). Pop fund in effect and don't forget the XMAS CRAP SPECTACULARNESS on the 22nd.


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