Monday, December 22, 2003

The Great Canadian/USA Twinkie Blind Taste Test

Well, at Decemebereen Christian made a point of the fact that Canadian twinkies taste better than their american counter-parts. None of us canucks understood how this could be, and doubted the veracity of this claim. Since we were down at Christian's this last weekend we decided to try this idea out. Bob, Owen and I all discovered first hand which Twinkies were the best.

Visual: We were faced with two twinkies, one nice fluffy yellow one and one darker, uglier one. The darker one was the Canadian one (we found out later.) Owen surmized that Americans might be less likely to eat something with the lack of aesthetic qualities. The American one definately won the battle with regards to looks; the Canadian was dark, with a very mottled complection with a rough surface. Winner: USA

Texture: The Canadian one was moister and went down easier. The American one was dry and stuck to the inside of your mouth. Winner: Canada.

Taste (Pastry): The American one had a more citric chemical taste than the Canadian one, which had a subtler more refined taste. The American one lingered for a long time with a somewhat foul aftertaste. Winner: Canada

Taste (Filling): The Canadian twinkie had a much lighter filling, which again didn't overpower you. The American one had much more filling, but the filling tasted like sugar mixed with poison. I would have liked more filling in the Canadian one, but it still was better. Winner: Canada.

Overall Winner: Canada

It was our overwhelming decision that the Canadian twinkie was vastly superiour to the American counterpart. Both of them were pretty rank (especially with beer) but it was worth the test, and it turns out that Christian was right.

Special thanks to Christian for providing us with these twinkies to test.

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