Thursday, August 07, 2003

Thursday Link Day

South Park Studios: For those who haven't got their South Park character on their page.

Friendster: I admit I thought that this was bound to be incredibly lame and privacy-free, but I have seen the light! This thing is just too addictive. You get to see how much cooler your friends friends are than you are. And you can see how they are connected to you (by no more than three links). I have "five" friends right now, two have at least one other person on their list but somehow I am connected to over 8K people by three degrees. Illustrates the spam phenomenon nicely, though.

Listen To: Tracks, displays, groups together musical interests of people. Very cool tool. It shows your favourite MP3 album, song, artist, genre of music based on your ID3 tags.

Intolerable Cruelty: Coen brothers make another movie.

Hellboy: More movie fun (but don't worry, the theatres are already making sure there is crap to compete with it).

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: For all the bitching about bad television, once in a while something like this is made and makes me want to keep my stupid cable.

adFunture: I'm not entirely certain why they are chraging $65+ for these figures. Any takers?

What You Are: Stop taking Cosmo quizzes! Here is the truth!

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