Sunday, August 03, 2003

christian's new pad

christian is referring to himself in the third person today. later christian will get drunk in his new bachelor pad to christen it properly. first, he should probably unpack a bit more tho.

if anyone is planning on passing through seattle anytime, they should get ahold of christian. his new place is a tad small, but it's good enough for crashing for a night or two.

btw, he noticed corinne's naming of various places, and remembered seeing "the laboratory"... is that taken? if not, that would be a great name for christian's new bachelor pad. it would give him an excuse to lure attractive, nubile girls back to it so as to perform naughty 'speriments on them...

oh, and that's laboratory pronounced properly, the way dexter pronounces it. lah-BORE-a-tor-ee.


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