Pretty damn good show. Met up with Corinne and Graeme in the head zone, where we literally couldn't be any closer to the stage. I arrived, nearly late, with my pal Daniel. The two of us headed straight to the show after our 10-day trip to California, the last three days of which were spent driving--what a way to cap it off.
Here's the setlist, with comments about my personal highlights.
Sit Down. Stand Up: A great bout of wild dancing by Thom Yorke, which is probably my favorite thing about watching this band in concert.
Where I End & You Begin
Kid A: "This is a happy song about heads on sticks." Vastly different from the studio version. It might've been around this song that a V of Canada geese flew by and made the crowd cheer crazily; I suspect the band were oblivious to what happened to make the show even more of a spectacle.
Backdrifts: More fun dancing by Thom, so much better than the album recording.
Paranoid Android: I can never get tired of this song and its epicness. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD MAN, OFF WITH HIS HEAD, WHY DON'T YOU REMEMBER MY NAME?"
Sail To The Moon
You & Whose Army: Probably my favorite of the show. There was a video screen used throughout the show, and during the piano-centric first part to this song, Thom really hammed it up to the camera. Everyone was laughing at his facial expressions and vocal intonations. I've seen more serious versions of this song, so this take on it was a sweet surprise.
Go To Sleep
I Might Be Wrong
Like Spinning Plates
The Gloaming: Heavy heavy heavy bass and spooky loops and effects made this superior to the album version.
Idioteque: This my favorite Radiohead song, but this particular performance didn't blow me away as others have. The one in Vancouver 2001 was a bit better.
No Surprises
There There: Lovely tribal drumming by Phil joined by the guitarists Ed and Jonny, building up to Jonny's tasty guitar part.
The National Anthem
Wolf At The Door: The one song I hoped to hear the most; Thom's ranting and rapping is so much fun. "I WISH YOU'D GET UP GET OVER GET UP GET OVER AND TURN YOUR TAPE OFF!"
Street Spirit
Karma Police: Joined by Michael Stipe from REM, cool stuff. It was a bit hurt by being impromptu, but then that's not the point.
Everything In Its Right Place
So yes, it was quite a muy bueno concert. I can't say if this was a better show than Vancouver 2001; they were both amazing for different reasons.
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Friday, August 29, 2003
Stag Schedule
5:15pm : Matinee at the Ridge. Arrive 30 minutes before hand, please.
7:30pm : The Clubhouse (email for directions, or come with someone who knows their way around).
9:00pm : Stripclub (one downtown, the one on Richards? Any suggestions?)
10:30pm (latest) : Club downtown (Blarney Stone? Purple Onion? Any suggestions?) or street roaming.
Closing time : Since I have no idea when these things are going to close on a Sunday night on a long weekend (opposing concepts), we'll probably head back to the Clubhouse around midnight while the autobuses are still running.
12:30am-4am : Keeping Christian awake.
7:30pm : The Clubhouse (email for directions, or come with someone who knows their way around).
9:00pm : Stripclub (one downtown, the one on Richards? Any suggestions?)
10:30pm (latest) : Club downtown (Blarney Stone? Purple Onion? Any suggestions?) or street roaming.
Closing time : Since I have no idea when these things are going to close on a Sunday night on a long weekend (opposing concepts), we'll probably head back to the Clubhouse around midnight while the autobuses are still running.
12:30am-4am : Keeping Christian awake.
Kinji Fukasaku will be missed...
I really wish I'd been able to attend the Yakuza Graveyard evening, I actually managed to track down a classic, classic Kinji Fukasaku film in the search for Battle Royale 2 in some form...

In 1978, the world was priveleged to witness Kinji's own hommage a starwars, Message from Space. I'm sure production began in the days that followed the initial theatrical release of Star Wars in 1977, in order to cash in on the goldmine that George Lucas had unearthed. Much to its merit, Message from Space included Sonny Chiba, right off the set of Son of Street Fighter or whatever crap he was producing that year...
The plot starts with a vague resemblance of a certain jedi movie, but has several subtle differences before veering off into the canyon of no return. Initially, the planet of Jillucia is under attack by the evil Gavanas, an army of storm troopers with masks and capes and "laser swords", and as a last resort, King Kaiba sends out eight Liabe holy seeds to find willing warriors to liberate the Jillucian people. I remember dubbing these "space nuts" as characters started recovering these glowing walnuts everywhere.
Now, granted the "messages" weren't stored in the memory banks of a droid, but his daughter is princess Meia. Also, Sonny Chiba plays "Hans" and the leader of the Garvanas is the unrelenting General Garuda, who chases the Jillucians off in their tall ships that fly through space.

However, "Hans" is the "jedi" in this tale, the only warrior capable of facing off with General Garuda. The rogue ex-military type in this movie is played by Vic Morrow, who is followed around by his droid, one that resembles Expo Ernie (8 years later). The best scene is where Vic has completely given up all hope of ever stopping the galactic empire of the Garvanas and retreats to the cantina where Expo Ernie flails his arms around screaming "No more booze! No more booze!"...then...lo and behold...Vic finds a space nut in his ale!
Here's Vic and his little buddy.

How it is that Joel Hodgson and the gang missed this classic in the 10 seasons of MST3K, I'll never know. It's a genuinely easy target...maybe they felt it was too easy...but that would rule out "This island earth".

In 1978, the world was priveleged to witness Kinji's own hommage a starwars, Message from Space. I'm sure production began in the days that followed the initial theatrical release of Star Wars in 1977, in order to cash in on the goldmine that George Lucas had unearthed. Much to its merit, Message from Space included Sonny Chiba, right off the set of Son of Street Fighter or whatever crap he was producing that year...
The plot starts with a vague resemblance of a certain jedi movie, but has several subtle differences before veering off into the canyon of no return. Initially, the planet of Jillucia is under attack by the evil Gavanas, an army of storm troopers with masks and capes and "laser swords", and as a last resort, King Kaiba sends out eight Liabe holy seeds to find willing warriors to liberate the Jillucian people. I remember dubbing these "space nuts" as characters started recovering these glowing walnuts everywhere.
Now, granted the "messages" weren't stored in the memory banks of a droid, but his daughter is princess Meia. Also, Sonny Chiba plays "Hans" and the leader of the Garvanas is the unrelenting General Garuda, who chases the Jillucians off in their tall ships that fly through space.

However, "Hans" is the "jedi" in this tale, the only warrior capable of facing off with General Garuda. The rogue ex-military type in this movie is played by Vic Morrow, who is followed around by his droid, one that resembles Expo Ernie (8 years later). The best scene is where Vic has completely given up all hope of ever stopping the galactic empire of the Garvanas and retreats to the cantina where Expo Ernie flails his arms around screaming "No more booze! No more booze!"...then...lo and behold...Vic finds a space nut in his ale!
Here's Vic and his little buddy.

How it is that Joel Hodgson and the gang missed this classic in the 10 seasons of MST3K, I'll never know. It's a genuinely easy target...maybe they felt it was too easy...but that would rule out "This island earth".
On the big screen they must be giants!
Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns is a doc about They Might Be Giants, and it's playing at the Ridge this Friday to Sunday, 7:30 & 9:30, with a Sunday matinee at 5:15.
Would the matinee be compatible with the Mock Stag II? Christian's outed himself as a TMBG afficianado, but he couldn't possibly be the only one here.
Would the matinee be compatible with the Mock Stag II? Christian's outed himself as a TMBG afficianado, but he couldn't possibly be the only one here.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
1. Sorry for not making it out last night, guys. I wasn't feeling well. But that is no excuse. Next time I'll make you all ill and come. Sounded like I missed some great flicks.
2. I can pay for school. With $9,530 to my name (with a debt of $7,000 something), I can afford school. Hooray for me! I got the maximum coverage AND a grant of $3K. I rock.
3. Went to a show on Monday (by pure chance). It was one of those decisions that you make when you don't want to be inside all day. So Grae, who also had Monday off, and I ventured out to... Nothing. We decided to catch up with Gareth, as he's one of our fellow Monday-offers. Went to Virgin where I harrassed a store clerk about how Virgin/EMI's copy protect doesn't work on my discman and asked for suggestions on how to consume their shitass products in workable order. His suggestion? Take back my discman and get a newer version. This would be impossible as I got my discman on sale and it's not the discman's fault. Any new disman that would be on par with mine would have a digital out and still have the same problem. EMI/Virgin causes the end consumer to work EXTRA hard to listen to their buggy discs. Bastards. He also offered that I buy import versions ($30 vs. $15 for the CD I was looking at) as overseas versions (other than Australia and NZ) are free of the software that is buggy. So, as a consumer, I have to pay extra. Either by buying import or buying a new disman solely for the purposes of listening to EMI discs. ::grumble::
After that we ended up back at Metrotown A&B, where Andrew offered us a ride to a show of Sara's in Slurrey/Whalley. Grae and I took it, Gareth stayed back (think he was making plans with his new heterolifemate, Owen). It was a good show. It was odd that End This Week With Knives (the very firstest band) ended up earning my respect the most. The drummer from Misery Signals was the awesomest. He played in his drawers. Anyway, after all the bands played, Sara paid everyone including the sound guy (who almost never gets paid, but does it for the fun of it). Apparently Savannah (from Edmonton) felt that they weren't paid enough ($100 for half an hour of work for something that you should love doing for a crowd that's into it isn't bad) despite other people getting paid less. And apparently, Savannah does this kind of shit to promoters often enough that there were grumbling murmurs out back about it. Something about the singer would rather play to no one for $1K than to play for a full house and get paid $100. The guy was a massive dick and yelled at Sara until she broke down crying because she had no money left (and shouldn't give them any on principle--she paid them well). Guy was a cockmuncher. After all was said and done (and Savannah and their pack of bitchy girlfriends left), I found out that well before the payment went around, End This Week With Knives gave up their share of the profits to go to the other bands (one from a WI, and another from NC) because they were local and didn't need it. They played for the fun and exposure. That is how you get to other shows, and have your name at the top of a promoter's list. You team play and enjoy yourself. I totally repsected that.
That night I learned that slurpee machines get cleaned at 1am.
4. Found this link. Just read it to the end. Disgusting.
5. And I was in a bus accident. My bus took a door off of a car.
2. I can pay for school. With $9,530 to my name (with a debt of $7,000 something), I can afford school. Hooray for me! I got the maximum coverage AND a grant of $3K. I rock.
3. Went to a show on Monday (by pure chance). It was one of those decisions that you make when you don't want to be inside all day. So Grae, who also had Monday off, and I ventured out to... Nothing. We decided to catch up with Gareth, as he's one of our fellow Monday-offers. Went to Virgin where I harrassed a store clerk about how Virgin/EMI's copy protect doesn't work on my discman and asked for suggestions on how to consume their shitass products in workable order. His suggestion? Take back my discman and get a newer version. This would be impossible as I got my discman on sale and it's not the discman's fault. Any new disman that would be on par with mine would have a digital out and still have the same problem. EMI/Virgin causes the end consumer to work EXTRA hard to listen to their buggy discs. Bastards. He also offered that I buy import versions ($30 vs. $15 for the CD I was looking at) as overseas versions (other than Australia and NZ) are free of the software that is buggy. So, as a consumer, I have to pay extra. Either by buying import or buying a new disman solely for the purposes of listening to EMI discs. ::grumble::
After that we ended up back at Metrotown A&B, where Andrew offered us a ride to a show of Sara's in Slurrey/Whalley. Grae and I took it, Gareth stayed back (think he was making plans with his new heterolifemate, Owen). It was a good show. It was odd that End This Week With Knives (the very firstest band) ended up earning my respect the most. The drummer from Misery Signals was the awesomest. He played in his drawers. Anyway, after all the bands played, Sara paid everyone including the sound guy (who almost never gets paid, but does it for the fun of it). Apparently Savannah (from Edmonton) felt that they weren't paid enough ($100 for half an hour of work for something that you should love doing for a crowd that's into it isn't bad) despite other people getting paid less. And apparently, Savannah does this kind of shit to promoters often enough that there were grumbling murmurs out back about it. Something about the singer would rather play to no one for $1K than to play for a full house and get paid $100. The guy was a massive dick and yelled at Sara until she broke down crying because she had no money left (and shouldn't give them any on principle--she paid them well). Guy was a cockmuncher. After all was said and done (and Savannah and their pack of bitchy girlfriends left), I found out that well before the payment went around, End This Week With Knives gave up their share of the profits to go to the other bands (one from a WI, and another from NC) because they were local and didn't need it. They played for the fun and exposure. That is how you get to other shows, and have your name at the top of a promoter's list. You team play and enjoy yourself. I totally repsected that.
That night I learned that slurpee machines get cleaned at 1am.
4. Found this link. Just read it to the end. Disgusting.
5. And I was in a bus accident. My bus took a door off of a car.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Confessions Of A Rum-Addled Mind (Vol. 10)
- The search for local swimming holes
- Jon's 10K Day overview
- Wicked links to enjoy
NOTE: I will post photos from the boiler room party, swimming holes and Jon's 10K day later this week. PLUS an MP3 recorded live of Ava's brother's band performing "Family Tree".
(1) The search for local swimming holes
Yeah, yeah, yeah...we live in BC and have access to mountains, lakes, creeks, oceans...blah, blah, blah. Ok where smartass?
a) Belcarra Park (port moody, bc) *closed due to dryness/fires*
Buntzen lake proved to be a bit of a disappointment, limited parking and a small, murky swimming area make this rocky beach more of a kayak launch. Paths that go over the dam and hydro plant are fun for cyclists.
Sasamat Lake has a floating bridge, a dock and two beaches but the water is murky and the beaches crowded. Useless for snorkeling but not a totally unpleasant swim.
White Pines beach has many areas for picnics, BBQ's, boat launches and a bit of swimming. Parking is impossible.
b) Golden Ears Park (maple ridge, bc)
Lower Falls has a moderate current with many big rocks to climb amongst, cold as a glacier but clean and fresh. Swim with fish!
North Beach has many little outcroppings of rocks along the creek and opens into a lake where people can boat, swim and cliff dive from the south shore. Swim with fish!
Alouette Lake is a huge body of water with an enormous swimming area, south dam and mostly rocky bottom so it's clear and great for snorkeling. Large picnic/BBQ area off beach and good parking.
c) Lynn Valley Canyon (North Vancouver, bc)
Haven't been here yet, but it's the FREE suspension bridge on the north shore (the sucker tourists go to capilano). Forest trails, cliff diving and rushing rapids and falls are pretty cool. I have yet to go here this year.
NOTE: Undercurrents and rock traps make cliff diving here DEADLY.
d) Qualicum Beach (Qualicum bc)
Incredible ocean swimming, crabs, sand dollars and starfish. Clean and warm when the tide comes in on a hot day...pure sand. One of the best places I've ever been for snorkeling. PLUS flavored soft serve ice cream!
(2) Jon's 10K Day Overview
I headed for Jon's 10K Day party at his parent's place in Port Kells (industrial area with 2 houses out in the middle of nowhere) after picking Sean up from Braid. Quite a lineup of cars on the dirt road (Harvie) which a Cop came by to comment on. How he found the place I'll never know...damn bored police.
Party took place in the majority of the backyard, with a food table, fire pit, DJ table, sound system, band gear and an area outlined with survivor torches that constituted a stage. Many glowing raver rods to be seen around collars, hips, even the dog. Jon made curtains out of a bunch of them to hang from the clothes line.
Plus, a sunshine Pinata! I missed Jon breaking it open in the rush to my car for the camera. Talked to many old friends: Jason (insane civic mods and many good weed tales), Scott (if I am a media assassin, this is my sensei), Sean (our own globetrotting journalist, see Sobaka), Mike (crazy mennonite from Abbotsford), Josh (Josh won best scum at the
knights of nee 2001 initiations and is in visual effects for TV), Ava (her brother's band, childhood nightmares and party details).
I drank this Margarita Ice beverage that had only tequila in it...wasn't terribly impressed but wanted to try something new from the cold beer + wine store, Jimmy Mac's. I didn't see how much Jon had but once he was on the MIC, it didn't matter..."REVENGE!"
Ava's brother's band came on and played 7 or 8 songs, I was quite flattered that they asked me to record them (that's what I do, I sneak a DAT deck into a concert and tape it with binaural mics). The guitars were not mixed on the board, so I hauled out my mics and stood 20 feet in front, equidistant from each amp. The recording turned out great, I'll post an MP3 here.
I felt bad for his parents, who opened only the washroom downstairs to the public, but were obviously woken up by people banging on the washroom door and a slight commotion from a group converged around a guy who was so high, the only sign of life was minimal breathing.
Had many an interesting conversation with Sean about the state of the province, the sociological implications of people's attitudes in the single scene and cultural differences abroad including liberal attitudes to drugs and casual sex (can't decide which is more popular in B.C.). True gonzo style journalism I see in this young master's future...the way of the gonzo is the only path.
Unfortunately, that path involves many stops along the way to evacuate the contents of your stomach.
(3) Wicked Links to enjoy
What are we going to do now that Wesley Willis has passed on? Use this automatic song generator to continue making songs that follow his visionary approach. I also like the pictures and concert review, especially his response to fan requests for "Play Jesus is the answer!", "Come up on stage and play with my balls!"
Anyone here ever wasted time roleplaying? If only there was a way to eliminate all the hard work of rolling dice and making decisions. Now you can...Progress Quest is the greatest RPG ever made! Try it for yourself and see how effortlessly you can build a character and vanquish your enemies while doing something more productive.
Imagine if "The Matrix" was not really about a virtual simulation enslaving humanity, but about PIZZA! Everybody loves pizza and this re-written script complete with doctored images will explain what's really going on with Neo (complete with mustache, chef's hat and anti-dominoes pizza company).
- The search for local swimming holes
- Jon's 10K Day overview
- Wicked links to enjoy
NOTE: I will post photos from the boiler room party, swimming holes and Jon's 10K day later this week. PLUS an MP3 recorded live of Ava's brother's band performing "Family Tree".
(1) The search for local swimming holes
Yeah, yeah, yeah...we live in BC and have access to mountains, lakes, creeks, oceans...blah, blah, blah. Ok where smartass?
a) Belcarra Park (port moody, bc) *closed due to dryness/fires*
Buntzen lake proved to be a bit of a disappointment, limited parking and a small, murky swimming area make this rocky beach more of a kayak launch. Paths that go over the dam and hydro plant are fun for cyclists.
Sasamat Lake has a floating bridge, a dock and two beaches but the water is murky and the beaches crowded. Useless for snorkeling but not a totally unpleasant swim.
White Pines beach has many areas for picnics, BBQ's, boat launches and a bit of swimming. Parking is impossible.
b) Golden Ears Park (maple ridge, bc)
Lower Falls has a moderate current with many big rocks to climb amongst, cold as a glacier but clean and fresh. Swim with fish!
North Beach has many little outcroppings of rocks along the creek and opens into a lake where people can boat, swim and cliff dive from the south shore. Swim with fish!
Alouette Lake is a huge body of water with an enormous swimming area, south dam and mostly rocky bottom so it's clear and great for snorkeling. Large picnic/BBQ area off beach and good parking.
c) Lynn Valley Canyon (North Vancouver, bc)
Haven't been here yet, but it's the FREE suspension bridge on the north shore (the sucker tourists go to capilano). Forest trails, cliff diving and rushing rapids and falls are pretty cool. I have yet to go here this year.
NOTE: Undercurrents and rock traps make cliff diving here DEADLY.
d) Qualicum Beach (Qualicum bc)
Incredible ocean swimming, crabs, sand dollars and starfish. Clean and warm when the tide comes in on a hot day...pure sand. One of the best places I've ever been for snorkeling. PLUS flavored soft serve ice cream!
(2) Jon's 10K Day Overview
I headed for Jon's 10K Day party at his parent's place in Port Kells (industrial area with 2 houses out in the middle of nowhere) after picking Sean up from Braid. Quite a lineup of cars on the dirt road (Harvie) which a Cop came by to comment on. How he found the place I'll never know...damn bored police.
Party took place in the majority of the backyard, with a food table, fire pit, DJ table, sound system, band gear and an area outlined with survivor torches that constituted a stage. Many glowing raver rods to be seen around collars, hips, even the dog. Jon made curtains out of a bunch of them to hang from the clothes line.
Plus, a sunshine Pinata! I missed Jon breaking it open in the rush to my car for the camera. Talked to many old friends: Jason (insane civic mods and many good weed tales), Scott (if I am a media assassin, this is my sensei), Sean (our own globetrotting journalist, see Sobaka), Mike (crazy mennonite from Abbotsford), Josh (Josh won best scum at the
knights of nee 2001 initiations and is in visual effects for TV), Ava (her brother's band, childhood nightmares and party details).
I drank this Margarita Ice beverage that had only tequila in it...wasn't terribly impressed but wanted to try something new from the cold beer + wine store, Jimmy Mac's. I didn't see how much Jon had but once he was on the MIC, it didn't matter..."REVENGE!"
Ava's brother's band came on and played 7 or 8 songs, I was quite flattered that they asked me to record them (that's what I do, I sneak a DAT deck into a concert and tape it with binaural mics). The guitars were not mixed on the board, so I hauled out my mics and stood 20 feet in front, equidistant from each amp. The recording turned out great, I'll post an MP3 here.
I felt bad for his parents, who opened only the washroom downstairs to the public, but were obviously woken up by people banging on the washroom door and a slight commotion from a group converged around a guy who was so high, the only sign of life was minimal breathing.
Had many an interesting conversation with Sean about the state of the province, the sociological implications of people's attitudes in the single scene and cultural differences abroad including liberal attitudes to drugs and casual sex (can't decide which is more popular in B.C.). True gonzo style journalism I see in this young master's future...the way of the gonzo is the only path.
Unfortunately, that path involves many stops along the way to evacuate the contents of your stomach.
(3) Wicked Links to enjoy
What are we going to do now that Wesley Willis has passed on? Use this automatic song generator to continue making songs that follow his visionary approach. I also like the pictures and concert review, especially his response to fan requests for "Play Jesus is the answer!", "Come up on stage and play with my balls!"
Anyone here ever wasted time roleplaying? If only there was a way to eliminate all the hard work of rolling dice and making decisions. Now you can...Progress Quest is the greatest RPG ever made! Try it for yourself and see how effortlessly you can build a character and vanquish your enemies while doing something more productive.
Imagine if "The Matrix" was not really about a virtual simulation enslaving humanity, but about PIZZA! Everybody loves pizza and this re-written script complete with doctored images will explain what's really going on with Neo (complete with mustache, chef's hat and anti-dominoes pizza company).
Bubba Ho-Tep (September 19th, 2003)

As you may or may not be aware, cult film legend Bruce Campbell has a new film coming out called "Bubba Ho-Tep", based on a short story by cult novelist Joe R. Lansdale. This movie tells the truth about
Elvis Presley, having switched places with an impersonator before his supposed death and retreating to a long term care facility to make friends with John F. Kennedy and do battle with an Egyptian entity.
If you get as excited as me about independent film enterprises that involve names like bruce campbell, your first inclination is to seek out the source and become as informed as possible. I thought it best to approach Mr. Ho-tep himself. Here are the emails:
From: ilich_m@/NOSPAM/
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 09:59 AM
Subject: Is this where I send superfan mail?
Dear Bruce,
I heard you're coming out with a new movie called Bubba Ho-tep about an Egyptian god who takes over an old folks home where you play a retired Elvis Presley with John F. Kennedy as your sidekick. Did you hang around with a lot of Elvis impersonators to exemplify their typical clichés or study old Elvis footage to give as authentic a depiction of a modern-day Elvis as possible?
How did you prepare for the role of my favorite hero of the silver screen, ASH?
Have you ever really killed anyone with your chin? Would you win in a fight with Jay Leno?
>To: ilich_m@/NOSPAM/
>Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:59 AM
>Subject: Howdy.
> Howdy. Thanks for the e-mail. This response may have all the stink of
>those automated, web-site generated e-mails, but rest assured, it's not.
>This letter was personally composed by me in the comfort of my own home at
>great time and expense.
> If you believe that, I've got some ocean front property outside of Phoenix
>you might be interested in...=)
> Best,
> Bruce
Needless to say, I suppose it's best he didn't read my sarcastic drivel, but rather had a computer automatically respond with equally sarcastic drivel. I thought it best to omit a request for further information about the property...
Monday, August 25, 2003
I didn't die while riding a motorcycle. It was kinda fun (although I was bad at being a rider on the turns--I did not want to go towards the ground!).
Grae's work picnic was kinda lame, but the food wasn't bad and it was free.
E-Milly and Trey and G-Money and I went for dessert at Death by Chocolate to subsidize the lack of dessert at the pick-a-nick.
Back to the Clubhouse, watched a little CKY.
Saturday, I missed out on Jon's 10K day festival. Waiting on reviews from at least one of you I knew went.
Milk day was missed for work. Waiting on reviews from at least one of you I knew went.
On Friday & Saturday I ran into a couple of Owen's friends. Both outside my work. Craig was picking up a car from his sister's work, and Dave was bringing up a hub for a LAN party. Both of them took a bit to recognize me since losing my big chunk of weight (ha!).
On Friday, Bob, Karen, Chino and Rachael all came over to watch a movie (turned out to be Animatrix as opposed to the originally planned Punch-Drunk Love).
Grae's work picnic was kinda lame, but the food wasn't bad and it was free.
E-Milly and Trey and G-Money and I went for dessert at Death by Chocolate to subsidize the lack of dessert at the pick-a-nick.
Back to the Clubhouse, watched a little CKY.
Saturday, I missed out on Jon's 10K day festival. Waiting on reviews from at least one of you I knew went.
Milk day was missed for work. Waiting on reviews from at least one of you I knew went.
On Friday & Saturday I ran into a couple of Owen's friends. Both outside my work. Craig was picking up a car from his sister's work, and Dave was bringing up a hub for a LAN party. Both of them took a bit to recognize me since losing my big chunk of weight (ha!).
On Friday, Bob, Karen, Chino and Rachael all came over to watch a movie (turned out to be Animatrix as opposed to the originally planned Punch-Drunk Love).
Sorry for the late notice/ Yakuza Appocalypse
Hey All.
Sorry for the late-ish notice, but if you were at Freddy v. Jason last tuesday (and a big shout out to everyone who was. it was hella-fun (excuse the pun) if only barely tolerable. i did plan on posting a review, but this week kinda wupped my ass. maybe i'll get around to it later. ha ha) you already know. so you have no excuse.
so: This Tuesday (Aug 26) starting at 7pm (because meeko has to get up the next day) we will be providing for your viewing pleasure, two early Kenji Fukusaku films as a memorial tribute.
(graveyard theme was unintentional, it's just what we got)
For those of you not clear on who Fukusaku was, he was the director of BATTLE ROYALE and one of the most prolific Japanese directors right up until his death earlier this year while filming BATTLE ROYALE 2 which was finnished by his son who knew it was likely his father would die during the filming.
The films on Tuesday are from his early '60's Yakuza cycle and are considered two of his best, and two of the best of the genre.
Also, schedule permitting we may have a special guest: Vancouver's own Sinister Sam in attendance.
RSVP me if you can so we have an idea of numbers (or to get directions).
Sorry for the late-ish notice, but if you were at Freddy v. Jason last tuesday (and a big shout out to everyone who was. it was hella-fun (excuse the pun) if only barely tolerable. i did plan on posting a review, but this week kinda wupped my ass. maybe i'll get around to it later. ha ha) you already know. so you have no excuse.
so: This Tuesday (Aug 26) starting at 7pm (because meeko has to get up the next day) we will be providing for your viewing pleasure, two early Kenji Fukusaku films as a memorial tribute.
(graveyard theme was unintentional, it's just what we got)
For those of you not clear on who Fukusaku was, he was the director of BATTLE ROYALE and one of the most prolific Japanese directors right up until his death earlier this year while filming BATTLE ROYALE 2 which was finnished by his son who knew it was likely his father would die during the filming.
The films on Tuesday are from his early '60's Yakuza cycle and are considered two of his best, and two of the best of the genre.
Also, schedule permitting we may have a special guest: Vancouver's own Sinister Sam in attendance.
RSVP me if you can so we have an idea of numbers (or to get directions).
Friday, August 22, 2003
MP3 Friday
Phew! Almost didn't make it! Anyhoo, this week's MP3 is by a band called Strung Out and is entitled "Wrong Side of the Tracks." It's off their second LP, Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues. This will always remain my favorite strung out record (and this song, my favorite song off said record) as I listened to it all summer a few years back when I was doing lots of driving. From the crazy-ass breakneck drumming in the opening, the general technicality of the song, to the kind of bizare ending, this song is just so good. For some reason I always like the last track on Strung Out records, just as I always like the opening tracks on Good Riddance records. It's kind of funny how that works out. Anyways, enjoy!
Nothing better to do?
Seriously... If you have NOTHING better to do, come on down to the corner of Cambie and Broadway and be prepared to make an ass of yourself. And not just you regular garden variety ass... I'm talking thermonuclear assmanship. Also, bring enough money to buy 4 litres of milk, or just bring that much milk with you. Also, bring breath mints. And water. A bib might be useful too. This all occurs on saturday, august 23rd at 11am. Be on the corner around then and some strangers will lead you to your doom...
Duke Radule’s Tribute to Wesley Willis (1963-2003)

As you may or may not be aware, schizophrenic songwriter Wesley Willis passed away on Thursday, August 21st. He was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) late in 2002 and endured emergency surgery on June 2nd at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights, Illinois for unexplained internal bleeding. While recovering in an Illinois hospital, his health slowly began to deteriorate and Wes passed away yesterday…although word hasn’t spread beyond the Alternative Tentacles website.
Wesley was born on May 31st, 1963 and grew up in Chicago, Illinois, having just turned 40 this year. In 1989, Wesley was diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia, a condition that resulted in him hearing voices, often bombarding him with derogatory statements about himself. In order to combat his nagging inner demons, Wesley explored a more traditional form of artistic expression by producing hand drawings of life in the big city, from the perspective of a Chicago urbanite. By the early nineties, Wes began performing his own music in public, with only his voice and a Technics keyboard.
He can be considered the pioneer of a new style in musical lyricism, having developed a consistent song structure that formed the basis for each and every new album released from 1994 to 2002. Each song is written about a relevant subject, anything from a Hollywood icon to a Chicago newspaper headline, and follows a scheme of: positive verse, chorus, negative verse, chorus and closure. Wesley is most famous for his closures, consisting of “Rock over London, Rock on Chicago” followed by a popular commercial slogan.
Wesley has personally produced all of his own artwork and music, totaling 51 albums. Upon recommendation from Jello Biafra, his biggest fan, Alternative Tentacles produced four of his albums, including 3 greatest hits, while American records produced “Fabian Road Warrior”. Wesley’s songs are remembered for their vile, controversial and blasphemic content, as nobody on this earth will ever be as capable of laying a badass verbal smackdown as him.
Songs such as “I wupped Batman’s ass”, “Cut the Mullet” and “Rock and Roll McDonalds” took audiences by storm. On a personal note, I’ve managed to collect three of his albums and was present for his show at the Starfish Room, March 6th, 2001. It was the night before I left for Amsterdam and my friend Sean and I were of the last four admitted to a sold out show. Wes played an amazing show by himself with only Jack the pumpkin king to keep him company on stage. My only regret is not getting a head-butt from him while I had the chance between sets (his head-butt is our handshake). Fears of a concussion ruining a trip to Europe ringing in my head…
I managed to contact another live tape trader that same year, someone who read my review of the show, who sent me several videos of Wesley performing by himself and with his temporary rock band, the Fiasco. Noone knows what happened to his band, but Wesley claims the tour bus was a “hellride” and that he’d had it with the likes of them. I may offer up these videos to Alternative Tentacles in honour of a tribute that will likely emerge as an “enhanced” CD with video for the third greatest hits compilation.
I recommend you immediately go play the “Whip the donkey’s ass” game in his honour.
(Based on the song of the same title)
Also check out this link for further details.
And get some songs too, like “Scream Dracula Scream”, “Taste a panda’s ass”, “Vultures ate my dead ass up”, “I’m sorry that I got fat” and “Suck my dead Doberman’s dick”.
p.s. If anyone has the 2001 album, “Never kill an ape”, please contact me. I’m determined to find all 51.
edited by cl, 3:36pm
As discussed during our brief appearance at Sunday's party, Kate and I have applied for jobs teaching English in Japan. Well, we got them. We start late October/early November, so y'all had best get your fill of us before we go.
BTW, we've started our own blog, which we'll be using to record our myriad adventures and escapades while living in Japan.
Now that I've got a link hence thither and thence hither*, it's like a bloggy ouroboros**! Behold!
*I saw a chance to use those words, and took it!
**I saw a chance to use that word, and took it! Ooh, and now I just had a flashback to Adaptation. Hahaha, funny.
BTW, we've started our own blog, which we'll be using to record our myriad adventures and escapades while living in Japan.
Now that I've got a link hence thither and thence hither*, it's like a bloggy ouroboros**! Behold!
*I saw a chance to use those words, and took it!
**I saw a chance to use that word, and took it! Ooh, and now I just had a flashback to Adaptation. Hahaha, funny.
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Link Thursday
Corinne has given me the responsibility for link Thursday as she is too tired to do it. Thus you should be prepared for much lameness and such. She's much better at this whole web surfing thing than I am.
This will be useful to me soon enough:
I really quite like reading this guy. He's gone a bit right wing as of late, but not only does he usually put a lot of thought into his arguements the man wrote a book attacking Mother Theresa. How hardcore is that?
Good old fashioned propaghanda. Also check out their forum for some fun times.
And on the musical tip, check out these two innovative hiphop labels:
This will be useful to me soon enough:
I really quite like reading this guy. He's gone a bit right wing as of late, but not only does he usually put a lot of thought into his arguements the man wrote a book attacking Mother Theresa. How hardcore is that?
Good old fashioned propaghanda. Also check out their forum for some fun times.
And on the musical tip, check out these two innovative hiphop labels:
Copy Control "technology"
What a load of...
I could tell you the full story from A to Z, but instead I'll give you the letters:
Why does my Special Edition Hail to the Thief skip nine seconds into every single song?
Dear EMI Music Canada,
On June 11, 2003 I purchased the highly anticipated Hail to the Thief album from A&B Sound Metrotown in beautiful British Columbia. I had waited months and followed the release info for the past four albums (and purchased SE versions of the previous two albums without incident). For two months I was able to listen to Hail to the Thief on a Panasonic Discman (SLX-390). The Discman suffered an early death and I was forced into buying a new Discman (which I could barely afford, but given that it is the only way I listen to cds, it was necessary): a Sony (D-EJ855).
Both of the discmans and your product claim compatibility (a CD player with CD playing compatibility and a CD that reads "compatible with CD Audio Players, DVD Players and PC-...") with each other, but I am finding that your product is the only one to skip at the 9 second mark of EVERY track.
I cannot return the product for a couple reasons:
1. It's been over two months since I purchased it and do not believe that the store will take it back easily.
2. I want this CD. I love the songs on it. I would love to have it play normally. I want the tracks to stop skipping.
This is not an issue of scratched CDs. I have never owned a scratched CD and am anal about how I treat them. This is not an issue with my discman. It is capable of playing all of my other CDs without issue.
Hail to the Thief's copy control "technology" appears to be faulty. The program to protect the software is not complete enough if the end consumer--the person purchasing your product cannot use it properly.
The tracks are still available for downloading, so the copy protect only punishes the buyer.
May you please send me a working copy of Hail to Thief? I don't need the packaging, I already have it.
My Address
Thanks for your note.
Please return your CD with a brief explanatory note to your Quality Control department. We'll gladly replace it.
We do apologize for the inconvenience.
EMI Music Canada
c/o Quality Control
3109 American Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L4V 1B2
Thanks for your interest and keep visiting!
Merci de votre interet et revenez nous voir!
Dear Manufacturing/Quality Control,
While I appreciate the speedy reply, I am concerned that the actions you suggest will only grant me 6 to 8 weeks without a CD that I can listen to provided it is not played in my discman (primary audio tool) and leave me with about $4 out of pocket expenses.
If there is some guarantee that I will receive a CD that is not written with errors on it (a.k.a. faulty Copy Control Technology with problems), I will gladly send you my original disc. However, I am certain that you, as a large distribution company, will probably grab another CD off the assembly line and slap it into an envelope with the exact same errors.
As I have mentioned, this Copy Control software was not an issue when I originally bought it, this problem developed with the purchase of a new portable CD player. I purchase the CDs and other software that I want, this is certainly dissuading me from future purchases of Copy Protect CDs. This disappoints me that one of my favourite bands for the past ten years had to release bug ladened Copy Protect software; and I hope that the errors are being fixed.
I appreciate that you will not just send me a copy of the disc without receiving my original first; I accept that. However, I am not going to go 6 to 8 weeks without a CD I like without some correction to the problem. I don't see how sending me another disc will help. It is the program you have written onto the disc that is the problem, and not the disc itself.
Do you have an alternative disc without the problem software security? I will even take another Copy Control disc if you have fixed the bugs in the program.
I do not want to resort to downloading and burning another CD of this album, but it'll be the same cost as shipping my disc to you without the loss of 6 to 8 weeks.
If this is not something you are able to correct, please direct me to another department which may be able to help me.
Attached is my original message.
Grrrrrrrr.... Has anyone else had problems with this CD or its evil spawn siblings?
I could tell you the full story from A to Z, but instead I'll give you the letters:
Why does my Special Edition Hail to the Thief skip nine seconds into every single song?
Dear EMI Music Canada,
On June 11, 2003 I purchased the highly anticipated Hail to the Thief album from A&B Sound Metrotown in beautiful British Columbia. I had waited months and followed the release info for the past four albums (and purchased SE versions of the previous two albums without incident). For two months I was able to listen to Hail to the Thief on a Panasonic Discman (SLX-390). The Discman suffered an early death and I was forced into buying a new Discman (which I could barely afford, but given that it is the only way I listen to cds, it was necessary): a Sony (D-EJ855).
Both of the discmans and your product claim compatibility (a CD player with CD playing compatibility and a CD that reads "compatible with CD Audio Players, DVD Players and PC-...") with each other, but I am finding that your product is the only one to skip at the 9 second mark of EVERY track.
I cannot return the product for a couple reasons:
1. It's been over two months since I purchased it and do not believe that the store will take it back easily.
2. I want this CD. I love the songs on it. I would love to have it play normally. I want the tracks to stop skipping.
This is not an issue of scratched CDs. I have never owned a scratched CD and am anal about how I treat them. This is not an issue with my discman. It is capable of playing all of my other CDs without issue.
Hail to the Thief's copy control "technology" appears to be faulty. The program to protect the software is not complete enough if the end consumer--the person purchasing your product cannot use it properly.
The tracks are still available for downloading, so the copy protect only punishes the buyer.
May you please send me a working copy of Hail to Thief? I don't need the packaging, I already have it.
My Address
Thanks for your note.
Please return your CD with a brief explanatory note to your Quality Control department. We'll gladly replace it.
We do apologize for the inconvenience.
EMI Music Canada
c/o Quality Control
3109 American Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L4V 1B2
Thanks for your interest and keep visiting!
Merci de votre interet et revenez nous voir!
Dear Manufacturing/Quality Control,
While I appreciate the speedy reply, I am concerned that the actions you suggest will only grant me 6 to 8 weeks without a CD that I can listen to provided it is not played in my discman (primary audio tool) and leave me with about $4 out of pocket expenses.
If there is some guarantee that I will receive a CD that is not written with errors on it (a.k.a. faulty Copy Control Technology with problems), I will gladly send you my original disc. However, I am certain that you, as a large distribution company, will probably grab another CD off the assembly line and slap it into an envelope with the exact same errors.
As I have mentioned, this Copy Control software was not an issue when I originally bought it, this problem developed with the purchase of a new portable CD player. I purchase the CDs and other software that I want, this is certainly dissuading me from future purchases of Copy Protect CDs. This disappoints me that one of my favourite bands for the past ten years had to release bug ladened Copy Protect software; and I hope that the errors are being fixed.
I appreciate that you will not just send me a copy of the disc without receiving my original first; I accept that. However, I am not going to go 6 to 8 weeks without a CD I like without some correction to the problem. I don't see how sending me another disc will help. It is the program you have written onto the disc that is the problem, and not the disc itself.
Do you have an alternative disc without the problem software security? I will even take another Copy Control disc if you have fixed the bugs in the program.
I do not want to resort to downloading and burning another CD of this album, but it'll be the same cost as shipping my disc to you without the loss of 6 to 8 weeks.
If this is not something you are able to correct, please direct me to another department which may be able to help me.
Attached is my original message.
Grrrrrrrr.... Has anyone else had problems with this CD or its evil spawn siblings?
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I want to be a guinea pig
Hey guys,
While I was counting my last dollars (after Grae called me to remind me I have a cheque that hasn't cleared for $122), I received another cheque for $75 from New Media (or something like that) for answering some questions about this blog and my musical tastes.
I'm broke. I will be this way for a very long time. So if anyone knows or sees any opportunities for medicinal dosage taking or group session q&a's that pay $25 or more, I am there. Will work for food.
Seriously. Pleeeeeeeeeease advise me of these things.
Also, if anyone wants to cook me dinner... ;)
While I was counting my last dollars (after Grae called me to remind me I have a cheque that hasn't cleared for $122), I received another cheque for $75 from New Media (or something like that) for answering some questions about this blog and my musical tastes.
I'm broke. I will be this way for a very long time. So if anyone knows or sees any opportunities for medicinal dosage taking or group session q&a's that pay $25 or more, I am there. Will work for food.
Seriously. Pleeeeeeeeeease advise me of these things.
Also, if anyone wants to cook me dinner... ;)
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Tonight. Let me know if you're interested. I'll take you as my guest if you weren't already going.
This will be my only bitch about tuition. $1,600 for this semester (that includes bookywooks) so far. I owe just over $1,100 still. This will mark the first time I won't be able to make tuition before the semester starts.
I'm taking five courses while school is still "cheap" and while I am not "working". I will be volunteering still and it looks like neither Grae nor I got into the Murder Mystery play. It looks like they did a cast call up at Cap and more people came than the original. I suppose the stage director wanted his classmates and theatre friends to have wrok in the fall. And I auditioned horribly.
I'll be off school every day before 12:30pm except for Thursdays. I got all my courses that I wanted because I got to register on the first day. Raylene asked if there were a lot of high school kids there, but there wasn't really. I just assume they weren't allowed to reg on Day one. And then I remembered I go to a college. The kids with the good grades probably went onto the universities with scholarships. A 3.5 or higher GPA and going to Cap? Probably not.
The courses I'll be doing are two heavy reading courses (the bulk of my $300+, 16 textbook collection): Contemporary Literature and Philosophy in Fiction. Surprisingly Criminology was my cheapest text (for a course) at $47.50. Picking up the Japanese again, but I don't have the textbook or course material yet. I'm hoping there is none(so much cheaper). But the best named text out of the lot is for my Philosophy 220- Philosophy in Law course: On Kiddie Porn.
This will be my only bitch about tuition. $1,600 for this semester (that includes bookywooks) so far. I owe just over $1,100 still. This will mark the first time I won't be able to make tuition before the semester starts.
I'm taking five courses while school is still "cheap" and while I am not "working". I will be volunteering still and it looks like neither Grae nor I got into the Murder Mystery play. It looks like they did a cast call up at Cap and more people came than the original. I suppose the stage director wanted his classmates and theatre friends to have wrok in the fall. And I auditioned horribly.
I'll be off school every day before 12:30pm except for Thursdays. I got all my courses that I wanted because I got to register on the first day. Raylene asked if there were a lot of high school kids there, but there wasn't really. I just assume they weren't allowed to reg on Day one. And then I remembered I go to a college. The kids with the good grades probably went onto the universities with scholarships. A 3.5 or higher GPA and going to Cap? Probably not.
The courses I'll be doing are two heavy reading courses (the bulk of my $300+, 16 textbook collection): Contemporary Literature and Philosophy in Fiction. Surprisingly Criminology was my cheapest text (for a course) at $47.50. Picking up the Japanese again, but I don't have the textbook or course material yet. I'm hoping there is none(so much cheaper). But the best named text out of the lot is for my Philosophy 220- Philosophy in Law course: On Kiddie Porn.
Monday, August 18, 2003
Recent Goings On. (AKA: My Weekend)
I worked late but still had time to party! My co-worker Dave invited me out to go drinking with him. We hit his friends house for a bit where I met a couple of friends of his. (I only remember Chris's name since I kept thinking that Corinne would find him cute.) After that we hit the Cambie for a couple of drinks and to meet up with a couple of his other friends, including this one girl with a back piercing! We briefly hit a pizza place before wandering by the Bourbon. Interestingly, the pizza place was next to a club where there was a shooting all of two hours later, woot! The Bourbon has changed dramatically from what it used to be like; there's now a line up and a crowd of under-20 frat types with HI-NRG crap piping on to the dance floor. We didn't bother entering, but met a few people there (including Liz, a girl I hadn't seen since highschool who was the best friend of my ex, Lindy *shudder*) , and moved quickly to the Cobalt to see the Ripcordz and meet up with Raylene and crew. We got in just in time to catch the Ripcordz. They were a lot of fun and really got the pit going hardcore, although they weren't the brightest band out there. ("This songs about Beer!" "This song is about the revolution!" "This songs is about girls in the pit, it's called 'Girls in the Pit'" "This song is about the pit!") It was good to see Ray, Danielle, Colin, Rachel, Dan and Andrea again. Ray's boy was there and I somehow managed not to actually meet him. We also ran into a bunch of Dave's friends there and we all wandered back to the drive together. Good people, Good fun, nicely toasted, good times.
Met our new supervisor at work, she seems like a nice person, and possibly a good supervisor. (Not that she will be my supe for long, 'natch!) I felt pretty hardcore as my sales numbers are unusually strong this month and she was pretty impressed. Yay, me!
I picked up a set of blue coveralls at Value Village which are now my official party gear! We went to the Sorority House for a party (Nicely sumarized by Corinne). It was good times. I think I got official party brat status, what with my mock drumming, goofy appearence, and matress acrobatics. I can't believe Karen battled Sage Francis in Chicago! That is so very cool!
Today I cleaned. Rachel and Raylene showed up and we watched Sorority Boys. *shudder* Actually it wasn't as bad as I had expected and it did have a dildo fight scene and lots of boobies. Later on, I watched Waking Life which was really really cool. Beautiful and thought-provoking. The art was so amazing, not only capturing the feel of dreaming, but one could also imagine that you could take a still capture of almost every frame and it would be an individual piece of art. I really enjoyed it.
I also read the rest of the comic: Transmetropolitan. It's a very entertaining look at celebrity, the press, social stratisfication, and politics. It had about a 60 issue run, and is brilliantly written, and drawn. The characters are all very real and fleshed out quite well, and it ends on a really interesting note. I also like the fact that it is pretty much one major story arch.
Recent listenings include the KRS-ONE, Poison the Well, and Anatomy of a Ghost.
I worked late but still had time to party! My co-worker Dave invited me out to go drinking with him. We hit his friends house for a bit where I met a couple of friends of his. (I only remember Chris's name since I kept thinking that Corinne would find him cute.) After that we hit the Cambie for a couple of drinks and to meet up with a couple of his other friends, including this one girl with a back piercing! We briefly hit a pizza place before wandering by the Bourbon. Interestingly, the pizza place was next to a club where there was a shooting all of two hours later, woot! The Bourbon has changed dramatically from what it used to be like; there's now a line up and a crowd of under-20 frat types with HI-NRG crap piping on to the dance floor. We didn't bother entering, but met a few people there (including Liz, a girl I hadn't seen since highschool who was the best friend of my ex, Lindy *shudder*) , and moved quickly to the Cobalt to see the Ripcordz and meet up with Raylene and crew. We got in just in time to catch the Ripcordz. They were a lot of fun and really got the pit going hardcore, although they weren't the brightest band out there. ("This songs about Beer!" "This song is about the revolution!" "This songs is about girls in the pit, it's called 'Girls in the Pit'" "This song is about the pit!") It was good to see Ray, Danielle, Colin, Rachel, Dan and Andrea again. Ray's boy was there and I somehow managed not to actually meet him. We also ran into a bunch of Dave's friends there and we all wandered back to the drive together. Good people, Good fun, nicely toasted, good times.
Met our new supervisor at work, she seems like a nice person, and possibly a good supervisor. (Not that she will be my supe for long, 'natch!) I felt pretty hardcore as my sales numbers are unusually strong this month and she was pretty impressed. Yay, me!
I picked up a set of blue coveralls at Value Village which are now my official party gear! We went to the Sorority House for a party (Nicely sumarized by Corinne). It was good times. I think I got official party brat status, what with my mock drumming, goofy appearence, and matress acrobatics. I can't believe Karen battled Sage Francis in Chicago! That is so very cool!
Today I cleaned. Rachel and Raylene showed up and we watched Sorority Boys. *shudder* Actually it wasn't as bad as I had expected and it did have a dildo fight scene and lots of boobies. Later on, I watched Waking Life which was really really cool. Beautiful and thought-provoking. The art was so amazing, not only capturing the feel of dreaming, but one could also imagine that you could take a still capture of almost every frame and it would be an individual piece of art. I really enjoyed it.
I also read the rest of the comic: Transmetropolitan. It's a very entertaining look at celebrity, the press, social stratisfication, and politics. It had about a 60 issue run, and is brilliantly written, and drawn. The characters are all very real and fleshed out quite well, and it ends on a really interesting note. I also like the fact that it is pretty much one major story arch.
Recent listenings include the KRS-ONE, Poison the Well, and Anatomy of a Ghost.
But What Does It Mean?
Auditions, costume shopping, banking occurred before arriving at the scene of the festival at 10pm (man, that was lame late... but the auditions kept me in the NV until almost 9pm).
Toby & Kate. Leaving. At 10. I know! Appalling. Grae, Bob, Rachael and I managed to convince them to stay on an extra half hour. I then proceeded to talk to everyone but them. But managed to steal Toby's phone during the Great Phone Raid of 2003.
The Wallflowers. These people are my favourite and I tend to glom onto them first. They're the kids with one or two buddies that abandon them but aren't socially outgoing enough to start their own inane chit-chat session for 15 or more minutes.
Chino: The American. Lessee... He's originally from Bismark (like the jelly doughnut!), ND. Chino, despite what you think, is not his given name. His parents intended him to be Brandon. He found Karen on Karen's Chicago-and-back bus fiasco and followed her up to Canada when a job fell through. Immigration says he has to leave by August 31st or else he'll be illegal and able to be deported. Sweeeeeeet. He doesn't like regular chips (or Dead Baby Flavour), drinking or Canadian cigarettes.
Paul. Paul gets a mention and award for the following: Being The Drunkest, Begging Me Not To Say Anything. Aside from being really sick everywhere (including hijacking and vomiting in Rachael's bed), he was also too stubborn to lie on his side. There were some murmurs about him getting too drunk, but people were still handing him drinks after I got there and he was already barely standing then. Plus, if you're having a party, you should be keeping some eye on those that are getting drunk and remove the situation (ie all drinks from them) as soon as you see it happening. I think far too many people were encouraging him to get really sick. Not that he didn't start the ball rolling.
Everyone else seemed in good spirits and had great discussions with good section of you. And I now hold Radiohead tickets. Neenerneener.
Toby & Kate. Leaving. At 10. I know! Appalling. Grae, Bob, Rachael and I managed to convince them to stay on an extra half hour. I then proceeded to talk to everyone but them. But managed to steal Toby's phone during the Great Phone Raid of 2003.
The Wallflowers. These people are my favourite and I tend to glom onto them first. They're the kids with one or two buddies that abandon them but aren't socially outgoing enough to start their own inane chit-chat session for 15 or more minutes.
Chino: The American. Lessee... He's originally from Bismark (like the jelly doughnut!), ND. Chino, despite what you think, is not his given name. His parents intended him to be Brandon. He found Karen on Karen's Chicago-and-back bus fiasco and followed her up to Canada when a job fell through. Immigration says he has to leave by August 31st or else he'll be illegal and able to be deported. Sweeeeeeet. He doesn't like regular chips (or Dead Baby Flavour), drinking or Canadian cigarettes.
Paul. Paul gets a mention and award for the following: Being The Drunkest, Begging Me Not To Say Anything. Aside from being really sick everywhere (including hijacking and vomiting in Rachael's bed), he was also too stubborn to lie on his side. There were some murmurs about him getting too drunk, but people were still handing him drinks after I got there and he was already barely standing then. Plus, if you're having a party, you should be keeping some eye on those that are getting drunk and remove the situation (ie all drinks from them) as soon as you see it happening. I think far too many people were encouraging him to get really sick. Not that he didn't start the ball rolling.
Everyone else seemed in good spirits and had great discussions with good section of you. And I now hold Radiohead tickets. Neenerneener.
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Stag Ideas
Hey guys, I need some of your input. I've google'd and allthewebbed myself blue in the face. I need your skills to think of nasty and juvenille and possibly interactive with females activities to get Christian to do. I have about 20 ideas already, but I'd say 90% are the same ones that Owen was doing two years ago. I need more.
I'm not posting what I have so far until I hear back from Christian whether he wants the tasks to be kept secret of out in the open in advance. I will email the list to the requestees (although, to be fair, I would like it if you sent me some suggestions while asking for the list).
I am thinking of printing an iron-on transfer of the things he needs to do and have the participants check the item off of his t-shirt.
I'm not posting what I have so far until I hear back from Christian whether he wants the tasks to be kept secret of out in the open in advance. I will email the list to the requestees (although, to be fair, I would like it if you sent me some suggestions while asking for the list).
I am thinking of printing an iron-on transfer of the things he needs to do and have the participants check the item off of his t-shirt.
Not my best day
With putting my contact in inverted, it wasn't a great start. I also did not want to get up. And here I am. My Saturday night is slated for cleaning (I would have done so on my home all alone last night, but I can't find the laundry room key and Grae has all the garbage bags. Had I been thinking I would've yoinked some from work). And this is on top of an already bad outlook (I think it's from boredom).
Friday, August 15, 2003
Mock Stag Pt. II
On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 03:57PM, Corinne wrote to Christian:
>Mock stag, Pt II.
>Care to be a groom and make Sunday August 31, 2003 your new stag? Did you
>hear about the one we did for Owen?
>If you're interested in getting lap dances, drinks galore, your toenails
>painted by strangers, girls' phone numbers, any other number of "last time
>of singledom" activities, let me know.
>I just realized how much I want to do another Mock Stag, but it'll be hard
>finding the groom. And to make it super easy, you get a female "best man"
>who approaches girls for you, in the guise of "getting you good" on your
>last night.
>If this is all in poor taste, let me know. I'm not going to announce it
>unless your in for it.
>Corinne the Bean
Christian Replies:
shit no, that sounds awesome! and is definitely tipping the scales against radiohead in favour of a long weekend in canada. I'll get back to you early next week after I talk it over with the radiohead peoples...
I know some people are opposed to strippers and such, but girls get in free, and the second half of the night will be spent at a club somewhere (or maybe the first part... we'll see). If Christian does come down, it will be a mock stag. If Christian does not make it down, the theme will be "summertime"-- dress summery (whatever that means... zinc stick?)
>Mock stag, Pt II.
>Care to be a groom and make Sunday August 31, 2003 your new stag? Did you
>hear about the one we did for Owen?
>If you're interested in getting lap dances, drinks galore, your toenails
>painted by strangers, girls' phone numbers, any other number of "last time
>of singledom" activities, let me know.
>I just realized how much I want to do another Mock Stag, but it'll be hard
>finding the groom. And to make it super easy, you get a female "best man"
>who approaches girls for you, in the guise of "getting you good" on your
>last night.
>If this is all in poor taste, let me know. I'm not going to announce it
>unless your in for it.
>Corinne the Bean
Christian Replies:
shit no, that sounds awesome! and is definitely tipping the scales against radiohead in favour of a long weekend in canada. I'll get back to you early next week after I talk it over with the radiohead peoples...
I know some people are opposed to strippers and such, but girls get in free, and the second half of the night will be spent at a club somewhere (or maybe the first part... we'll see). If Christian does come down, it will be a mock stag. If Christian does not make it down, the theme will be "summertime"-- dress summery (whatever that means... zinc stick?)
Thursday, August 14, 2003
link thursday
Ninjai: The Little Ninja. Wicked flash animations cartoons.
Vancouver International Film Festival: Volunteering starts now.
Teenage Lesbian Sleepovers: Best advice column question ever.
White=Better?: A news story that may be considered downright racist in North America, but draws attention to the tanning ads here, as well.
Poems for Annika: One night stand makes oodles of bad poetry.
Vancouver International Film Festival: Volunteering starts now.
Teenage Lesbian Sleepovers: Best advice column question ever.
White=Better?: A news story that may be considered downright racist in North America, but draws attention to the tanning ads here, as well.
Poems for Annika: One night stand makes oodles of bad poetry.
Freddy VS Jason & Jason X Double Bill: Electric Boogaloo!!! TUESDAY! TUESDAY! TUESDAY!
Well the header says it all.
This Tuesday (Aug 19) starting at 7pm at the den of Mariko and B.J. for the beginning of slasheriffic fun of the ultimate showdown.
Be prepared for potential diatribes on this new Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash idea floating around New LIne!
Be prepared to cheer as vacous teens get slaughtered by your favorite American Villians!
Be prepared to fight off aggressive downtown panhandlers on your way to Granville 7 for the 10pm show!
Come all! Come drunk! It's Freddy Vs Jason!
This Tuesday (Aug 19) starting at 7pm at the den of Mariko and B.J. for the beginning of slasheriffic fun of the ultimate showdown.
Be prepared for potential diatribes on this new Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash idea floating around New LIne!
Be prepared to cheer as vacous teens get slaughtered by your favorite American Villians!
Be prepared to fight off aggressive downtown panhandlers on your way to Granville 7 for the 10pm show!
Come all! Come drunk! It's Freddy Vs Jason!
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Cool Pkg. Pt. II
Grae picked up acouple days ago a cd/dvd package of A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar. I have yet to hear the CD, but the DVD is nifty. Much more intense than the last Dashboard Cd/DVD package.
And again, that's how piracy gets stopped. Sell it cheap with coooool packaging.
And again, that's how piracy gets stopped. Sell it cheap with coooool packaging.
Chinese Characters
And no flash make this computer stinky.
I can't read 90% of the websites because the authors of the page opted for "Universal" as opposed to "Western" which leads to 's looking like some fancy Chinese character. Also the Pl combo seems to transform as well. I gave up trying to read web pages with Chinese characters now. BASTARDS.
Anyway, I may do a Tuesday matinee next week instead of Monday as I register that day. I think Friday and Saturday night are my two quiet lulls in the upcoming week. How sad is that?
I'm looking forward to catching Band of Brothers Part II tomorrow night at a friend's pad. If he wants others over he can post. Postypostyposty. And from this point forward, if you have an account, have been invited to have an account or are in the process of getting an account on here I will not speak for you. Ava was having a rough time getting on to The Last Time, but we've done and fixed that.
Uhm. I'm very nervous about my audition on Sunday (and to think it's only Wednesday). And to follow up with the other part of my funfunfunbrokefun fall semester, anyone looking to volunteer for the Vancouver International Film Festival should consider applying immediately. I am not sure they are taking any more applications, but it's better to get in sooner than later. Mmmmm Festival Volunteer Pass.... Mmmmmm Paaaaaass. That should save me a pretty penny considering how much I spent last year on screenings (whew...).
I'm getting together some ideas for the scavenger hunt party, but it looks like it will just be Christian and I at this point, so I'm kind of thinking maybe cancelling if I don't get at least 4 more "yeses" this week. The night party on the Sunday will be a go-go, for sure, though. It's just the wacky scavenger hunt. Which will be a disappointment for me, but at least I can save a couple bucks on prizes and spend it on drinks instead. ::grin::
I can't read 90% of the websites because the authors of the page opted for "Universal" as opposed to "Western" which leads to 's looking like some fancy Chinese character. Also the Pl combo seems to transform as well. I gave up trying to read web pages with Chinese characters now. BASTARDS.
Anyway, I may do a Tuesday matinee next week instead of Monday as I register that day. I think Friday and Saturday night are my two quiet lulls in the upcoming week. How sad is that?
I'm looking forward to catching Band of Brothers Part II tomorrow night at a friend's pad. If he wants others over he can post. Postypostyposty. And from this point forward, if you have an account, have been invited to have an account or are in the process of getting an account on here I will not speak for you. Ava was having a rough time getting on to The Last Time, but we've done and fixed that.
Uhm. I'm very nervous about my audition on Sunday (and to think it's only Wednesday). And to follow up with the other part of my funfunfunbrokefun fall semester, anyone looking to volunteer for the Vancouver International Film Festival should consider applying immediately. I am not sure they are taking any more applications, but it's better to get in sooner than later. Mmmmm Festival Volunteer Pass.... Mmmmmm Paaaaaass. That should save me a pretty penny considering how much I spent last year on screenings (whew...).
I'm getting together some ideas for the scavenger hunt party, but it looks like it will just be Christian and I at this point, so I'm kind of thinking maybe cancelling if I don't get at least 4 more "yeses" this week. The night party on the Sunday will be a go-go, for sure, though. It's just the wacky scavenger hunt. Which will be a disappointment for me, but at least I can save a couple bucks on prizes and spend it on drinks instead. ::grin::
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Phone Calls
I got me a call back for the murder mystery acting job. Auditions are on Sunday. Nervous me hasn't done any acting in years.
I also got a call from the VIFF to volunteer. Orientation on Thursday.
I also got a call from the VIFF to volunteer. Orientation on Thursday.
Monday, August 11, 2003
And dnL, Vanilla Pepesi and Mountain Dew Live Wire (orange looking).
I picked up a GIR sweatband* and a Thrice/Thursday 7"** split for Grae.
Aaaaaand I got Jack in The Box for lunch!
I love America.
* It came with my socks.
** I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I wanted it, too. It was only $1.99. And, that labels, is how you sell music: Package it, limit edition runs and sell it cheap.
And dnL, Vanilla Pepesi and Mountain Dew Live Wire (orange looking).
I picked up a GIR sweatband* and a Thrice/Thursday 7"** split for Grae.
Aaaaaand I got Jack in The Box for lunch!
I love America.
* It came with my socks.
** I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I wanted it, too. It was only $1.99. And, that labels, is how you sell music: Package it, limit edition runs and sell it cheap.
Well, the party is a mere two weeks away and the planning is coming to an end. I've been having a lot of fun organizing this and I think its gonna be pretty every 10000th day alive party should be.
So as promised, I can finally pass along some of the specs of the party:
Okay first the time and place: Saturday August 23 start showing up after 8pm. The house is in Port Kells (just outside of Walnut Grove) and the address is 9468 Harvie Road. For those of you who have not been there before there is a map attached. It's an ideal party spot..the house is in the middle of an industrial area so we can be as noisy as we want! If your driving from downtown, Coquitlam or Surrey...pop on Highway #1 and take it the 200th St exit. You should see (and drive past the Colossus Movie Theaters in Langley). When you reach 96th Ave turn left and then follow the map.
If you're driving please park on 190th or on the dirt road (don't block up the driveway). If you are planning on taking transit, go to Surrey Central and hop on the 501 (to Langley Centre). After the freeway it goes down 96th and there is a stop near 190th (it's the street that has the tiny white church on the corner). Just walk up that road until it ends and you should see the house to your right. Its a rain or shine event and there will be a bonfire too, but dress to be comfortable outdoors.
For those of you who plan on drinking excessively (which is definitely encouraged!!!) there will be a tent town set up where you can pass out or chill at your own leisure. I already have some cushions and blankets... but if you want to be sure you have a blanket bring it along.
There will be a band, your modern music starting around midnight...they're pretty good...(a funky mix of emo punk and indy rock) sit back, drink lots and enjoy the tunes.
Of course there will be lots of munchies and drinks (and ice) and marshmallows for the fire...but it's BYOB all the way!
So that's all for now! Remember its open to anyone so you can bring friends along too... let me know if you're coming and if you have any questions you can reply to my email: or call my cell: 604.764.8603!
See ya there, August 23rd!!
Ava Faber

So as promised, I can finally pass along some of the specs of the party:
Okay first the time and place: Saturday August 23 start showing up after 8pm. The house is in Port Kells (just outside of Walnut Grove) and the address is 9468 Harvie Road. For those of you who have not been there before there is a map attached. It's an ideal party spot..the house is in the middle of an industrial area so we can be as noisy as we want! If your driving from downtown, Coquitlam or Surrey...pop on Highway #1 and take it the 200th St exit. You should see (and drive past the Colossus Movie Theaters in Langley). When you reach 96th Ave turn left and then follow the map.
If you're driving please park on 190th or on the dirt road (don't block up the driveway). If you are planning on taking transit, go to Surrey Central and hop on the 501 (to Langley Centre). After the freeway it goes down 96th and there is a stop near 190th (it's the street that has the tiny white church on the corner). Just walk up that road until it ends and you should see the house to your right. Its a rain or shine event and there will be a bonfire too, but dress to be comfortable outdoors.
For those of you who plan on drinking excessively (which is definitely encouraged!!!) there will be a tent town set up where you can pass out or chill at your own leisure. I already have some cushions and blankets... but if you want to be sure you have a blanket bring it along.
There will be a band, your modern music starting around midnight...they're pretty good...(a funky mix of emo punk and indy rock) sit back, drink lots and enjoy the tunes.
Of course there will be lots of munchies and drinks (and ice) and marshmallows for the fire...but it's BYOB all the way!
So that's all for now! Remember its open to anyone so you can bring friends along too... let me know if you're coming and if you have any questions you can reply to my email: or call my cell: 604.764.8603!
See ya there, August 23rd!!
Ava Faber

Sunday, August 10, 2003
Food Food Food
Mike and Angela held a housewarming welcome for Angela's arrival to the Boiler Room* last night and invited the masses out.
It was an evening of food and food and socializing. There was drinking from hats, some tennis playing and a fair amount of eating. Matt and Kim popped in unexpected (which is impressive because they live a looooong ways away) and we got the run down of what is doing in Cali. Including the intricacies of Spanish speaking illegal immigrants and the hassels of applying for a permit to work in the country.
Uhm... I know Mike took some pictures, so they may get developed and posted hopefully.
It was a shame that it had to end so early at midgnight.
I am suposed to pass on the invite to Jon's 10K B-day on August 23rd.
It was an evening of food and food and socializing. There was drinking from hats, some tennis playing and a fair amount of eating. Matt and Kim popped in unexpected (which is impressive because they live a looooong ways away) and we got the run down of what is doing in Cali. Including the intricacies of Spanish speaking illegal immigrants and the hassels of applying for a permit to work in the country.
Uhm... I know Mike took some pictures, so they may get developed and posted hopefully.
It was a shame that it had to end so early at midgnight.
I am suposed to pass on the invite to Jon's 10K B-day on August 23rd.
Friday, August 08, 2003
Catering to One's Readers
This year the Richmond Night Market is at the north end of the No. 3 Rd and the western point of Bridgeport Road.
Park at Cost-Co (like Mike did because Mike is cool and everyone wants to be like Mike) and walk 3 blocks west from the northwest corner of the Cost-Co parking lot. You'll find it open from 6pm to midnight on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (although it may be later for Friday and Saturday) and on holidays it runs from 4pm to 11pm. Or at least on BC Day.
Uhm. That's the informative section of this website.
The End.
Park at Cost-Co (like Mike did because Mike is cool and everyone wants to be like Mike) and walk 3 blocks west from the northwest corner of the Cost-Co parking lot. You'll find it open from 6pm to midnight on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (although it may be later for Friday and Saturday) and on holidays it runs from 4pm to 11pm. Or at least on BC Day.
Uhm. That's the informative section of this website.
The End.
MP3 Friday
Hey there, you'll have to wait until tommorow to download the MP3 that'll be up, but I might as well give you some idea as to what'll be there. It'll be track by the band Hella who I saw on Monday. I think they are my new favorite band. Consisting of only guitar and drums they build epic and complex arrangements that seem to have an emotional intensity to them. The drummer is out of this world, and the guitarist and him have an amazing chemistry to them. I've heard them compared to Primus sans bass, but I think that that does them a major disservice as they lack the cheesy kitsch that makes Primus amusing rather than meaningful, although they do have the complexity of musicianship. Sorry about the wait (although I have no idea if anyone actually downloads any of these anyways), but I'll put it up tommorow.
Thanks, Excelsior!
Thanks, Excelsior!

Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are spoon guy. You should have planned ahead
buddy, or packed a bigger lunch.
which rejected character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
so, who would be interested in freezing their tits off with me in edmonton this november to witness the NHL's first outdoor hockey game? Nov 22, Montreal @ Edmonton... I have sweaters for both teams, I'll even let you pick which one you'd like to borrow...
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Thursday Link Day
South Park Studios: For those who haven't got their South Park character on their page.
Friendster: I admit I thought that this was bound to be incredibly lame and privacy-free, but I have seen the light! This thing is just too addictive. You get to see how much cooler your friends friends are than you are. And you can see how they are connected to you (by no more than three links). I have "five" friends right now, two have at least one other person on their list but somehow I am connected to over 8K people by three degrees. Illustrates the spam phenomenon nicely, though.
Listen To: Tracks, displays, groups together musical interests of people. Very cool tool. It shows your favourite MP3 album, song, artist, genre of music based on your ID3 tags.
Intolerable Cruelty: Coen brothers make another movie.
Hellboy: More movie fun (but don't worry, the theatres are already making sure there is crap to compete with it).
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: For all the bitching about bad television, once in a while something like this is made and makes me want to keep my stupid cable.
adFunture: I'm not entirely certain why they are chraging $65+ for these figures. Any takers?
What You Are: Stop taking Cosmo quizzes! Here is the truth!
Friendster: I admit I thought that this was bound to be incredibly lame and privacy-free, but I have seen the light! This thing is just too addictive. You get to see how much cooler your friends friends are than you are. And you can see how they are connected to you (by no more than three links). I have "five" friends right now, two have at least one other person on their list but somehow I am connected to over 8K people by three degrees. Illustrates the spam phenomenon nicely, though.
Listen To: Tracks, displays, groups together musical interests of people. Very cool tool. It shows your favourite MP3 album, song, artist, genre of music based on your ID3 tags.
Intolerable Cruelty: Coen brothers make another movie.
Hellboy: More movie fun (but don't worry, the theatres are already making sure there is crap to compete with it).
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: For all the bitching about bad television, once in a while something like this is made and makes me want to keep my stupid cable.
adFunture: I'm not entirely certain why they are chraging $65+ for these figures. Any takers?
What You Are: Stop taking Cosmo quizzes! Here is the truth!
Show Review: My Name is RarRar, Rahbro, Hella, Red Light Sting, & The Locust
Hadn't been to a show in some time, and I really like the Locust, and since I knew a few co-workers of mine were going, I figured it was pretty cheap and decided to go see what was up at Mesa Luna. These are my thoughts on said show:
My Name is RarRar: Well, due to cirmcumstances beyond my control I missed most of their set. (Late leaving the house, 99B-Line doesn't stop anywhere near Mesa-Luna, and the only way to access ML is through an elevator which had a really long line up.) What I did see looked promising. Bassist with wierd as looking and heavily distorted bass, drummer with a cape. They had a keyboard fed through distortion, and the keyboardist was a bald guy in clubber gear (sparkly shirt) who attacked his keyboards with a mad scientist-like rage. Their vocalist rambled all sorts of noise into the mic and convulsed, pretty much in the audience. He was clad entirely in cubscout gear, and looked like he was about to die. Musically they were pretty hard to classify, at times crazy like the locust, but others seemed to have catchy hooks. Very spazzy, but not bad, although I only caught a couple of songs.
RahBro: Two keyboardists, another heavily distorted bass guitarist, and a very odd drummer. All the band members sang, and it kind of had a new wave 80's kind of feel to it. Sounded kind of like a cracked out The Faint. 3/4's of the way through their set they had some kind of wierd dramatic interlude where three of the members seduced eachother while playing with a stuffed snke and stucka sword in each other's pants. During the last song the drummer came out and sang, and collapsed on the floor next to me. He then got back up, ripped off his pants and gyrated towards the bassist (who was now drumming). Very Weird stuff. Musically they didn't appeal to me too much (although they wrote some catchy stuff) but they won me over in sheer effort and theatrics.
Hella: I had heard goo things about Hella from a couple of co-workers, but didn't really know what to expect. They are comprised of only a guitarist and drummer, and no vocals. They put on probably the best, most intense live show I have ever seen. The drummer gave it his all, fricken hammerin' his drums (actually they borrowed the Locust's drums because theirs got stopped at the border.) as if it were one big solo the entire time. Wicked musicians, well crafted and super-epic sounding songs. I swear that was the bet drumming I have ever heard, and the guitarist was pretty intense. They had a chemistry that I have never seen before in a band. It was almost religious. I will defintaely be posting one of their songs on Friday.
The Red Light Sting: It must have sucked going on after such an amazing set, and having seen them before I wasn't really all that excited. I must say, that they really rocked the house. The kids just love this band, dancin' up a storm. I used to know one of the band members, and it was cool to see him play again. My only problem is when the keyboardist sings. I really just don't dig her style of vocals, to an almost nail-on-chalkboard proportions.
The Locust: They came out dressed in their usual bug-like suits, and played like 30 oe so songs. I swear they are like machines, playing their super chaotic and complex songs spot on. Very, very tight band. Only problem with their set was some fucking stupid moshers who were being super violent and irritating, thus distracting from what would have otherwise been a really good set. Hella was definately the highlight.
I also got the chance to hang with an old high school friend of mine, Ryan Angus, and shoot the shit about how life's hoing, and who we've seen from highschool. Pretty good times. On the way home we saw some frat boy get on the bus with an 8ft inflateble tequila bottle.
Tommorow I will give you all my review of Black Christmas, and thoughts on my most recent re-watching of the Conan films. Excelsior!
My Name is RarRar: Well, due to cirmcumstances beyond my control I missed most of their set. (Late leaving the house, 99B-Line doesn't stop anywhere near Mesa-Luna, and the only way to access ML is through an elevator which had a really long line up.) What I did see looked promising. Bassist with wierd as looking and heavily distorted bass, drummer with a cape. They had a keyboard fed through distortion, and the keyboardist was a bald guy in clubber gear (sparkly shirt) who attacked his keyboards with a mad scientist-like rage. Their vocalist rambled all sorts of noise into the mic and convulsed, pretty much in the audience. He was clad entirely in cubscout gear, and looked like he was about to die. Musically they were pretty hard to classify, at times crazy like the locust, but others seemed to have catchy hooks. Very spazzy, but not bad, although I only caught a couple of songs.
RahBro: Two keyboardists, another heavily distorted bass guitarist, and a very odd drummer. All the band members sang, and it kind of had a new wave 80's kind of feel to it. Sounded kind of like a cracked out The Faint. 3/4's of the way through their set they had some kind of wierd dramatic interlude where three of the members seduced eachother while playing with a stuffed snke and stucka sword in each other's pants. During the last song the drummer came out and sang, and collapsed on the floor next to me. He then got back up, ripped off his pants and gyrated towards the bassist (who was now drumming). Very Weird stuff. Musically they didn't appeal to me too much (although they wrote some catchy stuff) but they won me over in sheer effort and theatrics.
Hella: I had heard goo things about Hella from a couple of co-workers, but didn't really know what to expect. They are comprised of only a guitarist and drummer, and no vocals. They put on probably the best, most intense live show I have ever seen. The drummer gave it his all, fricken hammerin' his drums (actually they borrowed the Locust's drums because theirs got stopped at the border.) as if it were one big solo the entire time. Wicked musicians, well crafted and super-epic sounding songs. I swear that was the bet drumming I have ever heard, and the guitarist was pretty intense. They had a chemistry that I have never seen before in a band. It was almost religious. I will defintaely be posting one of their songs on Friday.
The Red Light Sting: It must have sucked going on after such an amazing set, and having seen them before I wasn't really all that excited. I must say, that they really rocked the house. The kids just love this band, dancin' up a storm. I used to know one of the band members, and it was cool to see him play again. My only problem is when the keyboardist sings. I really just don't dig her style of vocals, to an almost nail-on-chalkboard proportions.
The Locust: They came out dressed in their usual bug-like suits, and played like 30 oe so songs. I swear they are like machines, playing their super chaotic and complex songs spot on. Very, very tight band. Only problem with their set was some fucking stupid moshers who were being super violent and irritating, thus distracting from what would have otherwise been a really good set. Hella was definately the highlight.
I also got the chance to hang with an old high school friend of mine, Ryan Angus, and shoot the shit about how life's hoing, and who we've seen from highschool. Pretty good times. On the way home we saw some frat boy get on the bus with an 8ft inflateble tequila bottle.
Tommorow I will give you all my review of Black Christmas, and thoughts on my most recent re-watching of the Conan films. Excelsior!
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Does this look about right?
Location: Burnaby
Date of birth: May 26 '79
Specialty: graphic design
Mutant power: typo radar
My picture
South Parkified
Sites I dig:
Atom Rocket Graphics
Black People Love Us
Hi Monkey!
Sleep Paralysis
Tangram Flash Game
Date of birth: May 26 '79
Specialty: graphic design
Mutant power: typo radar
My picture
South Parkified
Sites I dig:
Atom Rocket Graphics
Black People Love Us
Hi Monkey!
Sleep Paralysis
Tangram Flash Game
Friendster GONE REAL
And then it comes back to everyone in one form of another.
The new guy (Paul, aka: Filing Bitch) seems to know a bunch of you guys. Recognizing names like Bob and Toby, as well as knowing Eva and a few others.
However, it means that if there is a filer full time behind me, I may get less time online! Oh No!
Oh Well!
Oh Yeah!
The new guy (Paul, aka: Filing Bitch) seems to know a bunch of you guys. Recognizing names like Bob and Toby, as well as knowing Eva and a few others.
However, it means that if there is a filer full time behind me, I may get less time online! Oh No!
Oh Well!
Oh Yeah!

Check it out, y'all.
Location: The Painkeep
Date of birth: Twenty minutes into the future
Specialty/Interests: Mental masturbation.
Wish list: A rock to wind a piece of string around.
Mutant power: Time dilation and contraction.
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis:,,,,
What you're doing: Nothing of note.
Where you're going: With any luck, Japan.
Date of birth: Twenty minutes into the future
Specialty/Interests: Mental masturbation.
Wish list: A rock to wind a piece of string around.
Mutant power: Time dilation and contraction.
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis:,,,,
What you're doing: Nothing of note.
Where you're going: With any luck, Japan.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
I caved in.
After hearing about this months ago, I finally got suckered into registering by another The Last Time member.
If you join, you can find me as mindtempest at
It's actually kind of cool. If it all gets clicked together, then it could work as a great way to get new people to Clubhouse or otherwise events based on their interests.
I'm doing it this way so as to not spam you guys with emails to JOIN NOW FROM ME. Yay for building an outlet to me.
After hearing about this months ago, I finally got suckered into registering by another The Last Time member.
If you join, you can find me as mindtempest at
It's actually kind of cool. If it all gets clicked together, then it could work as a great way to get new people to Clubhouse or otherwise events based on their interests.
I'm doing it this way so as to not spam you guys with emails to JOIN NOW FROM ME. Yay for building an outlet to me.
Drinks with Tim
This guy needs to come to more things.
Rachael came along, which added to the fun.
We bitched/reminisced about the WAinc (I'm going to call it WANK from now on).
We were trying to make regular plans, and Tim said not the Silvertone (open mic was brutal). And Rae said as long as Bob wasn't playing. Because he'd make us come. I replied "No, he'll make you come." and then she replied something to the effect of being obligated to come because she was his girlfriend. I waited until I could hold back no longer the other perspective of the conversation: And Rae said as long as Bob wasn't playing. Because he'd make us cum. I replied "No, he'll make you cum." and then she replied something to the effect of being obligated to cum because she was his girlfriend.
Yeah, good times, guys.
Rachael came along, which added to the fun.
We bitched/reminisced about the WAinc (I'm going to call it WANK from now on).
We were trying to make regular plans, and Tim said not the Silvertone (open mic was brutal). And Rae said as long as Bob wasn't playing. Because he'd make us come. I replied "No, he'll make you come." and then she replied something to the effect of being obligated to come because she was his girlfriend. I waited until I could hold back no longer the other perspective of the conversation: And Rae said as long as Bob wasn't playing. Because he'd make us cum. I replied "No, he'll make you cum." and then she replied something to the effect of being obligated to cum because she was his girlfriend.
Yeah, good times, guys.
Monday, August 04, 2003
Some of you may remember me joking about metrosexuals a while back. This is a humourous description:
"The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that's where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference. Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere."
—Mark Simpson, "Meet the metrosexual,", July 22, 2002 (although it may be 2003)
"The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that's where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference. Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere."
—Mark Simpson, "Meet the metrosexual,", July 22, 2002 (although it may be 2003)
Sunday Activities
Started the day off by busing out to Mike & Angela's pad of oceany colours (picking up a blue slurpee en route). The four of us piled into Emile the Mazda and headed towards those lakes in Ioco. After hitting the Burrard Inlet we turned around and made our way back to White Pine beach. The lake was warm, the sun was blarring and it was a perfect day for the beach (save for annoying children abound). I walked into the men's change/washroom. That was traumatizing.
Went for sushi in the evening at a place near Angela & Mike's.
And then to:The Richmond Night Market
Went for sushi in the evening at a place near Angela & Mike's.
And then to:
Doraemon, "My Dog", Pooh, Asian Pop, Wacky DVDs and fishballs forever were the themes of this year's Richmond Night Market.
Stinky Tofu | |
"Robot Carnival" | n/a in English |
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Pride Parade
It was tons of fun. I walked with not only SFU but Douglas, UBC and UVic. I ended up dressing as a cheerleader with Graeme's shirt and Karen's very short white skirt that caused me a few moments of anxiety. We had two floats and about five banners from all the organizations. We got a lot of cheers everytime we hit a pocket of students. Great Fun. I got sun stroked thought and I am still feeling this so I am not yet going to post on the housewarming party (Too tired to think much about html). I have finished Harry Potter. I have to let it sink in a bit before I give a thorough review. The ending was a little underwhelming but I think I liked it. Anyway about to drop dead of exhaustion so I will head off to bed. lots of love Rachael
christian's new pad
christian is referring to himself in the third person today. later christian will get drunk in his new bachelor pad to christen it properly. first, he should probably unpack a bit more tho.
if anyone is planning on passing through seattle anytime, they should get ahold of christian. his new place is a tad small, but it's good enough for crashing for a night or two.
btw, he noticed corinne's naming of various places, and remembered seeing "the laboratory"... is that taken? if not, that would be a great name for christian's new bachelor pad. it would give him an excuse to lure attractive, nubile girls back to it so as to perform naughty 'speriments on them...
oh, and that's laboratory pronounced properly, the way dexter pronounces it. lah-BORE-a-tor-ee.
if anyone is planning on passing through seattle anytime, they should get ahold of christian. his new place is a tad small, but it's good enough for crashing for a night or two.
btw, he noticed corinne's naming of various places, and remembered seeing "the laboratory"... is that taken? if not, that would be a great name for christian's new bachelor pad. it would give him an excuse to lure attractive, nubile girls back to it so as to perform naughty 'speriments on them...
oh, and that's laboratory pronounced properly, the way dexter pronounces it. lah-BORE-a-tor-ee.
Saturday, August 02, 2003
corrineis pushing me around
she's going to edit this latter to what ever she want to it, and gream say and the latter Bla bla BLA, so i go see the fyrewerks cause' they is gooder, than other fyrewerks, i go know bi bye.
Events Additions
1. I am going to dinner tonight at Rachael's. And chances are that you are not. Nya. [tongue sticking out]
2. Fireworks tonight and Wednesday. I did not attend last Wednesday's and I will not attend next Saturday's. Interested? Email... cell phone... uhm... comments bar (although that is the last place I'll be checking for anything).
3. Monday Matinee: The Legend of Suriyothai (or IMDb) at Tinseltown at 1pm. We're going around 11:30am to get the show (maybe grab lunch at their snazzy and empty food court). I'd like to say that I loathe pop-ups from IMDb.
4. One last trip to the Memphis Blues. I have no idea when this will happen as things are getting a little busy lately.
5. Tomorrow night's Richmond Night Market Trip take 4.
6. Going for drinks at the Silvertone with Timmy on Monday.
2. Fireworks tonight and Wednesday. I did not attend last Wednesday's and I will not attend next Saturday's. Interested? Email... cell phone... uhm... comments bar (although that is the last place I'll be checking for anything).
3. Monday Matinee: The Legend of Suriyothai (or IMDb) at Tinseltown at 1pm. We're going around 11:30am to get the show (maybe grab lunch at their snazzy and empty food court). I'd like to say that I loathe pop-ups from IMDb.
4. One last trip to the Memphis Blues. I have no idea when this will happen as things are getting a little busy lately.
5. Tomorrow night's Richmond Night Market Trip take 4.
6. Going for drinks at the Silvertone with Timmy on Monday.
Friday, August 01, 2003
MP3 Friday
Yup, I'm running pretty late on this bugger, and thus I am relgated to the bottom of th epage like some late posting reject. Oh well. This week's MP3 is yet another hiphop track (Sorry, I'll move on next week). This time by a member of the local hiphop collective called the Sweatshop Union. His name is Kyprios, and he sounds a lot like Mos Def. I just dig the cheerful kind of delvery, some witty lyrics, and nice summer-like sounding production. Thought this would be good to listen to sitting out on the patio with a couple cold ones. mmmmmm Beer. Gotta keep working, so this is just a short little post, my apologies.
Scavenger Hunt (& Party)
August 31st is a Sunday, but it is also a long weekend wih Monday being Labour Day.
Scavenger Hunt will begin at 11:00am. I'm thinking teams of no more than 4 which will be sorted out when we get together (but RSVPs and the number of friends you want in on it would certainly help in the organization process).
I will be working on a list of Vancouver (or generic) things to find for 10 hours. At 9pm we will head back to the Clubhouse for judging (possibly prizes). Digital cameras, poloroids (with a fair amount of film) or a 1 hour developing (which takes an hour out of your hunt schedule) will be the methods of retrieval.
Also at 9pm comes the Clubhouse party for those not interested (or available) for the hunt.
This will be the last Hoorah for the Clubhouse until Halloween, so it's a double bill event.
If you are interested in being a Team Captain or have oddities to suggest, email me.
Scavenger Hunt will begin at 11:00am. I'm thinking teams of no more than 4 which will be sorted out when we get together (but RSVPs and the number of friends you want in on it would certainly help in the organization process).
I will be working on a list of Vancouver (or generic) things to find for 10 hours. At 9pm we will head back to the Clubhouse for judging (possibly prizes). Digital cameras, poloroids (with a fair amount of film) or a 1 hour developing (which takes an hour out of your hunt schedule) will be the methods of retrieval.
Also at 9pm comes the Clubhouse party for those not interested (or available) for the hunt.
This will be the last Hoorah for the Clubhouse until Halloween, so it's a double bill event.
If you are interested in being a Team Captain or have oddities to suggest, email me.
I found my login info. yay.
Location: Seattle, WA
Date of birth: June 27
Specialty/Interests: nothing interesting.
Wish list (if you could have anything right now): sixteen million dollars, a pretty girl who likes hockey and appreciates sarcasm, and a nice kosher gherkin. and maybe all of my stuff back. breakups suck.
Mutant power (what you wish you could do or what you can do): invisibility, duh. or teleportation. the ability to communicate with poultry?
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis: (shameless plug),,,,
What you're doing (in 30 words or less): corporate drone for a soulless plumbing wholesaler.
Where you're going (in 30 words or less): to hell on a fast train.
And a recent image. Either post it in the post, or email it to me soon after: feh, I'll see what I can do.
Location: Seattle, WA
Date of birth: June 27
Specialty/Interests: nothing interesting.
Wish list (if you could have anything right now): sixteen million dollars, a pretty girl who likes hockey and appreciates sarcasm, and a nice kosher gherkin. and maybe all of my stuff back. breakups suck.
Mutant power (what you wish you could do or what you can do): invisibility, duh. or teleportation. the ability to communicate with poultry?
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis: (shameless plug),,,,
What you're doing (in 30 words or less): corporate drone for a soulless plumbing wholesaler.
Where you're going (in 30 words or less): to hell on a fast train.
And a recent image. Either post it in the post, or email it to me soon after: feh, I'll see what I can do.
Nosy Bears
Now there is a new way to find out about your favourite (or most hated) Last Time poster!
On every post you can click on the name of the poster and it will take you to their page that will hopefully become less generic and more full over the coming weeks.
New posters will need to wait 24 hours before an info page is set up for them. Ideally, new posters will take the opportunity to post the following information in their first post to make my life a flip of a lot easier:
Date of birth
Wish list (if you could have anything right now)
Mutant power (what you wish you could do or what you can do)
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis
What you're doing (in 30 words or less)
Where you're going (in 30 words or less)
And a recent image. Either post it in the post, or email it to me soon after.
ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY WANT. On my and Graeme's pages we have what our WinAmp programs are playing currently. There are a whole bunch of other things available like that all over the intarweb that you can use. Anything that is not time relevent is perfect for it.
Any blurbs, links to writing, artwork, etc, images you might want on there.
If you haven't posted, you won't have a info page because I don't know your user name which is how it's all linked together.
Blah blah blah.
Any questions, you know where to find me.
On every post you can click on the name of the poster and it will take you to their page that will hopefully become less generic and more full over the coming weeks.
New posters will need to wait 24 hours before an info page is set up for them. Ideally, new posters will take the opportunity to post the following information in their first post to make my life a flip of a lot easier:
Date of birth
Wish list (if you could have anything right now)
Mutant power (what you wish you could do or what you can do)
4 or more websites that you like or reference on a regular basis
What you're doing (in 30 words or less)
Where you're going (in 30 words or less)
And a recent image. Either post it in the post, or email it to me soon after.
ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY WANT. On my and Graeme's pages we have what our WinAmp programs are playing currently. There are a whole bunch of other things available like that all over the intarweb that you can use. Anything that is not time relevent is perfect for it.
Any blurbs, links to writing, artwork, etc, images you might want on there.
If you haven't posted, you won't have a info page because I don't know your user name which is how it's all linked together.
Blah blah blah.
Any questions, you know where to find me.
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