Sunday, September 07, 2003

the week from hell

aluded to in previous post.
sunday -- pretty good actually, but driving to seattle for no reason may not have been that smart (or financially prudent). as bj does not drive, my ass is quite sore. but we got krispy kremes, so i guess it's okay. also, ended up dining in the same restaurant as David Cross (of "Mr. Show" fame etc...) again, and half the cast of Mr. Show. they must have been there for Bumbershoot. that, and the crazy fancy seafood place we were in seemed to be the only restaurant in seattle open past 9pm on sunday. you should have seen bj when he thought janeane garofalo walked in (it wasn't her). i thought i lost him for good.
monday -- raced back to bc so bj could go to work. spend most of the day in bed. still kinda ill from the week before.
tuesday -- also pretty good, if you ignore work. people over, pizza. stay up too late...
wednesday -- this is where the hell comes in, as in firey-burning hell next door! i am awoken at 5:45 by someone outside yelling "The place next door is on fire, you probably want to get out!!". check out window, and sure enough, the building directly next to us (on the side where all the expensive stuff in our house is) is shooting flames and black smoke. grab bj, grab the cat, b-line it out the front door in my housecoat and vehemently refuse to go back in until all the firetrucks are gone. first things that cross my mind are "I guess I'll be crashing with my parents for awhile" and "Hmm, I supposed there is something to this house insurance thing". bj is standing outside with a glass of oj and a cigarette, mr. casual. we're buying insurance this week.
thursday -- scald my right poiting finger with boiling hot tomato sauce. oozy scorched blister and hours of agonizing pain result.
friday -- i know i'm really sick, but go to work anyway. leave after two hours of not knowing where the keyboard is.
saturday -- i get sick a minimum of once a month. should i bother seeing a doctor?

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