Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Clubhouse Back To School: Part II

By the end of the day, I felt like a student.

Line ups, line up, line ups.

The school system is good for reminding you that student's time is not valuable when there are thousands of you.
Line up for student loan, line up for text books (ugh... another $150 taking it up to $500), line up for food, line up to get through the hallway.


Two "Philosophy" classes. The first one with John Dixon is all about arguing and debating. I know this is my class because it started off with a discussion about gay marriage. He asked who thought that gays should be allowed to marry. 75% said yes. And then he asked if we should let brothers and sisters marry. It took me a second, but I thought "Who am I to judge or stop this?" Genetically it's not a horrible thing one generation down. I was the only one.
The second one is with Stan Persky (who is the co-author of one of my textbooks for the other class. John Dixon is the other). What a quirky guy. This class looks like a lot of reading & discussion.

The Sleepies

I came home and did some instant programming for the other site. Made some dinner, burned a CD for the project and somehow passed out on the futon in the living room. Now awake and not so alert... I am going to go to bed soon. I have abother 6:30am morning. And every Monday to Friday for the next 14 weeks. Good luck getting me out on a Friday night.

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