Saturday, September 06, 2003

Do Not Ignore Your Friends

Please, please, please, please bear with me while I adjust to this schedule of nightmarish purportions.

My typing and spelling are the first to go.

My "social skills" (whether by tech or time) are next.

And finally you will not recognize me in a few weeks time.

If I am ignoring you in not answering phone calls, emails or anything like that, come and hunt me down. I'm in the worst position for replying to anything. I'm up at 6:30am Monday through Friday, home by noon or 1pm (except Thursday, which I am home by 7) and have more homework than I could have anticipated.

I will try really hard to update what's doing on the blog better, but it may be a weekly thing.

Here's a visual of my calendar (sans homework schedule):

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