Sunday, September 07, 2003


hi all.
i was hoping on having this up earlier. but if you read my post regarding the events of this week you'll understand.

so: as we are aware that people have this school thing to worry about now, the beejster and i have decided to start posting monthly screening schedules so that you can work your homework around what you really want to see. the screening times of 7pm and 9pm will be adhered to much stricter to facilitate better time management for everyone. and, i'll be sending out weekly email reminders to regular attendees, so if you want on that list let me know. again, please send us suggestions or comments as we want this to be the most fun for the most people.

Tuesday Sept 9/03 (this week!!)
7pm: Yakuza Graveyard -- Another fine Fukusaku offering.
9pm: Graveyard of Honour (Miike) -- Yes, that's right. It's the Takashi Miike remake of the first movie we watched last time and it's everything you'd expect.

Tuesday Sept 16/03
AMERICAN COMEDIES WE MISSED ('Cause our stupid store was too poor to bring them in and I had to rent them from Blockbuster)
7pm: Pootie Tang -- Based on the Chris Rock Show sketch.
9pm: Super Troopers -- The Broken Lizard comedy troop gets their own movie.

Tuesday Sept 23/03
MULLET NIGHT! (Yes I'm aware that the fad has run it's course, but that don't mean these movies ain't no good)
7pm: FUBAR -- For those who missed it, the Calgarian guerilla improv classic.
9pm: Run Ronnie Run! -- Based on the Mr. Show sketch. Finally released.

Tuesday Sept 30/03
VINCENT PRICE CRAPOLA DOUBLE BILL (Blame Corinne, it was her idea)
7pm: The Abominable Dr. Phibes --
9pm: House of Wax or House on Haunted Hill -- By audience votes, if anyone is still here after Dr. Phibes.

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