Friday, November 21, 2003

Things I "Saw" Today

Creatures from the Deep (Cove): Twinkies with plastic masks formed out of what is commonly referred to as "make up".
My Hand: I think the word "barbituate" is amazing.
Poetry: And lots of it. I have no verbal skills after two all-nights, but my mind's typewriter is whacking away at a sonnet a minute.
I Jumped: When my keyboard slipped and lost its precarious balance on the edge of what I presume to be a text book.
A Bubblehead: And I'll have her and some other articles "on display" at Decemberween.
A Test: One that I feel I did remarkably well on. Until I looked over at All-Star Kaylie's paper and my answers made me question if there were two exams handed out.
Lots of Everything All at Once: My eye has had a spastic temperament today.
"The Internet is Not There": My dependency on the i-net to print my final assignment for criminology proved to be FATAL as my school is cutting back on bandwidth by not offering this service on days I need it. And people say budgetary restraints don't affect them.

I'm going to sleep for a couple days. Good night!

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