Monday, November 17, 2003

Team Post-Apocalypse

Grae and I were discussing the end of times and who we'd enlist into our army. It came about with a discussion about Suarez's fear of zombies led him to enroll at a firing range. We then thought that he would be great to run to. Further additions to our team included international online compatriots who we could secure forces world wide.

Our headquarters would be SFU on the hill with outposts at BC Hothouse in Langley and Cap College in North Vancouver for the food supplies and proximately to other amenities such as food supplies, command posts and natural resources. Not to mention the generators and emergency supply stock pile.

We'll have raided A&B Sound for media for entertainment, and SFU and Cap (and likely Hothouse would have a boardroom) will be already equiped for entertainment purposes.

The counsel would be centred at SFU, with elected officials from the two subposts. The counsel would make all the decisions except in times of crisis in which a heiarchy would be established at all posts with a commander-in-charge down the line to "last man standing makes his or her own rules". There would be a followed doctrine to use in times of crisis, and should be adhered to as closely as possible to avoid a degeneration into dictatorship.

Those opposed to anything could bring it to the counsel's attention. If the individual defies any orders they are offered the chance to leave, lodge a formal complaint or conform. If they take the first option they are to be freed with the condition that they not become an adversary. Any sign of antangony will result in their death. Otherwise, we'll all be friends! Bring your friends along!

Team members would include all the girls we knew and the men with skills. Tech, construction and diplomacy were all pre-reqs.

Owen got in for his stock pile of supplies and crafting skills.
BJ and Mariko got in for their post-apocalypse knowledge.
Gareth because he's Gareth. We'd be crazy not to take Gareth (and possibly Nate... he's got some potentially useful post-apocalypse skills).
Many, many, many girls for their domestics (this grew to include Mike). Most of these chickyboos will have been a part of the SCA (so, Korinne, Karin, Eva, etc.).
Trevor and Emily to run the baby vats.
All geeks and nerds will be more than welcome.
I was thinking if we got Aidan's Dad to train and operate the radios between the posts, it would provide very handy (although we could probably make due without).
Korinne's boyfriend Chris was slated as our P-A smith.
Carpentry would probably fall to Angela (Trading Spaces Queen), Rachael and myself. And with the SFU and Cap libraries we'll have access to a whole pile of information regading plumbing, construction, dam building, architecture, fly fishing, etc.
Everyone else would have fallen under the hunter/gatherer or runner/guard. Many would end up in agriculture or manpower departments.
Toby and Kate would take Japan; Matt and Kim would rule Oxnard. We'd have back up places to go to if we lost a post or three.

Anyway: Who is in your post-apocalypse army?

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