Temp position here at work needed starting tomorrow.
I doubt any of you want to work for a week, but I'm putting it out there in case any of you want it.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Evil Film School - This Friday!!
Hey Kids,
Bothering you once again to remind all fans of Blaxploitation to get their butts down to Blim this Friday for Blaxploitation Rarities. Once again, the line-up:
7:30pm: Darktown Strutters - Action musical with "Thumper" from Diamonds are Forever. A MUST SEE!
9:30pm: Candy Tangerine Man - Sleazy. Violent. Pimpin'... Sam Jackon wants you to see this M.F. movie.

And... Mark your calendars in Blood Red Ink for (drumroll)...
Evil Film School Presents - The First Annual Halloween Monster Mash!!
Doors 7pm
Admission $5 - 10 slidding scale
7:30pm - Horror Shorts Massacre
8:30pm - Costume Contest (Prizes!)
9pm - The Monster Squad [1986] - The cult hit from the 80's is back!
Costumes mandatory. Free admission to anyone dressed as a Universal monster (Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Wolfman, the Creature From the Black Lagoon, Bride of Frankenstein, etc).
For more info go to www.evilfilmschool.com or email evilfilmschool@gmail.com
Bothering you once again to remind all fans of Blaxploitation to get their butts down to Blim this Friday for Blaxploitation Rarities. Once again, the line-up:
7:30pm: Darktown Strutters - Action musical with "Thumper" from Diamonds are Forever. A MUST SEE!
9:30pm: Candy Tangerine Man - Sleazy. Violent. Pimpin'... Sam Jackon wants you to see this M.F. movie.

And... Mark your calendars in Blood Red Ink for (drumroll)...
Evil Film School Presents - The First Annual Halloween Monster Mash!!
Doors 7pm
Admission $5 - 10 slidding scale
7:30pm - Horror Shorts Massacre
8:30pm - Costume Contest (Prizes!)
9pm - The Monster Squad [1986] - The cult hit from the 80's is back!
Costumes mandatory. Free admission to anyone dressed as a Universal monster (Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Wolfman, the Creature From the Black Lagoon, Bride of Frankenstein, etc).
For more info go to www.evilfilmschool.com or email evilfilmschool@gmail.com
Evil Film School,
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Now that's what I call culture: Movie night and so much more
Now before I get into this sunday's goodness I just want to remind people JACKASS NUMBER TWO opens today! I totally forgot about til I opened up the Straight. I'm thinking the 9:50pm show at the Paramount, and hey we'll probably get to watch drunk frat boys try to copy the stunts after the movie. Who's down?
B&B Presents: RollerMADNESS!
Sun. Sep.24/06

7pmRoll Bounce (2005): Well you have a typical coming of age story set against a roller skating competition in the 70s (so great music) and CHARLIE MURPHY! Don't forget Nick Cannon, he's hilarious.

9pm Kansas City Bomber (1972): When the fuck is the Vancouver Roller Derby league gonna start up! Last I heard they were having trouble getting insurance for their players. BOOOO! Anyways roller derby, Raquel Welch wearing tight shirts, that just may show a bit of cleavage, beating the shit out of other girls while wearing rollerskates. My head swoons with delight.
and possibly an AFTERHOURS showing of Miike's episode of Masters of Horror, IMPRINT. For those who haven't downloaded it months. Like myself.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics.
Ok I have tickets to LADYTRON on Oct. 14 (where I'll dance like a middle aged gay man at the Pet Shop Boys farewell concert) and DETROIT COBRAS on the following Monday and I want to spend those times with you. Regarding the Cobras, I've just found out how musically ignorant I am, since finding out they're a cover band. Albeit a cover band with their own great rockin' sound. So if anyone is interested in doing the Cha-cha twist with me come along. Also note, the near pleading tone comes from the fact that the only person I know going is someone I have a huge crush on and she has a boyfriend. Help me not flip out. Oh yes SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS is coming to town on Nov.16. One of the funnest live acts still around that I have yet to see (and I've hardly seen any, so that's a whole lot of potential funness).
Ugh sleep sentence construction difficult. Work soon. blahhhh.
B&B Presents: RollerMADNESS!
Sun. Sep.24/06

7pmRoll Bounce (2005): Well you have a typical coming of age story set against a roller skating competition in the 70s (so great music) and CHARLIE MURPHY! Don't forget Nick Cannon, he's hilarious.

9pm Kansas City Bomber (1972): When the fuck is the Vancouver Roller Derby league gonna start up! Last I heard they were having trouble getting insurance for their players. BOOOO! Anyways roller derby, Raquel Welch wearing tight shirts, that just may show a bit of cleavage, beating the shit out of other girls while wearing rollerskates. My head swoons with delight.
and possibly an AFTERHOURS showing of Miike's episode of Masters of Horror, IMPRINT. For those who haven't downloaded it months. Like myself.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics.
Ok I have tickets to LADYTRON on Oct. 14 (where I'll dance like a middle aged gay man at the Pet Shop Boys farewell concert) and DETROIT COBRAS on the following Monday and I want to spend those times with you. Regarding the Cobras, I've just found out how musically ignorant I am, since finding out they're a cover band. Albeit a cover band with their own great rockin' sound. So if anyone is interested in doing the Cha-cha twist with me come along. Also note, the near pleading tone comes from the fact that the only person I know going is someone I have a huge crush on and she has a boyfriend. Help me not flip out. Oh yes SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS is coming to town on Nov.16. One of the funnest live acts still around that I have yet to see (and I've hardly seen any, so that's a whole lot of potential funness).
Ugh sleep sentence construction difficult. Work soon. blahhhh.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Vet's Club Saturday?
Wanna be social this Saturday? I was in the middle of concocting a few ideas when Ron mentioned he'd be at the Vet's club this Saturday...Anybody interested? 7:30-11:30pm like Wednesday.
Maybe a pre/post drink at the B&B? Or my place (19/25 bus to vet's)?
Maybe a pre/post drink at the B&B? Or my place (19/25 bus to vet's)?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
No trouble so far...
I swear I didn't do it.
I'm okay, and haven't seen any troops yet. But I'm going looking for some, camera well-hidden.
I'll keep you posted here.
I'm okay, and haven't seen any troops yet. But I'm going looking for some, camera well-hidden.
I'll keep you posted here.
Don't be the last kid on your block to know about the International Talk Like A Pirate Day Flashmob!
Arrr Sea Battle will be at Grandview Park on Commercial Drive! The time of attack will be 4:30!
Avast ye hearties, 'tis the day of piratanical reckoning TODAY, Tuesday, September 19th! In celebration of the scourge of the bonny ocean, ye scurvy curs are expected to stand proudly as pirates and brandish yer grimy cardboard swords for a battle of grate proportion.
Make yer own ship, parrot or wench to kidnap!
Bring booty and swag!
Remember, you are rogues! Privateers!
Don't dance the hempen jig, but plunder in the park, hornswaggle the landlubbers and win the day!
Pirate after-party confirmed at El Cocal! Grog and shanties at six p.m.
Arrr Sea Battle will be at Grandview Park on Commercial Drive! The time of attack will be 4:30!
Avast ye hearties, 'tis the day of piratanical reckoning TODAY, Tuesday, September 19th! In celebration of the scourge of the bonny ocean, ye scurvy curs are expected to stand proudly as pirates and brandish yer grimy cardboard swords for a battle of grate proportion.
Make yer own ship, parrot or wench to kidnap!
Bring booty and swag!
Remember, you are rogues! Privateers!
Don't dance the hempen jig, but plunder in the park, hornswaggle the landlubbers and win the day!
Pirate after-party confirmed at El Cocal! Grog and shanties at six p.m.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
MOVIE NIGHT! new releases?
This time I swear it's not cause I'm lazy. I did have many fine ideas but the fact that I'm swamped with work, school and drinking I don't have the time to watch the new releases I took home this weekend. You know what though? They're supposed to be pretty good. So with less than 24 hours notice...
Sun. Sep. 17

7pm The Proposition (2005): Harsh Australian western with a great cast. Ray Winstone and John Hurt are my stand-outs. Either way I've heard nothing but badass things about this movie.

9pm Hard Candy (2006): Basically the same set up as Freeway. "Little Red Riding Hood" parable of little girl being taken in by child molestor. The one we're watching is done as a straight thriller unlike Freeway which was a satire (If you haven't seen Freeway check it out).
Apologies for unexciting write-ups. Again hope to see you there. Be lovely.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics or Rollerskating madness with Charlie Murphy.
Sun. Sep. 17

7pm The Proposition (2005): Harsh Australian western with a great cast. Ray Winstone and John Hurt are my stand-outs. Either way I've heard nothing but badass things about this movie.

9pm Hard Candy (2006): Basically the same set up as Freeway. "Little Red Riding Hood" parable of little girl being taken in by child molestor. The one we're watching is done as a straight thriller unlike Freeway which was a satire (If you haven't seen Freeway check it out).
Apologies for unexciting write-ups. Again hope to see you there. Be lovely.
Next week: Blaxploitation classics or Rollerskating madness with Charlie Murphy.
Just wanted to say I've posted some new stories from my trip. You can link from here of course. Mostly about staying with Fran (my sister).
Shout Outs are as follows:
Alex - "do ya, do ya, doya, doya, wanna?"
Bob - How's that co-habitation working out for ya? (subtext, I'm happy you don't have to keep your door shut any more.. oh, wait a minute .. never mind..)
Scott - What's with your blog? also, be on MSN more please.. Also, (even more also) WTF is going on with Wink? Hey, hey, the Winnipeg Improv Festival is in late October and guess who's gonna be here... you can see my grin right?
BJ - School?? you know. that whole thing.
Mike - miss you and your cakes.. Also, school?? Also, thank you for your cockroach advice. I told Fran what to get and what to do.
Aidan - I had a dream about dodge ball.. ok, I can't even finish that sentence. that's not true. but I do really miss it. so fun.
hugs for all,
sing sing sing!!!
Shout Outs are as follows:
Alex - "do ya, do ya, doya, doya, wanna?"
Bob - How's that co-habitation working out for ya? (subtext, I'm happy you don't have to keep your door shut any more.. oh, wait a minute .. never mind..)
Scott - What's with your blog? also, be on MSN more please.. Also, (even more also) WTF is going on with Wink? Hey, hey, the Winnipeg Improv Festival is in late October and guess who's gonna be here... you can see my grin right?
BJ - School?? you know. that whole thing.
Mike - miss you and your cakes.. Also, school?? Also, thank you for your cockroach advice. I told Fran what to get and what to do.
Aidan - I had a dream about dodge ball.. ok, I can't even finish that sentence. that's not true. but I do really miss it. so fun.
hugs for all,
sing sing sing!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
So long, and thanks for all the fish/karaoke...
I'm on my way out in an hour or two, flying through Hong Kong and then on to Bangkok. This summer was too damn short... ate some fine food, sang some fine songs (usually pretty badly) and maybe even did a little drinking. I'll miss you all, and I'll be back in a year, maybe a bit less. If homesickness strikes hard, I might take a short vacation home at some point, but only if finance allows.
A new blog will appear very soon either here or here, but I haven't decided which yet, and I've been too consumed with pre-trip prep that I haven't started posting. This will be a more permanent blog, since folks are apparently getting sick of me changing them every six months. Should I have two blogs? (i.e. one my grandma can read, and another where Christian can comment all he wants about prepubescent prostitutes?) Probably a good idea...
OK, I'm off to bond with my parents for my remaining hour. Y'all have a good time, and don't let the karaoke trend die - I'll be practicing in Thailand if the opportunity arises. Toodles!
P.S. I'll make sure to get high-speed internet in Chiang Mai, so I'll be a bit more of a web presence than I was the last couple of trips.
A new blog will appear very soon either here or here, but I haven't decided which yet, and I've been too consumed with pre-trip prep that I haven't started posting. This will be a more permanent blog, since folks are apparently getting sick of me changing them every six months. Should I have two blogs? (i.e. one my grandma can read, and another where Christian can comment all he wants about prepubescent prostitutes?) Probably a good idea...
OK, I'm off to bond with my parents for my remaining hour. Y'all have a good time, and don't let the karaoke trend die - I'll be practicing in Thailand if the opportunity arises. Toodles!
P.S. I'll make sure to get high-speed internet in Chiang Mai, so I'll be a bit more of a web presence than I was the last couple of trips.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
VIFF schedule up NOW!
So far most looking forward to THE HOST. Same director (Joon-ho Bong) and some of the cast (including fave Kang-ho Song) as Memories of Murder and it's a monster movie. A river monster movie. Life is sweet. A huge blockbuster in South Korea and Japan. There's talk it's going to be South Korea's submission to Best Foreign Language film at the Oscars. A monster movie. A river monster movie. Wait a mutant river monster movie.

Here's the Japanese trailer. Myself, I'm doing a blackout on the movie til I see it. It's been picked up by Magnolia pictures (which Alliance-Atlantis occasionally does releases for) so it might play here after the fest.
I'm going to the Oct. 1st 9:45pm showing. Tickets on sale now.
Will be back with more info on fest titles as time permits.
btw I have a pass to Science Of Sleep this wednesday but have no date. Any takers?
So far most looking forward to THE HOST. Same director (Joon-ho Bong) and some of the cast (including fave Kang-ho Song) as Memories of Murder and it's a monster movie. A river monster movie. Life is sweet. A huge blockbuster in South Korea and Japan. There's talk it's going to be South Korea's submission to Best Foreign Language film at the Oscars. A monster movie. A river monster movie. Wait a mutant river monster movie.

Here's the Japanese trailer. Myself, I'm doing a blackout on the movie til I see it. It's been picked up by Magnolia pictures (which Alliance-Atlantis occasionally does releases for) so it might play here after the fest.
I'm going to the Oct. 1st 9:45pm showing. Tickets on sale now.
Will be back with more info on fest titles as time permits.
btw I have a pass to Science Of Sleep this wednesday but have no date. Any takers?
Friday, September 08, 2006
MOVIE NIGHT is still here dammit!
With Brendan gone the next few weeks I've had to suspend the programming I've been looking forward to because, well, I don't want him to miss out on it. Can I honestly do a blaxploitation night with Brendan not here? I think not. So I'm doing something rather lazy. I'm programming by label. This week; SUBVERSIVE CINEMA. This interview with Norm Hill, one of the founders of Subversive, from 2004 will give a bit of background and history into the label. Again too lazy and/or exhausted to summarize (fuck we're doing summary next class. FUCKING FIRST YEAR ENGLISH!!!! DAMN MY NEED OF IT!!!!). Funny hearing Norm giving huge props to Anchor Bay and now two years later labels like his, BLUE UNDERGROUND, DARK SKY, having coincidently enraged bootleg collectors out of being uber-cult, have outshone Anchor Bay with their transcendently remastered transfers of obscure classics while Anchor Bay churns out 80s tv shows, work out DVDs (well they always have, so whatever about that...), children shows and DAWN OF THE DEAD again and again and again. Oh wait Anchor Bay does have Masters of Horror.......yep.....Masters of Horror......that's another two paragraphs I'm too lazy to write. Speaking of laziness check out these descriptions.
Sun. Sep. 10

7:30pm The Candy Snatchers (1973): Gnarly kidnapping movie. What? want more description? Go to the Subversive website link up above. The trailer's on the site.

9:30 pm The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976): Millie Perkins likes to castrate. Again trailered on Subversive's website. I missed this one at Cinemuerte a few years back. Now I'll rectify that.

Oh yeah I have a new number 778-866-1089. I might even be late so now you can yell at me if I'm not there or the doorbell's still not working.
Next week: Mondo Macabro maybe, Yet another post-apocalyptic night, Cute asian girl movies. I don't know. We'll see.
Sun. Sep. 10

7:30pm The Candy Snatchers (1973): Gnarly kidnapping movie. What? want more description? Go to the Subversive website link up above. The trailer's on the site.

9:30 pm The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976): Millie Perkins likes to castrate. Again trailered on Subversive's website. I missed this one at Cinemuerte a few years back. Now I'll rectify that.

Oh yeah I have a new number 778-866-1089. I might even be late so now you can yell at me if I'm not there or the doorbell's still not working.
Next week: Mondo Macabro maybe, Yet another post-apocalyptic night, Cute asian girl movies. I don't know. We'll see.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The City that Never Sleeps for the Guy who seldom does

B-town will be in New York City come Sept 11, but before those shenanegans can begin I have a wedding to got to in Ontario.
Here's the jib.
I am in T.O. for the next couple of days and Peterbourough for the rest of the week and would like to see my newly Ontarian friends.

If anybody could send me the new ontario digits of JP or JKM. I know they have called some of you... and I know they check this blog to...
So any of youse or thems please send the infor to my
bhurley (at)interchange (dot) ubc (dot) ca
Thanks, and if any of y'alls wants anythin' from back east, let me know.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
House Warming!
Okay, we're just going to ignore the fact that I actually moved in back in June.
When: Saturday September 9th
Time: 6pm - Whenever
Where: Address in the forum
Notes: 1) Come early if you want raclette (cooler version of fondue), since we'll only be doing it from 6 - 8pm cause I want to drink and don't want to be in charge of scalding cheese thing when I'm drunk. And bring your own cheese (firmer, smelly cheeses work best, but just bring what you like. Swiss, Guyere & smoked Gouda are particularly tasty). 2) Despite multiple conversations with my building manager, the buzzer to my apartment still doesn't work, so you'll either have to call me once you get there if you have a cellphone, or come around the back and yell. Apparently one of the buzzers does buzz into my apartment, just not #5. If you're feeling adventurous you can go ahead and buzz a bunch of apartments until you get me, just make sure you note which one actually got my attention. p.s. Brendan, I'm kidding.
There will be lots of yummy food. You are in charge of your own drinks. Bring your friends (don't worry, there's lots of room).
RSVP if you get a chance.
When: Saturday September 9th
Time: 6pm - Whenever
Where: Address in the forum
Notes: 1) Come early if you want raclette (cooler version of fondue), since we'll only be doing it from 6 - 8pm cause I want to drink and don't want to be in charge of scalding cheese thing when I'm drunk. And bring your own cheese (firmer, smelly cheeses work best, but just bring what you like. Swiss, Guyere & smoked Gouda are particularly tasty). 2) Despite multiple conversations with my building manager, the buzzer to my apartment still doesn't work, so you'll either have to call me once you get there if you have a cellphone, or come around the back and yell. Apparently one of the buzzers does buzz into my apartment, just not #5. If you're feeling adventurous you can go ahead and buzz a bunch of apartments until you get me, just make sure you note which one actually got my attention. p.s. Brendan, I'm kidding.
There will be lots of yummy food. You are in charge of your own drinks. Bring your friends (don't worry, there's lots of room).
RSVP if you get a chance.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
swm seeking tech geek
Um, a humble question for anyone more web savy than myself:
Is there a quick, one-maybe-two step way to back up the contents of one's blog?
I also like imaginative use of marmalade.
Is there a quick, one-maybe-two step way to back up the contents of one's blog?
I also like imaginative use of marmalade.
Friday, September 01, 2006
7:30pm and 9:00pm (be on time, come play both!)
(up top by the buses)
www. manhunt-vancouver.com
7:30pm and 9:00pm (be on time, come play both!)
(up top by the buses)
www. manhunt-vancouver.com
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