This is a special thanks to all that came out on Saturday, the party wouldn't have been quite as good if it wasn't for any of you. You guys are the bestest.

Here is Ava as Harley Quinn. She was telling me a story about how her original pants were one leg red and one leg black. She opted for the all black pant look which looks more classier. But then I ask myself, "what came of those pants? were they given to Jack White of the White Stripes for their
latest video?" Eerie.

And this would be the source of all the drumstick/magic wand anal jokes. Bob went against tradition and avoided the army costume this year and opted for a Harry Potter costume. He
does have the scar, but is keeping it strategically out of shot. The wand would make its pokey rounds by the end of the night, as with all good costume props (devil sticks, hats, wigs, head lice, etc.). I'm a little disappointed with the scarf. My only suggestion is for Bob to suggest he is Evil Potter or the Anti-Potter... He's not quite there to be a full on Harry Potter (and even took off the hooded cape I lent him for all of a minute. Bob was awesomely drunk by the end of it all. Bob rocks.

This is
Christian pre-illness. And now I see his foolishness in his hands. He claims the meat got him ill, but the "cider" he is drinking is almost as bad as Dragon's Punch for having adverse effects on someone. His hands are hidden in this shot, but there is a definitely a "tattoo" of E-L-W-O-O-D on his knuckle and a half. I know 'cause I drew it myself. Christian tells a better tale on his website, and it comes with an illustration.

Me. In Battle Royale costume. Biggest question for me is "what are you?" "Have you seen Battle Royale?" "Oh, no! But I have heard of it!" Very common response. Too bad I couldn't have had it playing in the background. It would certainly have less porn than what is on behind me in this picture. I plan on adding the map, a weapon and some food rations for later this week.

Emily Flashdancing about. I think she told the best costume story of the night. Upon leaving her house her mother suggested that she looked like a hooker. I thought that was hilarious. Because in a few ways, in the summer, if you go down to Cordova, you can find women stuck in 80s dance routine clothing, sans leg warmers. With classic hoop earrings that were for a while back in style thanks to J-Lo...

Best thing about Ethan's costume was that he couldn't walk through the Clubhouse with the helmet on. Too funny. He was carefully guided into the kitchen when I first got a glimpse of the problem. I forgot to announce costume height restrictions this year, but I didn't think anyone would exceed them.

The dark faeire and the resident instant photgrapher (thanks Eva!) were actually modified by her (which is incredible for the accuracy and matchingness of the holes to the original design). Also impressive was the lifespan of her hairstyle which lasted all night. If you're looking for you gelly blood I have it.

The first of two Kill Bill costumes (I'll have to wait until I finish the roll and develop mine to show the rest of the costumes MIA), Mariko came as Elle Driver (aka California Mountain Snake). Very well done and it created quite the debate over Elle's code name.

I'm under the impression I wouldn't mind taking Graeme to see "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" for the sole reason that someone loses some eyes very dramatically. And he's got guns. Here's the guy concerned with his make-up, Paul. Paul did not get nearly drunk enough, but this could be a blessing as my bed was not the recipient of vomit. Thanks Paul for not vomitting on my bed. Much appreciated. Kudos! (as always, just teasing).

Up close and personal, here's Rachael in her 18th Century Parisian costume (she's so much more historically cultured than the rest of us... or at least overt about it). I'm glad to see that she had ironed out the last few details that were problems on Thursday. Her hat exceeded my expectations on what someone could make in a such a short span of time. Very very cool.

The neighbourhood popular Lost Souls look graced Scott for Saturday. It's too bad you couldn't see the suit he was wearing. As I recall it was very ornate for a suit and very swanky. He could probably have stuck a couple of fangs in, some drippy blood and it would have been a fancy little vampire costume. I wonder who did his make-up... looks good.

Trevor. I'm beginning to really love Trevor's presence at the Clubhouse events (this is not to say that I didn't like it before). I love a guy who can encourage drunken revelry in others. I think the half a dozen really drunk people really moved the party along. And, yeah, Trevor, your gloves and cape were retrieved successfully from the bah-be-que.

As the night went on, costume bits started to make their way around. Here's Grae with Paul's wig. He echoes the grunge scene with that goatee nicely. And those that got to see the running joke with Grae, me and the wig are going to have something to share to those that departed early, I suppose.

Of course, without a wig, effeminate Paul adopts mine.

Owen would acquire Mike's mask in a moment of absurdity captured on "film".

The costumes of the night seemed to be of Sophie and Gareth. I continue to not hold out high expectations for their costumes, and every year I am caught off guard. This is some serious Halloween commitment. Gareth told me the story about how Owen wouldn't let up on finding out what they planned to be for Halloween. Finally Gareth caved and confessed that they were going as the cheesey classic couple's costume of a prince and a princess. Apparently Owen gave quite the look. And it was not Link and Zelda, Owen. Nice guess... I would have pictured them as Gay Rainbow Ken and Rainbow Barbie for a few weeks in horror.

Bob and Rachael on the couch. We've mentioned them both already, so they just get a simple caption. Nya. By the way Rachael, whatever happened to those sorority pictures?

Karen and Laura, acting like a couple of animals. The Elephant costume was apparently a butchered child's costume and the Mouse was a second hand grab at the V&V boutique. Great ideas for next year for me.

With a photograph, Nick's man of stone works really well against Bree's Medusa. This costume comes courtesy of Miyuki. The more I see of Miyuki's handiwork, the more impressed I am. That wig was solid.
If I am missing any photographs (I got three empty emails, and I'm certain Eva took pictures of Mike as well as a few others) I'll post another one of these later.
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