Sunday, June 11, 2006

MOVIE NIGHT: Apparently race is an issue night.

Howdy all. Sorry for the late post, also for leading you on about WWII sub movies. Just found out even though Brendan was a Military subcontractor he's a fuckin Unitarian pacifist not into War movie. Pfffttt. 'Sides he sadly won't be here for this week's programs of Racial Tension. Whoop!

MON. June 13th

7pmThe Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973): The token black agent for the CIA quits the agency and builds an army of leftist radicals and black nationalists. With their help they launch the first armed attack against the White power structure. Down with the man!

Fight for Your Life (1977): Anyone wanna see a racist J.F. Sebastian from Blade Runner in a cruel super-exploitative movie about three convicts who escape from jail and hole up at the house of a black minister and his family? You do? Well good 'cause we'll be watching a movie just like that.

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