Thursday, June 24, 2004

edward fortyhands strikes back.

the sixty-four penny question becomes this:

in light of my (albeit more and more seemingly imaginary) friend piper not going to attend, is there any desire to play edward fortyhands? I realise this is short notice, but I could try to pick up some forties. graeme, I'll even look for rainier in forty form just for you, if you'd like.

otherwise, we could each try to initiate ourselves into the hundred ouncer club using plain beer. it's a simple task, just drink nine beers in a night. now the TWO HUNDRED OUNCER club is another matter, requiring just under seventeen beers.

personally, I think I can do it if I get an early enough start. who is man (or woman) enough to drive seveteen beers without puking with me? the bonus of this game over fortyhands is you can piss freely as often as you want. and the beer can be good.

and to think, people think I'm joking when I tell them I only drink to excess... all or very little, babee.

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