OK, I couldn't quite mention this on my own blog, but I need some serious radio silence for the next few weeks. I've got to go off the grid for some fieldwork (hint: I'm posing as a missionary!). Please don't email me or comment (on my blog) about anything even vaguely connected to my work, or Thailand, or Burma, or buttsex, or my foolishness for doing this crazy shit in the first place, or anything other than pleasant wishes and the weather. Facebook commenting is likewise out. Otherwise, I'll be deported, and fired, and possibly (much) worse.
And to those with a particularly contrarian sense of humour, this is not one of those times where ignoring my plea will make it extra funny. Seriously, just don't.
P.S. This blog is probably a safe place to say whatever. Christian, I'm hoping you'll get it out of your system here.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Something Happening
Prior to Chinee Foo on Sunday May 6, 2007, the Jolly Rodger will host a rough* and tumble* Cinco de Mayo.
Byob and all smoking of all things will take place in the back alley. Tap on the window or ring buzzer 103.
8pm until everyone is sick and tired of each other (or Chinee Foo happens).
And WHY do we have four tags for alcohol consumption on here?!
Byob and all smoking of all things will take place in the back alley. Tap on the window or ring buzzer 103.
8pm until everyone is sick and tired of each other (or Chinee Foo happens).
And WHY do we have four tags for alcohol consumption on here?!
Jolly Rodger,
Monday, April 23, 2007
anything happening?
we're planning a trip north in the next few weeks... I thought we had plans for drinko de mayo, but it turns out we probably don't. so which of the next three weekends would be best to head north? what's the most exciting thing happening?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fine. I'll Cross-Post.
Hey, unhip kids, want to see a movie? Sure you do. Do you want to see Coupland's script on film? Sure you do.
Everything's Going Green
2:30pm Matinee, Sunday. Tinseltown. Be early. Buy tickets. Watch movie. Don't bring anything electronic because the fuzz think you, the paying movie attendee, is the reason that the movie industry is making tens of billions, as opposed to hundreds of billions, of dollars. Which is their prime concern, you know? I am bitter. But I'll get over it. By going to a movie.
And being treated like a criminal.
If you want more info, join facebook like the rest of civilization.
Everything's Going Green
2:30pm Matinee, Sunday. Tinseltown. Be early. Buy tickets. Watch movie. Don't bring anything electronic because the fuzz think you, the paying movie attendee, is the reason that the movie industry is making tens of billions, as opposed to hundreds of billions, of dollars. Which is their prime concern, you know? I am bitter. But I'll get over it. By going to a movie.
And being treated like a criminal.
If you want more info, join facebook like the rest of civilization.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Karaoke Fundraiser
Lee's very cool friend Tammy is having a Karaoke fundraiser this Saturday for a documentary film she is working. Details are below the poster.

Where: 'The Met' 320 Abbot St. (Gastown)
When: Saturday, March 21st, 2007
9pm 'til your voice is gone!
Cheap drinks, no cover, a good cause! Look for the person with the big jar!
The documentary is about the non-profit organization 'agentsofchange.ca.' They are bicycling from Vancouver to Mexico to raise a $1,000,000 for microcredit initiatives. Microcredit is the concept that won Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
Come see us make fools of ourselves! For more information about the documentary contact me directly, all the information for the event is on the flyer attached, feel free to share it!
Tammy Bannister
Change Agent

Where: 'The Met' 320 Abbot St. (Gastown)
When: Saturday, March 21st, 2007
9pm 'til your voice is gone!
Cheap drinks, no cover, a good cause! Look for the person with the big jar!
The documentary is about the non-profit organization 'agentsofchange.ca.' They are bicycling from Vancouver to Mexico to raise a $1,000,000 for microcredit initiatives. Microcredit is the concept that won Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
Come see us make fools of ourselves! For more information about the documentary contact me directly, all the information for the event is on the flyer attached, feel free to share it!
Tammy Bannister
Change Agent
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Passing this along, because it sounds awesome. I'm planning to be there around noon. Anyone else?
Swap-o-rama-rama is a clothing swap and wearable art creation event where all your fabulous fashion fantasies can come true!
The swap begins with a giant collective pile of clothing, the unwanted costumes of all who attend. Everyone is welcome to dive in and find their next new/used items from the pile. Take as little or as much clothing from this pile as you like, it's all free!
After you have chosen your new dandy duds, slide on over to a transformation station, where you can cut, sew, glue, paint, bedazzle, and otherwise renew someone else's rags into your riches. Materials and a few sewing machines will be available to help you unleash your well-dressed muse. Or, attend a workshop where you can learn to modify your re-fashioned finds in unexpected ways.
An all day participatory runway will feature the silly, the sophisticated, and the sublime. All are invited to take a playful spin down the runway in their most fabulous fashionry. Ask the audience for their opinion on the outfit you just plucked from the pile... or just show off!
Swap-o-rama-rama is coming to Vancouver and will take place April 15,
2007 from 11:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Heritage Hall.
For more information contact:
true_stitches@yahoo.ca or check out
Sunday, April 08, 2007
it must be an azn thing...
I just wanted to announce to the world that miyuki has just accomplished something that to my knowledge, only alex has performed... a perfect 50,000 score at karaoke revolution! ironically enough, it was also at "time after time"... this would seem to diminish the effect of the accomplishment, except I managed a paltry 22,000 at the song on my attempt, and we all know what a karaoke genius I am...
all of you know what this means... we totally need to force her to sing next karaoke party. she's blown away my best score ever at KR, which was a paltry 45k... a perfect score is a perfect score. no more of this "I'm shy" bullshit... she's a cyndi lauper karaoke savant...
update... she just finished with a perfect score on "do you really want to hurt me"... I'm not sure if I want to press her to go for a record, 'cos this is just getting damn humiliating... she didn't even know all the words to the last one.
update #2... just scored 50k on "material girl" as well... she's got the damn hat trick. is humiliating your husband at karaoke grounds for divorce?
yeah, update #3... 50k at "I'll be" as well, and she didn't even know that fucking song. I swear, she's a KR savant. this is getting embarassing.
all of you know what this means... we totally need to force her to sing next karaoke party. she's blown away my best score ever at KR, which was a paltry 45k... a perfect score is a perfect score. no more of this "I'm shy" bullshit... she's a cyndi lauper karaoke savant...
update... she just finished with a perfect score on "do you really want to hurt me"... I'm not sure if I want to press her to go for a record, 'cos this is just getting damn humiliating... she didn't even know all the words to the last one.
update #2... just scored 50k on "material girl" as well... she's got the damn hat trick. is humiliating your husband at karaoke grounds for divorce?
yeah, update #3... 50k at "I'll be" as well, and she didn't even know that fucking song. I swear, she's a KR savant. this is getting embarassing.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Today 9:30pm at the Paramount, be there around 8 (per Lee). Sorry for the short notice. Any up for it call me; y'all know my digits.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
7:00pm Thursday Apr. 5, Vancity Theatre.
Far from a classical historical biopic, Raoul Ruiz’s warped take on the life of famed art nouveaux symbolist Gustav Klimt—here played by one John Malkovich—treats fin-de-siècle Vienna as a vibrant, lively painting waiting to be immortalized. Ruiz sees Klimt’s life as something deeply personal that can only be understood through the painter’s own eyes, and forges a feverishly stylish portrait of erotic deception and delusion, coming and going from Klimt’s death bed, through his studio, and into smoky Viennese cafes and high society. “The time portrayed in the film was one of the highlights of Viennese culture, which had burst onto the scene very quickly and in which the first seeds of decay were evident almost straight away, since such brilliance rarely lasts. We have Klimt, his private life, the world around him in all its splendour, but in the background we feel something malignant that quietly gains prominence, something contagious.”—Raoul Ruiz
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Writing Club is on
The thrills of writing club await!
Reasons to come:
Reasons to come:
- the third new layout for my place this year!
- review of Scott's revenge fiction from last time!
- apple pie!
See you there,
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