Saturday, March 25, 2006

movie night: ASIAN PANDEMIC

It's a virus-a-go-go this week. Sorry for leading you guys on about the Cary Grant night but that's postponed indefinitely for personal reasons (Apologies to Jessica, Kat and Jill).

Mon. Mar.27

7pm Virus (1980): The uncut Kinji Fukasaku film. Watch the human world die not only through a military engineered virus but also earthquakes and nuclear fire. WHOOOO! A very emotional film with an all star cast, Sonny Chiba, George Kennedy, Robert Vaughn, Edward James Olmos and best of all an over the top HENRY SILVA. Running time is 155 minutes so we're starting right at 7. Please be on time.

9:30pm Ebola Syndrome (1996): Straight up Hong Kong gore. No slapstick bullshit (as far as I know) this time. A gangster returning from hiding in South Africa is now a carrier of the gruesome ebola virus (after contracting it from raping, killing, chopping up, cooking and serving an infected girl)and is now spreading it around Hong Kong. Outrageous sex and gore. Not for the faint of heart.

See you then.

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