Saturday, June 04, 2005

June 11 (or 10)


I've put it on both those days because of a rumoured other party. And since the host/ess has gone to bed (probably), I just wanted to say whatever night is not being occupied by a party will be karaoke night (I would like to see it on the 11th, ideally as I will have my little brother, probably).

I went out with Trevor (of T-Rev, Halloween fame) tonight to the Marble Arch's Karaoke lounge.

So, who wants Radiohead (Alex?), Nirvana, Judas Priest, The Smiths (only one song, Mariko, but they have a Morrissey song, too!), Slipknot, Helloween, Coldplay (I'm looking at you, Christian) or Iron Maiden? This place has a huge variety (no Modest Mouse, but I get the impression that when it gets released, they'll have it) and it's hourly room rates. They have a digital remote that loads up your track onto the screens and the videos that accompany are brilliant.

I want to keep the numbers for the rooms under 10 per room as we had a dozen and it was a bit too competitive for the mic. If you're interested you'll need to RSVP the comments (and which day you'd be able to make it).

I'd even enjoy myself if it was just ther three of us, but I know you kids would dig this place.

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