Friday, July 30, 2004

Stepping up...

Since nobody's actually made any decisions about movies, or even offered any opinions beyond Scott and Christian's entertaining exchanges of epithets, I'm taking the law into my own hands. I spent most of yesterday sleeping off my anaesthetic haze, and today I got almost all of my July pay all at once. So I'm feeling both well-rested and financially secure (until I hit Ikea this weekend) and will definitely be hitting the flicks tonight.

Harold and Kumar plays at 7:30 at the Capitol 6, the Manchurian Candidate at 7:00. I'm for either of these or could go, in an extraordinary display of fortitude and daring, for a double bill!!! H&K at 7:30, Manchurian at 10:00...

Of course, it could be that nobody else had as much sleep as I did last night and doesn't feel so inclined to saturate themselves with movies this weekend...

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