Sunday, March 14, 2004

weekend in victoria

so has anyone bothered to work out the details for our little adventure to ransack paul's pad and plant all sorts of embarassing treasures for his roommate(s) to find? I'll bring the gay porn... wait, he's probably already got that. I'll bring the midget porn...

paul is on the mainland this week, correct? I was under the impression we'd be heading over to the island saturday morning, probably the first boat over. I'm heading up there friday night after work, should get there around 7pm. a late dinner somewhere would be keen.

corinne had mentioned busing out to the ferry terminal for a mere $3, as opposed to me leaving my precious piece o' shit car to be vandalised and/or pay for parking. has anyone figured out which bus we need to take and when it leaves? please tell me we don't need to get up at 4am...

are there any other fun things we'll need? paul mentioned a distinct lack of blankets awhile back (yeesh, and _I_ catch hell for not owning a slotted spoon?)...

please provide details, somebody. looking forward to terrorising an entirely new chunk of land that I've never been to. oh, and who all is going, anyway? and what are the arrangements for return fare? I'd prefer to be back to the clubhouse by 7, just so I can drive back to seattle and get to bed at a reasonable hour...

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