so who is up for the death cab show at the showbox in seattle? I can pick up tix at the box office ahead of time for those who wants to go. tickets will be roughly $20 yanqui after the bastard service fees.
the 21+ show is friday, may 7 and an all ages show is saturday, may 8. both at 8pm. I'd prefer the 21+ show, but I don't like kids.
if any of yous want to come down here and crash at my place, you're more than welcome. more the merrier, tho miyuki gets dibs on my bed and any couples that come down get priority on the futon (you can either have a big orgy on it or decide for yourself which couple gets it).
since it's seem likely no one will go to the sasquatch show because you're all bastards, you guys could at least come visit me and see death cab while you're here.
rsvp to me and I'll get the tickets. you'll owe me money and possible sexual favours to cover expenses...
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Coming in...
I'll be in town on the weekend. Who's up for Hellboy?
I'm content with a 9:30ish showing Friday, or a more flexible time Saturday.
I'm content with a 9:30ish showing Friday, or a more flexible time Saturday.
Monday, March 29, 2004
Next Month at The D.o.S.
Start marking your calendars boys and girls because unlike some people (who's names start with B.J.) I've made my schedule on time.
Tuesday April 6 -- Movies that make you go Huh!?!
7pm: Myra Breckenridge [1970] -- I'll be honest with you, this one is a big risk. Based on the novel by Gore Vidal and staring Raquel Welch as the transsexual Myra Breckenridge (the male counterpart Myron is played by Rex Reed!) this is an either you get it or you don't kind of movie. Resoundingly despised by almost everyone upon it's initial release it has found something of a cult following all these many years later. Beverages encouraged.
9pm: Putney Swope [1969] -- Dark satire of the advertising world considered dated by some, but nonetheless very influential to this day. Arnold Johnson is the token black employee of a staid, white bread corporate advertising firm who by a strange twist of fate gets put in charge and immediately starts to make some changes. Again, either you love it, or you hate it. Lets find out where we stand.
Tuesday April 13 -- The Italian Masters: Argento
7pm: Suspiria [1977] This is something we've been meaning to show ever since they released the beautifully restored DVD almost 3 years ago. Shot in authentic Technicolor (something that had fallen out of fashion so badly by that point in time that had to get the film stock from China), this is Argento's masterpiece. Scary, strange and memorable. People caught talking during this film will be thrown out.
9pm: Bird With The Crystal Plumage [1970] Argento's debut feature this is a twisty stylish giallo that mixes equal parts Bava (his hero) and Hitchcock. An American writer in Rome witnesses the murder of a girl by a black gloved killer (a giallo staple) and decides to investigate.
Tuesday April 20: -- Val Lewton double bill
7pm: Seventh Victim [1943] -- Back in the forties Val Lewton produced a number of extremely influence low budget horror films for RKO Pictures, most notably the still chilling "Cat People" (later remade in the 80's with Denis Hopper). Lacking the money for big special effects Lewton relied instead on atmosphere and clever lighting. "The Seventh Victim" is something of an oddity as it seems to merge the genres of "noir" which was all atmosphere and "horror" which was largely suspense to tell it's story of a missing girl and a group of Satanists (although I can promise you it's nothing like "The Devil Rides Out").
9pm: I Walked With a Zombie [1943] -- Loosely inspire by "Jane Eyre" this is a creepy, extremely atmospheric tale of voodoo on a plantation in the West Indies. A tone of sadness permeates the film making the ending that much more surprising.
Tuesday April 27 -- Gore! Gore! Gore!
7pm: Riki-Oh (The Story of Ricky) [1991] -- I traded a week with BJ this month since he really wanted to get this one in. Set in a prison in 2001 (the "future"), all you really need to know is that this movies contains some of this most over the top, ridiculous ass kicking gore and action you will ever witness. It is so beyond, it's almost impossible to describe accurately.
9pm: Braindead a.k.a. Dead Alive [1992] -- The uncut version of Peter Jackson's landmark gross-a-rama. If Sumatran Rat Monkey means nothing to you, it might be best to stay away.
Well, that's it. You know the drill.
Tuesday April 6 -- Movies that make you go Huh!?!
7pm: Myra Breckenridge [1970] -- I'll be honest with you, this one is a big risk. Based on the novel by Gore Vidal and staring Raquel Welch as the transsexual Myra Breckenridge (the male counterpart Myron is played by Rex Reed!) this is an either you get it or you don't kind of movie. Resoundingly despised by almost everyone upon it's initial release it has found something of a cult following all these many years later. Beverages encouraged.
9pm: Putney Swope [1969] -- Dark satire of the advertising world considered dated by some, but nonetheless very influential to this day. Arnold Johnson is the token black employee of a staid, white bread corporate advertising firm who by a strange twist of fate gets put in charge and immediately starts to make some changes. Again, either you love it, or you hate it. Lets find out where we stand.
Tuesday April 13 -- The Italian Masters: Argento
7pm: Suspiria [1977] This is something we've been meaning to show ever since they released the beautifully restored DVD almost 3 years ago. Shot in authentic Technicolor (something that had fallen out of fashion so badly by that point in time that had to get the film stock from China), this is Argento's masterpiece. Scary, strange and memorable. People caught talking during this film will be thrown out.
9pm: Bird With The Crystal Plumage [1970] Argento's debut feature this is a twisty stylish giallo that mixes equal parts Bava (his hero) and Hitchcock. An American writer in Rome witnesses the murder of a girl by a black gloved killer (a giallo staple) and decides to investigate.
Tuesday April 20: -- Val Lewton double bill
7pm: Seventh Victim [1943] -- Back in the forties Val Lewton produced a number of extremely influence low budget horror films for RKO Pictures, most notably the still chilling "Cat People" (later remade in the 80's with Denis Hopper). Lacking the money for big special effects Lewton relied instead on atmosphere and clever lighting. "The Seventh Victim" is something of an oddity as it seems to merge the genres of "noir" which was all atmosphere and "horror" which was largely suspense to tell it's story of a missing girl and a group of Satanists (although I can promise you it's nothing like "The Devil Rides Out").
9pm: I Walked With a Zombie [1943] -- Loosely inspire by "Jane Eyre" this is a creepy, extremely atmospheric tale of voodoo on a plantation in the West Indies. A tone of sadness permeates the film making the ending that much more surprising.
Tuesday April 27 -- Gore! Gore! Gore!
7pm: Riki-Oh (The Story of Ricky) [1991] -- I traded a week with BJ this month since he really wanted to get this one in. Set in a prison in 2001 (the "future"), all you really need to know is that this movies contains some of this most over the top, ridiculous ass kicking gore and action you will ever witness. It is so beyond, it's almost impossible to describe accurately.
9pm: Braindead a.k.a. Dead Alive [1992] -- The uncut version of Peter Jackson's landmark gross-a-rama. If Sumatran Rat Monkey means nothing to you, it might be best to stay away.
Well, that's it. You know the drill.
This Week At the D.o.S.
Tuesday March 30 -- Cannibals!!!!!
7pm: Cannibal Holocaust -- The one, the only. Not for the weak of heart this extra sleazy Eurotrash pseudo-documentary will be presented in it's original uncut form. Contains graphic scenes of animal violence along with a whole lot of graphic fake violence and an overall nihilistic tone. Don't claim you weren't warned.
9pm: Dr. Butcher M.D. (a.k.a. Zombie Holocaust) -- The perfect antidote to "one of the harshest movies ever made". A cheap, trashy and silly splatterfest this was shot on the same island as Fulci's "Zombie", and not much better either. If you can't bear to watch a live turtle get skinned (I don't think I'll be watching that part either, but I have to warn you), come watch a bunch of self involved Eurotrash run around an island in circles as a mad doctor chases them down to use in his sick experiments. Oh, and there's zombies too. And cannibals. And cannibal zombies... oh just come.
As usual RSVP if you can make it and don't forget your pop fund money. Again, if you want something other than Pepsi (geek fuel), let me know.
Tuesday March 30 -- Cannibals!!!!!
7pm: Cannibal Holocaust -- The one, the only. Not for the weak of heart this extra sleazy Eurotrash pseudo-documentary will be presented in it's original uncut form. Contains graphic scenes of animal violence along with a whole lot of graphic fake violence and an overall nihilistic tone. Don't claim you weren't warned.
9pm: Dr. Butcher M.D. (a.k.a. Zombie Holocaust) -- The perfect antidote to "one of the harshest movies ever made". A cheap, trashy and silly splatterfest this was shot on the same island as Fulci's "Zombie", and not much better either. If you can't bear to watch a live turtle get skinned (I don't think I'll be watching that part either, but I have to warn you), come watch a bunch of self involved Eurotrash run around an island in circles as a mad doctor chases them down to use in his sick experiments. Oh, and there's zombies too. And cannibals. And cannibal zombies... oh just come.
As usual RSVP if you can make it and don't forget your pop fund money. Again, if you want something other than Pepsi (geek fuel), let me know.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Lost In Digestion
Anyone out there care to translate this flash movie for me, just to satisfy my morbid curiosity? I gather that it must be a cartoon that illustrates the book, "Everything Poops", but it's far creepier...
Saturday May 1st
So, you want to be at a party?
May 1st is a drinking-blitz, toga celebration somehow tying together Cinqo de Mayo and John-Stamos's impending arrival.
7pm start, yadda, yadda, yadda.
While not necessary for you to vomit on the lawn, this is going to be encouraged.
May 1st is a drinking-blitz, toga celebration somehow tying together Cinqo de Mayo and John-Stamos's impending arrival.
7pm start, yadda, yadda, yadda.
While not necessary for you to vomit on the lawn, this is going to be encouraged.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday, March 26, 2004
They posted this.... when, yesterday?
It's the most wonderful time of the year!.
Seeing as, come autumn, I will only need three 200-level classes to graduate with the Ass of Arts, I may just take some more lax courses and postpose the last three courses for the spring of 2005. And meanwhile, I'll be at the movies.
I'm taking the shitty-reqs this summer: Geography, Kinesiology and the English course is the only one that even half interests me.
Seeing as, come autumn, I will only need three 200-level classes to graduate with the Ass of Arts, I may just take some more lax courses and postpose the last three courses for the spring of 2005. And meanwhile, I'll be at the movies.
I'm taking the shitty-reqs this summer: Geography, Kinesiology and the English course is the only one that even half interests me.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
This Friday is Ladykillers. I anticipate this has been marked down on your calendars.
Also, Mayor of the Sunset Strip may interest the music kids.
And, yes, Christian, I am all about the Garden State. That is one pretty teaser/trailer.
Also, Mayor of the Sunset Strip may interest the music kids.
And, yes, Christian, I am all about the Garden State. That is one pretty teaser/trailer.
here you go, paul....
two nights only! bubba ho-tep playing at the illustrious egyptian theatre in seattle, midnights may 14 and 15! anyone who wants to come visit me that weekend is welcome to join me at the greatest flick to ever feature an aged elvis presley fighting a mummy!
and since everyone but paul has seen it already, the rest of you might be interested in the hospitality of my shoebox apartment and my slutty cat, saku.
and since everyone but paul has seen it already, the rest of you might be interested in the hospitality of my shoebox apartment and my slutty cat, saku.
holy fucking shit on a stick!
sasquatch music festival
we absolutely, positutely MUST go see this show. if you don't want to go, you're a pussy and I'll kick you ass. look at this lineup, yo!
: Thievery Corporation
: The Roots
: The Postal Service
: The Shins
: Built To Spill
: Sleater-Kinney
: The New Pornographers
: Cat Power
: The Long Winters
: The Black Keys
: Gary Jules
May 29 at the Gorge in George. anyone up for a camping road trip? we should get tickets soon.
we absolutely, positutely MUST go see this show. if you don't want to go, you're a pussy and I'll kick you ass. look at this lineup, yo!
: Thievery Corporation
: The Roots
: The Postal Service
: The Shins
: Built To Spill
: Sleater-Kinney
: The New Pornographers
: Cat Power
: The Long Winters
: The Black Keys
: Gary Jules
May 29 at the Gorge in George. anyone up for a camping road trip? we should get tickets soon.
For Kestrel

No, seriously. The truth-in-advertising laws in Japan are positively draconian.
Of course, you're thinking that this is a long way to travel just for a dentist. But, really, it's only on the 8th floor.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
So, seriously here folks, who has the least intimidating dentist? I have an absolute phobia of dentists. I need some dental work ASAP. I am very scared-ed about the dental work because I've not got a dentist I see over here, and though the last one I saw in Victoria was good, I'm always willing to try for better.
Please help. I turn into a nervous wreck when faced with a dental chair, so I'm hoping someone else out there has similar feelings and a good recommendation.
Please help. I turn into a nervous wreck when faced with a dental chair, so I'm hoping someone else out there has similar feelings and a good recommendation.
Sleep Deprived
This is getting out of hand. Of the past week or so, I think I've gotten maybe three full nights worth of sleep, and some of that was probably gotten during class. Needless to say, something must be done about this. Anyone have any homegrown remedies for getting better sleep? I'm even willing to resort to hippie remedies (placebos) and the like.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Lazy stinkin' bastards
All sleeping at 4 am...wusses! Why aren't you all up and online keeping me company in my insomniac state? Huh?
Geez. I can't believe you people.
Geez. I can't believe you people.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Movie shorts on the intarweb
It's a little old, but the talk of movie making reminded me of this.
I like the guy who plays Speed Racer/Reed Spacer.
I like the guy who plays Speed Racer/Reed Spacer.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Ooh, my second post in one day. I think I deserve a prize.
The Victoria trip seems to be disintegrating. Again. Eva, Corinne and Grae can't make it. Miyuki and Christian are in. Anybody else want in? If not (with no disrespect to the parents-to-be), then I may call it off, so that I can do other important things like get a much-needed haircut, and possibly contract colon cancer as Owen suggests. Would anybody be *really* interested in coming over another weekend, namely the weekend after, or maybe the 17th?
The Victoria trip seems to be disintegrating. Again. Eva, Corinne and Grae can't make it. Miyuki and Christian are in. Anybody else want in? If not (with no disrespect to the parents-to-be), then I may call it off, so that I can do other important things like get a much-needed haircut, and possibly contract colon cancer as Owen suggests. Would anybody be *really* interested in coming over another weekend, namely the weekend after, or maybe the 17th?
Cameos aplenty...
Dawn of the Dead
Tinseltown, 9:35 Friday
All are expected.
I just watched the original for the first time, and while I wasn't as impressed as I'd hoped, it definitely whetted my appetite for the remake. People who can confirm they'll be there, let me know and I'll pick up tix for ya. I guess I'll be the line-up bitch this time. Anybody who wants to be my new bestest friend can wait with me.
Tinseltown, 9:35 Friday
All are expected.
I just watched the original for the first time, and while I wasn't as impressed as I'd hoped, it definitely whetted my appetite for the remake. People who can confirm they'll be there, let me know and I'll pick up tix for ya. I guess I'll be the line-up bitch this time. Anybody who wants to be my new bestest friend can wait with me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Zatoichi (click the link, it's the best music and flash; I would refresh it to see it again and listen to "Festivo" over and over) will be screened at the Clubhouse on Saturday night.
You know, Zatoichi! My favourite movie of 2003, Zatoichi! The blind samurai. Beat Takeshi!
Try to be here around 7pm. Dinner arrangements for those wanting to eat on Commercial can be arranged in the comment box below.
Get excited!
You know, Zatoichi! My favourite movie of 2003, Zatoichi! The blind samurai. Beat Takeshi!
Try to be here around 7pm. Dinner arrangements for those wanting to eat on Commercial can be arranged in the comment box below.
Get excited!
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Monday, March 15, 2004
Being stranded in Port Coquitlam sounded like a great idea in my head... now I'm stuck out here and bored out of my brain. Yet still I must return to this remote office at 8 AM every day this week. Work sucks... somebody fix it!
Sunday, March 14, 2004
weekend in victoria
so has anyone bothered to work out the details for our little adventure to ransack paul's pad and plant all sorts of embarassing treasures for his roommate(s) to find? I'll bring the gay porn... wait, he's probably already got that. I'll bring the midget porn...
paul is on the mainland this week, correct? I was under the impression we'd be heading over to the island saturday morning, probably the first boat over. I'm heading up there friday night after work, should get there around 7pm. a late dinner somewhere would be keen.
corinne had mentioned busing out to the ferry terminal for a mere $3, as opposed to me leaving my precious piece o' shit car to be vandalised and/or pay for parking. has anyone figured out which bus we need to take and when it leaves? please tell me we don't need to get up at 4am...
are there any other fun things we'll need? paul mentioned a distinct lack of blankets awhile back (yeesh, and _I_ catch hell for not owning a slotted spoon?)...
please provide details, somebody. looking forward to terrorising an entirely new chunk of land that I've never been to. oh, and who all is going, anyway? and what are the arrangements for return fare? I'd prefer to be back to the clubhouse by 7, just so I can drive back to seattle and get to bed at a reasonable hour...
paul is on the mainland this week, correct? I was under the impression we'd be heading over to the island saturday morning, probably the first boat over. I'm heading up there friday night after work, should get there around 7pm. a late dinner somewhere would be keen.
corinne had mentioned busing out to the ferry terminal for a mere $3, as opposed to me leaving my precious piece o' shit car to be vandalised and/or pay for parking. has anyone figured out which bus we need to take and when it leaves? please tell me we don't need to get up at 4am...
are there any other fun things we'll need? paul mentioned a distinct lack of blankets awhile back (yeesh, and _I_ catch hell for not owning a slotted spoon?)...
please provide details, somebody. looking forward to terrorising an entirely new chunk of land that I've never been to. oh, and who all is going, anyway? and what are the arrangements for return fare? I'd prefer to be back to the clubhouse by 7, just so I can drive back to seattle and get to bed at a reasonable hour...
Family Games Night
Every second Saturday of the month, due to the popularity of last night, I've decided the Clubhouse is going to do a monthly games night.
The next one will be Easter weekend's Saturday. Venue will be based on its popularity.
The next one will be Easter weekend's Saturday. Venue will be based on its popularity.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Because Corinne's so very susceptible to peer pressure...
Corinne's opposed to babies on principle, and of course she's entitled to disavow spawning. But the rest of us should be entitled to hold a party soon (at Corinne's house) to celebrate the imminent arrival of Miyuki and Christian's implausible little bundle of doom and despair. So I'm starting an online petition to promote this shindig, to see how much damage seventeen dead nazis can do to a fetus when consumed the tiny mommy-to-be. All in favor, comment or be forced to babysit this hellspawn once the dark day arrives...
Many apologies for this two week late schedule. I wanted to program so much and ya know there are only so many Tuesdays. Thanks for your patience. This Tuesday is a little strange because you all get to vote for your double-bill and the contenders are;
(my birthday incidentally. the line to shower me with gifts and sexual favors begins at the couch.)
With the Dawn of the Dead remake coming out Friday why not start with the film that started it all.
7pm - Night of the Living Dead [1968]: Yes the original George A. Romero classic. Ummm synopsis? THE DEAD RISE!
9pm - Return of the Living Dead [1985]: The not quite sequel from one of the creators of ALIEN and in this DEAD RISE IN AN AMUSING MANNER!
7pm - FLESH + BLOOD [1985]: "In a savage time, torn between two rivals she fought for survival with the only weapon she had... herself." The tagline to Paul Verhoeven's first English language film. Probably the most realistic medieval movie I've ever seen. It's awesome. It's got Rutger Hauer as a mercenary out for retribution and a whole lot of nude Jennifer Jason Leigh shaved to look like a pre-pubescent girl. I love Verhoeven.
9pm - Aguirre, Wrath of God [1973]: Werner Herzog directs this film of 16th century Spanish expedition in the search of El Dorado. Unlike the Dreamworks animated film there'll be decapitations and hostile tribesmen (and maybe some ladies).
Those two are your choices. I'll be happy with either. If we go with the Dead movies I highly recommend borrowing Flesh + Blood from me. Nick has first dibs.
How about some primer for Kill Bill vol. 2.
7pm - TATTOOED HITMAN [1974]: Bunta Sugawara plays Tattooed Hit Man -- let's call him THM -- and he's hit some bad days. First, an apparently routine hit triggers one of the worst mob wars in history, leaving him caught in the middle. If that's not enough, his protege (sort of Robin to THM's Batman) decides the hit man life lacks pizazz so he takes up with drug dealers. THM ain't too happy about any of this but there's worse to come.
9pm - GAME OF DEATH [1978]: Written, directed, produced and starring Bruce least the last 20 minutes or so. Poor Lee died before finishing the film and six years later someone got another actor to play Lee using a cardboard cut out of his head and put it on the replacement actor's head (well through a mirror) "A true vision ruined", "turmoil", "insulting", "a joke", "load of crap". You decide.
This week is kinda programmed by Sinister Sam (hey I only know like one person I can name drop)
7pm - CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST [1980]: "One of the top ten highest grossing films of all time in Japan". Documentary crew goes missing in cannibal country another crew goes looking for 'em. Hmmm I think I see where this is going.
9pm - DR BUTCHER MD (aka ZOMBI HOLOCAUST) [1980] - Mad Scientist living on cannibal infested island using the inhabitants to turn these flesh eating cannibals into.....ehhh flesh eating zombies. Those familiar with Fulci's ZOMBIE will recognize many of the sets because it's the same sets.
Well that's it till April where Mariko will deliver a prompt schedule of cinema goodies
(my birthday incidentally. the line to shower me with gifts and sexual favors begins at the couch.)
With the Dawn of the Dead remake coming out Friday why not start with the film that started it all.
7pm - Night of the Living Dead [1968]: Yes the original George A. Romero classic. Ummm synopsis? THE DEAD RISE!
9pm - Return of the Living Dead [1985]: The not quite sequel from one of the creators of ALIEN and in this DEAD RISE IN AN AMUSING MANNER!
7pm - FLESH + BLOOD [1985]: "In a savage time, torn between two rivals she fought for survival with the only weapon she had... herself." The tagline to Paul Verhoeven's first English language film. Probably the most realistic medieval movie I've ever seen. It's awesome. It's got Rutger Hauer as a mercenary out for retribution and a whole lot of nude Jennifer Jason Leigh shaved to look like a pre-pubescent girl. I love Verhoeven.
9pm - Aguirre, Wrath of God [1973]: Werner Herzog directs this film of 16th century Spanish expedition in the search of El Dorado. Unlike the Dreamworks animated film there'll be decapitations and hostile tribesmen (and maybe some ladies).
Those two are your choices. I'll be happy with either. If we go with the Dead movies I highly recommend borrowing Flesh + Blood from me. Nick has first dibs.
How about some primer for Kill Bill vol. 2.
7pm - TATTOOED HITMAN [1974]: Bunta Sugawara plays Tattooed Hit Man -- let's call him THM -- and he's hit some bad days. First, an apparently routine hit triggers one of the worst mob wars in history, leaving him caught in the middle. If that's not enough, his protege (sort of Robin to THM's Batman) decides the hit man life lacks pizazz so he takes up with drug dealers. THM ain't too happy about any of this but there's worse to come.
9pm - GAME OF DEATH [1978]: Written, directed, produced and starring Bruce least the last 20 minutes or so. Poor Lee died before finishing the film and six years later someone got another actor to play Lee using a cardboard cut out of his head and put it on the replacement actor's head (well through a mirror) "A true vision ruined", "turmoil", "insulting", "a joke", "load of crap". You decide.
This week is kinda programmed by Sinister Sam (hey I only know like one person I can name drop)
7pm - CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST [1980]: "One of the top ten highest grossing films of all time in Japan". Documentary crew goes missing in cannibal country another crew goes looking for 'em. Hmmm I think I see where this is going.
9pm - DR BUTCHER MD (aka ZOMBI HOLOCAUST) [1980] - Mad Scientist living on cannibal infested island using the inhabitants to turn these flesh eating cannibals into.....ehhh flesh eating zombies. Those familiar with Fulci's ZOMBIE will recognize many of the sets because it's the same sets.
Well that's it till April where Mariko will deliver a prompt schedule of cinema goodies
Friday, March 12, 2004
On a News Kick
In Monday's Dear Abby column someone replicated an episode out of The Simpsons. Read the letter and response here.
"Repent, repent, fornicators". If this doesn't draw attention to mental health cut backs (no pun intended, although I like it) I can't imagine what will.
I can't imagine why anyone would be opposed to genetic engineering. I would kill to have a glowing demon baby. But for now we'll have to settle for bugs.
After having my own blog for a while and wanting to keep it interesting daily, I started the Last Time (because statistically if everyone posts once a week or so, we should have 20 posts a week; not really so, but it is more updated than most).
Everyone Who Has Any Sense of Civic Duty Must Go
Practicing Democracy
Tonight, at Kat's recommendation, Rachael and I headed up to the Croatian Cultural Centre and watched/performed/participated in this interactive play and forum.
The play runs 25 minutes. Six actors portray life on Vancouver street and in the East End. Some gritty but very human stories about six people at the end of the system. It sounds a lot darker than it is.
After the play is finished, the actors reset to the beginning and perform the half dozen or so scenes again. This time audience members will yell "Stop" and take an actors place to change the path of the play (for that scene).
After each scene, the audience is asked for policy solutions. The best part? This is actually going to City Hall. A lawyer is presnt and recording all the suggestions and ideas presented. A report is being made and will hit Vancouver city hall's desks in order to make policies. And this just adds to my belief that your city's elections are more important than your provincial and most certainly your federal.
I acted in two scenes. And I ROCKED. I won over a couple characters with my sweetness and charm.
Tonight, at Kat's recommendation, Rachael and I headed up to the Croatian Cultural Centre and watched/performed/participated in this interactive play and forum.
The play runs 25 minutes. Six actors portray life on Vancouver street and in the East End. Some gritty but very human stories about six people at the end of the system. It sounds a lot darker than it is.
After the play is finished, the actors reset to the beginning and perform the half dozen or so scenes again. This time audience members will yell "Stop" and take an actors place to change the path of the play (for that scene).
After each scene, the audience is asked for policy solutions. The best part? This is actually going to City Hall. A lawyer is presnt and recording all the suggestions and ideas presented. A report is being made and will hit Vancouver city hall's desks in order to make policies. And this just adds to my belief that your city's elections are more important than your provincial and most certainly your federal.
I acted in two scenes. And I ROCKED. I won over a couple characters with my sweetness and charm.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
" I for One Welcome our Robotic Exoskeloton Overlords"
Found this via metafilter. Fucking wicked. First step towards a bunch of mecha.
(To be fair, I didn't think up the joke title, it was one of the metafilter comments I found most amusing.)
(To be fair, I didn't think up the joke title, it was one of the metafilter comments I found most amusing.)
Of Human Entrails and Higher Education
Of Human Entrails
Quite frankly, this is why I should just swear off meat altogether. But bacon is so good. You can't make bacon from human meat. Pork sausage, yes.
Of Higher Education
Probably some of the most excellent news to come from the USA in a long time. Hopefully this trend with spread as everyone tends to watch Harvard.
Quite frankly, this is why I should just swear off meat altogether. But bacon is so good. You can't make bacon from human meat. Pork sausage, yes.
Of Higher Education
Probably some of the most excellent news to come from the USA in a long time. Hopefully this trend with spread as everyone tends to watch Harvard.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Loyal D.o.S. devotees, this is the week you have been waiting for. After months of waiting patiently, we your gentle hosts BJ & Mariko will be able to host the Vancouver premier of...
Bubba Ho-tep [2002]!!!!!!!! (No, really)
Tuesday March 9 (tomorrow)
7:30 ish (but don't use this as an excuse to be late as you will be disappointed)
As this was a last minute program change (we just got the screening DVD in today), there is no second film programmed, but we may have surprises to follow.
It is very important that you R.S.V.P. as the seats are likely to fill up quickly and remember to bring money for the pop-fund.
Bubba Ho-tep [2002]!!!!!!!! (No, really)
Tuesday March 9 (tomorrow)
7:30 ish (but don't use this as an excuse to be late as you will be disappointed)
As this was a last minute program change (we just got the screening DVD in today), there is no second film programmed, but we may have surprises to follow.
It is very important that you R.S.V.P. as the seats are likely to fill up quickly and remember to bring money for the pop-fund.
Krispy Kreme Dosen't Deliver (At Least Not Anymore)
so here's what happened:
Thursday March 4: get a flyer in the mail at work advertising the Donught Delivery Service. we get a pool together at work and decide to order a dozen original glazed for the next day.
Friday March 5: get a call from a very panicked guy apologizing because he had no idea his service would be so popular (apparently he already had over 200 orders), but he promises to get us our dozen on Monday instead.
Monday March 8: get an email from the Doughnut Delivery Service explaining that Krispy Kreme has asked him to cease and desist. apparently he is in negotiations with the owners of the Delta store, but in the meantime, we are flat out of luck.
the moral of the story? if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Thursday March 4: get a flyer in the mail at work advertising the Donught Delivery Service. we get a pool together at work and decide to order a dozen original glazed for the next day.
Friday March 5: get a call from a very panicked guy apologizing because he had no idea his service would be so popular (apparently he already had over 200 orders), but he promises to get us our dozen on Monday instead.
Monday March 8: get an email from the Doughnut Delivery Service explaining that Krispy Kreme has asked him to cease and desist. apparently he is in negotiations with the owners of the Delta store, but in the meantime, we are flat out of luck.
the moral of the story? if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
We're going to have to make a decision
I vote "Ladykillers".
The other option for the March 26th, opening weekend is "Jersey Girl".
Final option:
"Jersey Girl" Matinee
"Ladykillers" Evening.
Other votes?
Also of note:
April 2 brings "Hellboy" and "Envy". "Envy" can wait.
April 16 is "Kill Bill Vol. 2" and "The Punisher". "The Punisher" will have to wait.
There will be a break from major releases (of any interest) until June, where we will have "The Prisoner of Azkaban" (ooooooh yeah), "The Stepford Wives: The Musical", "Sky Captain" and a limited run of "Before Sunset".
The other option for the March 26th, opening weekend is "Jersey Girl".
Final option:
"Jersey Girl" Matinee
"Ladykillers" Evening.
Other votes?
Also of note:
April 2 brings "Hellboy" and "Envy". "Envy" can wait.
April 16 is "Kill Bill Vol. 2" and "The Punisher". "The Punisher" will have to wait.
There will be a break from major releases (of any interest) until June, where we will have "The Prisoner of Azkaban" (ooooooh yeah), "The Stepford Wives: The Musical", "Sky Captain" and a limited run of "Before Sunset".
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Gerhards Wake
There are several people lurking around here who asked me to send them this info, so I thought I'd post it here in case I missed any of them.
"Let's Gather for Gerhard!"
This past December, we all lost a most valued and beloved
friend, whether you knew him as Gerry Stevens, or Gerhard Kendal
of Westmoreland. His passing has left a very large void in many
lives, and it was his wish that we all gather after he'd gone,
not to mourn his death, but to rejoice in his life. In
fulfillment of this wish, we will indeed gather -- to remember
our friend, to share stories of his life, deeds and adventures, and
to show our support of his family he had to leave behind.
Date: March 13th, 2004
Place: Shriner's Hall, 3550 Wayburne Dr., Burnaby
Opens: 2 pm
Closes: 11 pm
Site Fee: By donation
Please note, this is NOT an official SCA or NSCA sanctioned
event. Wearing garb is optional, not mandatory, as this
gathering is for Gerry's mundane friends and family, as well as
Gerhard's SCA friends and family. Since this is not an
"official" event, all expenses for this gathering are being paid
by Nancy / Amanda. Therefore, after the site hall has been paid
for, any funds left over will be going into a fund for her to use for
future moving costs, etc. as needed.
There will be a cash bar, local drinking laws apply, so bring ID.
"Finger food" style snack contributions cheerfully accepted.
E-mail me at if you need more info.
"Let's Gather for Gerhard!"
This past December, we all lost a most valued and beloved
friend, whether you knew him as Gerry Stevens, or Gerhard Kendal
of Westmoreland. His passing has left a very large void in many
lives, and it was his wish that we all gather after he'd gone,
not to mourn his death, but to rejoice in his life. In
fulfillment of this wish, we will indeed gather -- to remember
our friend, to share stories of his life, deeds and adventures, and
to show our support of his family he had to leave behind.
Date: March 13th, 2004
Place: Shriner's Hall, 3550 Wayburne Dr., Burnaby
Opens: 2 pm
Closes: 11 pm
Site Fee: By donation
Please note, this is NOT an official SCA or NSCA sanctioned
event. Wearing garb is optional, not mandatory, as this
gathering is for Gerry's mundane friends and family, as well as
Gerhard's SCA friends and family. Since this is not an
"official" event, all expenses for this gathering are being paid
by Nancy / Amanda. Therefore, after the site hall has been paid
for, any funds left over will be going into a fund for her to use for
future moving costs, etc. as needed.
There will be a cash bar, local drinking laws apply, so bring ID.
"Finger food" style snack contributions cheerfully accepted.
E-mail me at if you need more info.
'80s Gaming Nostalgia
This is one of the most impressive things I've stumbled upon in the last while. The old Super Mario Bros. story is given an unbelievably epic treatment in these Flash cartoons. And, it's a lot better than the Bob Hoskins/John Leguizamo movie they made 11 years back.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Emails ARE so GONE
For some reason...
Hotmail has eliminated all my email addresses (except for those I don't use).
Care to drop me an email from your most used address?
Please include Birthdate, most recent mailing address and phone number. Because I stupidly rely on technology to be my memory.
Otherwise, there will be no Clubhouse events.
Hotmail has eliminated all my email addresses (except for those I don't use).
Care to drop me an email from your most used address?
Please include Birthdate, most recent mailing address and phone number. Because I stupidly rely on technology to be my memory.
Otherwise, there will be no Clubhouse events.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Krispy Kreme Delivers!!
ok, so it's $12 CDN a dozen (original glazed or assorted, your choice), but they accept cash, cc or paypal and bring them right to your door. delivery available between 7:30 am & 4:00 pm. order before 5 pm for next day delivery. or call 604-765-6850 or call 604-765-6850
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
The Passion of the Christ
I just didn't care about the characters.
I can see how the Xians would. I just couldn't get into it. Humoured myself with thoughts of "cult leader" to pass the hours.
Not enough gore to celebrate it. Either that, or it comes back to the "didn't care too much about Jesus suffering".
I did like the androgeneous devil. And the midget baby. Yeah, midget babies rule. The demonic children summed my opinion up nicely. I did appreciate the Judas-death scene.
And while I liked Toby's post about C. Hitchens's article (on Paul's blog), the version we get to see is not as anti-semetic as I was expecting from the write-up.
I can see how the Xians would. I just couldn't get into it. Humoured myself with thoughts of "cult leader" to pass the hours.
Not enough gore to celebrate it. Either that, or it comes back to the "didn't care too much about Jesus suffering".
I did like the androgeneous devil. And the midget baby. Yeah, midget babies rule. The demonic children summed my opinion up nicely. I did appreciate the Judas-death scene.
And while I liked Toby's post about C. Hitchens's article (on Paul's blog), the version we get to see is not as anti-semetic as I was expecting from the write-up.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I dance like an encephalitic monkey...
I'll be in Vancouver (more or less) between March 14th (or so) and March 21st(ish). Anybody wanna go to 80s night at the Caprice on Tuesday the 16th? Possibly preceded by wings specials at the Trap and Gill?
I know I'm posting about this waaaay too early, but I don't want any excuses. I haven't been to an 80's night since before Luv-A-Fair closed down.
By the way, I've now officially been assigned to work with the BC Liberals, specifically Karn Manhas in Coquitlam. Ye may hate me for now working for the dark side, but know that I'll be back and forth, probably spending a couple more full weeks in Vancouver.
I know I'm posting about this waaaay too early, but I don't want any excuses. I haven't been to an 80's night since before Luv-A-Fair closed down.
By the way, I've now officially been assigned to work with the BC Liberals, specifically Karn Manhas in Coquitlam. Ye may hate me for now working for the dark side, but know that I'll be back and forth, probably spending a couple more full weeks in Vancouver.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Public Service Announcement
I don't usually post here about movies, but I feel sufficiently strongly about this one to try to tell anyone who missed my incessant complaints during the Night of Neo-Nazi Infamy:
Don't see The Passion of the Christ, under any circumstances. I mean it! Most offensively bad movie (in a non-fun way) I've seen in a very long time.
Don't see The Passion of the Christ, under any circumstances. I mean it! Most offensively bad movie (in a non-fun way) I've seen in a very long time.
Tonight's D.o.S. Schedule
Hi All.
Now, we don't have a full schedule for March yet (because it's BJ's month and he's not that organized), but we did manage to work out what's screening tomorrow:
Tuesday March 02
Commentary night
7pm: Conan the Barbarian [1982] -- John Milus and Arnold Schwarzenegger get drunk off their asses and Ah-Nold redundantly describes the action and talks about boobies.
9pm: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [1998] -- Apparently the producers had to lock Hunter S. Thompson in the screening room to get him to watch the thing. The part where he calls Benicio Del Toro on the phone and talks to his answering machine alone is worth the price of admission.
As usual, please RSVP if you can so we can keep a handle on the numbers and bring money for the pop fund.
See ya there,
Now, we don't have a full schedule for March yet (because it's BJ's month and he's not that organized), but we did manage to work out what's screening tomorrow:
Tuesday March 02
Commentary night
7pm: Conan the Barbarian [1982] -- John Milus and Arnold Schwarzenegger get drunk off their asses and Ah-Nold redundantly describes the action and talks about boobies.
9pm: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [1998] -- Apparently the producers had to lock Hunter S. Thompson in the screening room to get him to watch the thing. The part where he calls Benicio Del Toro on the phone and talks to his answering machine alone is worth the price of admission.
As usual, please RSVP if you can so we can keep a handle on the numbers and bring money for the pop fund.
See ya there,
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