Tuesday, January 06, 2004

death cab for christian

I need help.

I just bought the entire library of death cab for cutie. in the translatlanticism album there was a little flyer for barsuk records including a 15% off promotional code. I liked the album (and postal service, as I mentioned) so I figured I'd go buy a couple more.

well, they have a package. everything DCfC has ever released, save translatlanticism, for $50 US. free shipping. 15% off. why buy the three LPs when I could get three EPs thrown in for ten bucks more?

this is bad. I was fine in my little hole, not knowing about new music, content with my current collection. now my ears have been opened to "indie" bands and it's like high school all over again, being bombarded by local bands, only this time they're actually good.

I guess now I'll have to go check out the shins and decemberists, and see if they're as good as everyone says they are. any other recommendations? I don't need to eat. might as well spend all of my money on music.

even considering picking up a lot of these on vinyl. which would require buying a turntable. just seems kinda cool to have shit on vinyl. granted, that bandwagon is waaaaaaaay gone already, and I'd be just a tad late, but what else do I have to do?

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