Monday, September 26, 2005

Cause i'm a toys 'r us kid

I've decided that just because i've graduated it doesn't mean i have to grow up right away. So in celebration of this i'm having a kids party at Trevors on Oct. 8 anytime after 7pm. Finger food, crafts, colouring sheets(possibly a colouring contest) and loot bags (only if you rsvp because i don't have enough money to buy stuff for people i don''t know are coming) are some of the things to look forward to.

As this party is a tribute to our childhood feel free to bring any games or movies or food that symbolizes good times from when you were a child. It has been suggested to me that everyone should bring a box of their favorite sugary cereal they weren't allowed when they were younger which sounds great to me (golden grahams are my favorite).

Directions to Trevor's are in the forum but i'll update it cause right now they're kinda vague.

Frilly dresses and bunny pyjamas are perfectly acceptable attire.

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