Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Good Show Tomorrow
Guitar ?n? drums rock duo from Sacramento, California, with guests Killer Whales and Hot Loins. Aug. 30, 10 pm, Lamplighter (210 Abbott). Tix $12/10 (plus service charge) at Scratch, Zulu, Red Cat, and Highlife Records, info 604-681-6666.
They are quite awesome.
Guitar ?n? drums rock duo from Sacramento, California, with guests Killer Whales and Hot Loins. Aug. 30, 10 pm, Lamplighter (210 Abbott). Tix $12/10 (plus service charge) at Scratch, Zulu, Red Cat, and Highlife Records, info 604-681-6666.
They are quite awesome.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Shaun of the Dead
All are welcome to view this
"smash hit romantic comedy" at the Slack Shack with me.
Sat. 27th..
Were not going to use the Z word on my watch... and I understand if people wish to get ready in their own homes before our friendly little walk...
with one arm missing,
hugs all
"smash hit romantic comedy" at the Slack Shack with me.
Sat. 27th..
Were not going to use the Z word on my watch... and I understand if people wish to get ready in their own homes before our friendly little walk...
with one arm missing,
hugs all
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Do me a favour and download and make a copy of this.
For details on the video read here.
hosting it would be cool too.
For details on the video read here.
hosting it would be cool too.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Slacki Shack News
We need a new flat mate for Sept. 1st.
Anyone?... anyone?...
It's one of the upstairs bedrooms...
You've all seen my place by now..
Would you kind folks tell your friends and family?
Hugs all!!
We need a new flat mate for Sept. 1st.
Anyone?... anyone?...
It's one of the upstairs bedrooms...
You've all seen my place by now..
Would you kind folks tell your friends and family?
Hugs all!!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Tough City 08/18/05

Okay, seeing as how my internet access is no longer sub-Botswana and my broken finger is healing, I'll ELABORATE.
Surfing was a blast, I joined the pacific surf school at long beach for a half day class with Aussie instructors that ran us through a 30 min beach boot camp before hitting the waves (which were moderate to high). After fighting against the waves for about an hour, I finally threw my board onto the water in-between waves, hopped on and paddled like crazy. I leapt up when the board began to lift and found myself hurtling towards shore in full stance. Saturday was even better, I offered three students from Quebec (2 pre-med, one kinesiology) a ride down to the beach for their class while I practiced with a rental that I strapped to the roof of my car. I arrived at the stage where I was able to steer along the crest. Then a loose surfboard cracked the distal phalange on my middle finger...so a swollen bird to the Pacific Ocean.
While hosteling, you inherit traveling companions almost instantly and in a place like Tofino, they all want to surf and then get hammered. After sushi at the harbor, we hit the only pub in town (KARAOKE night!) and took turns picking up rounds (there was a student from Australia, a kindergarten teacher from Ottawa and a 19 year old hostel owner from Scotland). Never take up an inherent drinking challenge from someone both younger and more Scottish than you (I'm 13%). Several nasty rounds later (coffee shots dropped in a glass of vodka and amaretto, spiced rum and ginger ale), I foolishly raise the stakes with the nastiest thing the bartender can mix, a "rocky mountain bearfucker". Despite the poor reception of my last round, I remain present to ensure that everyone in my party makes it back to the hostel and doesn't get picked up by anyone sleazy. Stumbling through the dark basement, I use the mirror at the end of the hall to determine how close I am to the doorknob of my room. When I think I've hit my door, I open it and walk in, pausing to maintain my balance. "WHOA!" "Whoa?" I answer. "WHOA!" "Whoa?" I answer. "WHOA" we say in concert. I happened to be next door to the Hostel owner, a 26yo surfer whose girlfriend decided to sleep over that night. Fortunately he laughed it off the next day (amidst several rocky mountain hangovers) and seemed to have a good sense of what I was all about...I did hang out with him and his friend, the resident hip hop expert, the next night...Moka Only plays Tofino on the 23rd.
Friday I kayaked around Clayoquot Sound and hiked Meares Island. I'll flickr those pictures along with Lil' Qualicum Falls and Qualicum Beach.
Duke (from Nanaimo)
p.s. I?ve gotta host an all-serbian buffet with the amazing dishes I?m learning to make over the next few days.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Last of the summer Den of Sin!

What the fuck?! I'm hearing a whole lot of you are horrifically without any Russ Meyer in your life. Not even the essentials. Well we'll fix that. Oh yeah we will. So for tomorrow we have two for ya.
MON. Aug.22/05
7pm (sharp) Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1979):
The classic and Meyer's best movie. The Cramps have sampled this movie repeatedly. DO IT!
9pm: Up! (1979): This one has boobies. BIG BOOBIES!
Also thank you all who showed up at the fundraiser. We got some good shots. Many thanks for the cash.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Zombie Walk Vancouver 2005
Usually held in Toronto, this shambling, stumbling, flailing good time will be held in Vancouver this year! Yay us! So if you have a mild obsession with Zombies (as many of my friends do), or you simply love to get rotten and yell "Braaaaiiins" at random people, then mark this one on your calendar:
Saturday, August 27 - starts 4pm from the VAG and 5pm from 15th and Sophia (near Main St).
(a WEEK away, so you have plenty of time to plan to be there!) The walk will start in two-stages as follows:
1. All non-lazy zombies (or "super zombies") are invited to gather on or around the big steps at the Vancouver Art Gallery no later than 4pm. From the VAG the horde will be skytrain bound. After a stumble through the mall and a short jaunt on Vancouver's fine public transit system we will de-train at Main St. station and stumble on up to the Bethlehem Lutheran Church - 320 East 15th - two blocks east of Main. Once there, we will take a short pause to collect ourselves, gnaw on brains, and meet up with . . .
2. The lazy zombies. A second group of zombies will gather in front of the above mentioned church (Bethlehem Lutheran, 320 East 15th, at Sophia and E 15th) at or around 5pm. Remember - zombies tend to move slowly and occasionally have problems with limbs falling off, body stiffness and possibly skytrain security officers. If you do not see any of your brethren exactly at 5pm, be patient. Mill about and look scary.
Once all zombie factions have massed at the church it will be time to head onward and uphill to Mountainview Cemetery at Fraser and 31st. For reference, the walk will proceed along Main Street to 31st should any zombie stragglers be left behind and/or spontaneous zombies wish to join the braaiiins procession.
Once at the cemetery, please be on good zombie behaviour - respect your brethren.
We will linger a short while in the cemetery before moving onwards to nearby
Queen Elizabeth Park for some games, brains, fun, prizes, brains and a pinata or two.
Yes, you do have to dress like a zombie. Those who do not do so are welcome, but risk having their brains eaten by confused zombies. You have to admit - they're not all that smart, but they know a good living brain when they smell it.
Potentially useful things to keep in mind:
Causes of zombie-ness:
As everyone knows - or should know - zombies are usually attributable to one or more of the following:
1. voodoo
2. science gone astray - chemical or biological accidents, experiments, viruses and the like
3. the apocalypse
Of course, there are many more possibilties. Be creative. Corpses in all stages of decay are encouraged.
For the low-budget zombie:
1. Oatmeal and liquid latex works wonders.
2. Food colouring and corn syrup makes convincing blood, but sticky. However, also tasty.
3. Value Village - but I'm sure it's hardly necessary to mention that.
Finally: As mentioned previously - zombies are only really effective when travelling together in large groups. Bring your friends, foes, family and other loved ones.
Nothing says you love someone quite like caking yourself in make-up, limping down the street together and eating them in the park!
Pass this info on to anyone who might be interested - it has a bit of a 'viral' feel to it, but see zombie cause number 2. It all makes perfect sense.
Usually held in Toronto, this shambling, stumbling, flailing good time will be held in Vancouver this year! Yay us! So if you have a mild obsession with Zombies (as many of my friends do), or you simply love to get rotten and yell "Braaaaiiins" at random people, then mark this one on your calendar:
Saturday, August 27 - starts 4pm from the VAG and 5pm from 15th and Sophia (near Main St).
(a WEEK away, so you have plenty of time to plan to be there!) The walk will start in two-stages as follows:
1. All non-lazy zombies (or "super zombies") are invited to gather on or around the big steps at the Vancouver Art Gallery no later than 4pm. From the VAG the horde will be skytrain bound. After a stumble through the mall and a short jaunt on Vancouver's fine public transit system we will de-train at Main St. station and stumble on up to the Bethlehem Lutheran Church - 320 East 15th - two blocks east of Main. Once there, we will take a short pause to collect ourselves, gnaw on brains, and meet up with . . .
2. The lazy zombies. A second group of zombies will gather in front of the above mentioned church (Bethlehem Lutheran, 320 East 15th, at Sophia and E 15th) at or around 5pm. Remember - zombies tend to move slowly and occasionally have problems with limbs falling off, body stiffness and possibly skytrain security officers. If you do not see any of your brethren exactly at 5pm, be patient. Mill about and look scary.
Once all zombie factions have massed at the church it will be time to head onward and uphill to Mountainview Cemetery at Fraser and 31st. For reference, the walk will proceed along Main Street to 31st should any zombie stragglers be left behind and/or spontaneous zombies wish to join the braaiiins procession.
Once at the cemetery, please be on good zombie behaviour - respect your brethren.
We will linger a short while in the cemetery before moving onwards to nearby
Queen Elizabeth Park for some games, brains, fun, prizes, brains and a pinata or two.
Yes, you do have to dress like a zombie. Those who do not do so are welcome, but risk having their brains eaten by confused zombies. You have to admit - they're not all that smart, but they know a good living brain when they smell it.
Potentially useful things to keep in mind:
Causes of zombie-ness:
As everyone knows - or should know - zombies are usually attributable to one or more of the following:
1. voodoo
2. science gone astray - chemical or biological accidents, experiments, viruses and the like
3. the apocalypse
Of course, there are many more possibilties. Be creative. Corpses in all stages of decay are encouraged.
For the low-budget zombie:
1. Oatmeal and liquid latex works wonders.
2. Food colouring and corn syrup makes convincing blood, but sticky. However, also tasty.
3. Value Village - but I'm sure it's hardly necessary to mention that.
Finally: As mentioned previously - zombies are only really effective when travelling together in large groups. Bring your friends, foes, family and other loved ones.
Nothing says you love someone quite like caking yourself in make-up, limping down the street together and eating them in the park!
Pass this info on to anyone who might be interested - it has a bit of a 'viral' feel to it, but see zombie cause number 2. It all makes perfect sense.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Oh shit I forgot...
I need people to cover the door tomorrow to collect cash. So whoever wants to help out there's a way. Also the more people who volunteer the less time you have to stand at the door. So everyone volunteer.
Once more unto the breach...
Getting back into the blogging game... much customization to be done in the coming days.
As always, consistent comments will be rewarded with smuggled wildlife.
As always, consistent comments will be rewarded with smuggled wildlife.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

So yeah making another movie. Hoping to start shooting Aug 28th. Guess what? I'll probably need your help. I know for sure I'm gonna need an AD (Assistant Director AKA: AD, First Assistant Director, 1st Assistant Director
An assistant director's duties include tracking the progress of filming versus the production schedule, and preparing call sheets.), some PAs and catering (I was thinking maybe people could volunteer for certain days to feed the cast and crew because you LOVE us! That'd be awesome. Ummm I'll put up a list for what I need in the next few days but yeah if you want to read the script e-mail me (beezlebozoclown@yahoo.com) and I'll send it. But yeah come everyone and feed me drugs and money (money more important)
Oh shit almost forgot. In dire need of a certain location. An OFFICE WITH MANY CUBICLES. One that has work stations for half a dozen or more people. Clean. Someone suggested SFU but can we? So if anyone have Dad's with offices or own businesses themselves and want to help out please tell me!
That's all for now. I think.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Doing a brief, low-profile thingy at the Trap'n'Gill, Seymour @ Davie, at around 7 tonight. Not planning on drinking, so shouldn't be too nuts, but anybody who wants to give me one final noogie can join us there.
Cascade Falls
*The following is a promotion for time-share property in Cascade Falls.
Actually, I wanted to prove this legendary place existed. East along Highway #7, just east of Mission (and Stave Lake), you turn left on Sylvester Road, drive north 14km, turn right on Ridgeview and park at the gate. Then climb through the wood 10min to the riverbed, scale that for 20min to the giant pool. You're welcome.
Here's a shot of the lower falls just past the gate:

Once you've scaled the river bed (jumping from rock to rock, shimmying ledges, wading through pools) you come to the big pool and naturally formed waterslide:

Sqweek takes the plunge:

Duke prepares to meet his maker:

Several pools and waterfalls above the slide, there is another big waterfall, behind which there is a cave with a 6 foot deep pool in the center. To get here, you should have some rock climbing experience...
Due to the fact that total water immersion is required at a few points, I couldn't take the digital camera as far as the cave. Instead, I submit this artist's rendition:

On the way back, we observed some mountain bikers doing the bunny-hop from rock to rock. Obviously the bunny is no match for the fox and his mighty forward flip.

So...first hot weekend in September...clubhouse caravan? It's an hour drive from Burnaby, but very worth it.
Actually, I wanted to prove this legendary place existed. East along Highway #7, just east of Mission (and Stave Lake), you turn left on Sylvester Road, drive north 14km, turn right on Ridgeview and park at the gate. Then climb through the wood 10min to the riverbed, scale that for 20min to the giant pool. You're welcome.
Here's a shot of the lower falls just past the gate:

Once you've scaled the river bed (jumping from rock to rock, shimmying ledges, wading through pools) you come to the big pool and naturally formed waterslide:

Sqweek takes the plunge:

Duke prepares to meet his maker:

Several pools and waterfalls above the slide, there is another big waterfall, behind which there is a cave with a 6 foot deep pool in the center. To get here, you should have some rock climbing experience...
Due to the fact that total water immersion is required at a few points, I couldn't take the digital camera as far as the cave. Instead, I submit this artist's rendition:

On the way back, we observed some mountain bikers doing the bunny-hop from rock to rock. Obviously the bunny is no match for the fox and his mighty forward flip.

So...first hot weekend in September...clubhouse caravan? It's an hour drive from Burnaby, but very worth it.
Congrats to all our graduates! For all those with lame substitute clipart instead of a photo in the yearbook, here are some highlights.

I guess you could call these the valedictorians...I accompanied them to the far reaches of the GVRD to find mere tablescraps of what only chinese emperors were allowed to consume over 2000 years ago. We waited over four hours for the only traditional source this side of Hong Kong.

"This tastes like cotton batten rolled in icing sugar...I can't get it off the roof of my mouth!"

It seems like it should spin with the push of a button...

I think that's Bob in mid-swig.

I guess you could call these the valedictorians...I accompanied them to the far reaches of the GVRD to find mere tablescraps of what only chinese emperors were allowed to consume over 2000 years ago. We waited over four hours for the only traditional source this side of Hong Kong.

"This tastes like cotton batten rolled in icing sugar...I can't get it off the roof of my mouth!"

It seems like it should spin with the push of a button...

I think that's Bob in mid-swig.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Why didn't any of you tell me!
This site has been up since Tuesday. None of you knew?! Dammit why wasn't I notified the second his press release came out
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
My drama class was planning a trip to see R&G at Bard on The Beach but the date we picked was sold out. As several people have expressed interest in going I thought I would try to organize another outing. If we can get 15 people together we can get a 3 dollar discount. Normal ticket price for evenings is $28 and 3pm saturdays are $24.50.
Possible dates: wed. aug 17(8pm), sun aug 21(7pm), sat aug 27(3pm), wed aug 31(8pm)
these are the days and times in which we could try for a discount,
if you are interested in going leave a post in the comments letting me which days work best for you. I'll post again when i figure out what day will work best and whether or not we can get tickets for it. I'd like to try and organize it pretty quick so if you want to come make sure you let me know sometime this week.
Possible dates: wed. aug 17(8pm), sun aug 21(7pm), sat aug 27(3pm), wed aug 31(8pm)
these are the days and times in which we could try for a discount,
if you are interested in going leave a post in the comments letting me which days work best for you. I'll post again when i figure out what day will work best and whether or not we can get tickets for it. I'd like to try and organize it pretty quick so if you want to come make sure you let me know sometime this week.
Monday, August 08, 2005
The Party Never Stops!
Ok Party People..
My real B-Day is Aug. 18th. On this day I work from 7am to 3:30pm. After 5pm on this day I expect (with delight) all my bestest clubhouse friends (all of you) to come to my house and feed me whatever you think is Birthday worthy foodstuffs..
I'll see you all before this. I hugs everyone!!
My real B-Day is Aug. 18th. On this day I work from 7am to 3:30pm. After 5pm on this day I expect (with delight) all my bestest clubhouse friends (all of you) to come to my house and feed me whatever you think is Birthday worthy foodstuffs..
Yes. That's right!
If Mike is feeling up for it maybe we can get the Karaoke action "one more time" (I'm soo never getting over Daft Punk) or maybe not cause this is the first he's hearing of it too.. Either way I just want to make sure you all come to my house and feed me and have fun.. stayin' up as late as you can on a weeknight.. I have the 19th off you see and not everyone will have that Friday to skip out on..I'll see you all before this. I hugs everyone!!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Den of Sin baby!
Hey all sorry for the late post. This week in honour of Nick's birthday it's Post-apocalyptic night. Hell yeah!
Mon. Aug. 08
7pm Mad Max (1979): Mariko's never seen one of the most awesome movies ever made and it's not like you can see it too many times so...I programmed it. Enjoy.
9pm New Barbarians (1982): It's post-apocalyptic, the word barbarian is in the title and The Hammer (Fred Williamson) is in it. What more could you ask. Ther may even be Dune Buggys.
Pop fund is in effect 'cause I'm broke bitch!
Mon. Aug. 08
7pm Mad Max (1979): Mariko's never seen one of the most awesome movies ever made and it's not like you can see it too many times so...I programmed it. Enjoy.
9pm New Barbarians (1982): It's post-apocalyptic, the word barbarian is in the title and The Hammer (Fred Williamson) is in it. What more could you ask. Ther may even be Dune Buggys.
Pop fund is in effect 'cause I'm broke bitch!
Den of Sin,
Saturday, August 06, 2005
B-Day Prom
I'm having a birthday bash at the clubhouse on Sat. Aug. 13th. I expect everyone in formal wear. I will tell you to arrive at 7pm and expect you for 9pm as usual. If you don't know where the clubhouse is you're not in the cool crowd and therefore not invited. :-P
Keep your eye on this post to see if we are going to a restaurant beforehand.
Keep your eye on this post to see if we are going to a restaurant beforehand.
Friday, August 05, 2005
For all the vinyl nodel hobbists
Eh, I just found this and wanted to share it with my fellow hobbists. Forget Manga and mecha models this is the shit:
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
B-Day Party
On Saturday August the 6th you are all invited to my birthday extravaganza. The festivities will be held at my home, and will be starting after 7 pm. If you don't know where I live please refer to the forum for instructions.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Does anybody have a Risk board I can borrow briefly? I used to have one, but like so much else I never found it again after returning from Africa.
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