Thursday, July 07, 2005

KJ Duke (Karaoke Jockey)

So I was recently gifted a Venturer CDG62 karaoke machine with dual cassette deck, digital echo, pitch control and tone adjustment. When combined with the sweet mics I found at the richmond nightmarket and the new source for custom CD+G discs, this makes for some interesting possibilities for those into the recent karaoke revival.

So if you'd like me to KJ a party or organize an evening to practice up for your next visit to the Veteran's Club, let's do it. Even I had stage fright before "Epic" last night, I mean c'mon -- we followed a girl who tore up the house with "Thriller". I've been working on a library of clubhouse favorites, split into 70's funk, 80's pop, 80's rock, 90's rock, 90's dance, new rock, new pop and the complete libraries of radiohead, gnr, prince, bowie and the police.

To request songs for addition to the clubhouse library, email me at:
mikerama "at" gmail "dot" com


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