Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Writing Group Blog Updated
2. The Writing Group Blog has been updated to include the next 6 weeks' agenda for writing.
3. I'm looking forward to writing 50,000 words of crap. I work best under deadlines.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
49 UP
The latest long awaited installment of Michael Apted's documentary series that has documented the lives of a several English children every seven years since 1964. 49 Up looks back at the previous years and interviews the subjects now pushing 50. The landmark Up series is reality programming at its best - a story that investigates the hopes and fears of childhood, the prejudices of predetermination and weighs them against the present.
Anyone else want to go to the 9:30 show tomorrow (Friday)?
UPDATE: Exerpts are available to read!
National Novel Writng Month starts in less than two weeks and some of us (a few in the writing group) are taking up the challenge of writing 50,000 words in one month. Mind you, they may not be 50,000 good words, or even 50,000 coherent words. It's like a Page-A-Day calendar, except instead of being a little square with kittens or Bushisms, it's an 8.5" x 11" douple spaced typed page a day and you have to make it! Doesn't that sound like fun (or torture, but fun?). To win NaNoWriMo, you just have to finish 50,000 words in 30 days.
The above website has registration and if you need a laptop to write on AlphaSmart has provided the organization with 25 mini-notebook computers that run on 2 AA batteries for 700+ hours (so you knw they're going to be bare bones word processors). I just think that fact is so cool. Also, it is filled with hints, encouragements and tips for all writing, not just time-pressured novelists.
If you register with the website, you can buddy with "corinnebean" and others from The Clubhouse (who can opt to share their nicknames) to monitor and mentor each other. Oh, and I'm pretty sure you can opt to share your writing or opt out of it. Considering that whatever you write is copywritten, I imagine the sharability is controlled.
Discouraging stat: this post comes under 250 words.
P.S. is coming June 2007 for you, Beej!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
EFS After Party / Halloween Party!!
Where: Kat's place (18th & Columbia, address will be in the forum)
What: Halloween Party!
Aparently Kat's new place used to be quite notorious for their Halloween parties, so they've decided to resurect the tradition!
Times to follow, but it's a party so no one's gonna show up until after 9pm anyways. For those attending the Monster Mash, we'll all trundle our butts down after the movie.
Group Costume
Hints: It's movie based. It's cheap. It's versitile.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monster Mash - Oct 27th!
Have Halloween weekend plans yet? Well, now you do!
What - Evil Film School's First Annual Monster Mash
When - Friday Oct 27th
Doors - 7pm
Admission - $5 - $10 sliding scale
It's a Halloween Party with a horror shorts program, costume contest (with AWESOME) prizes and of course, the main attraction: The Monster Squad [1987]. Directed by Fred Dekker (House, Night of the Creeps) and written by Shane Black (Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang; Leathal Weapon), this is sure to be a major nostalgia fest for many of our regulars.
Remember, costumes are manditory, and if you don't have your own, one may be provided for you.
Shorts start at 7:30pm, costume contest stars at 8:30pm and The Monster Squad will be on around 9pm. Bring your friends!!
Prizes provided by Fright Rags and Happy Bats Cinema! Thanks guys!

Friday, October 13, 2006
Apple festival!

Anyone want to go to the UBC apple festival on Saturday?
Ryan and I will be there at about noon if anyone wants to meet up.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Update October
Shoutouts are as follows:
Alex T- Use a computer machine to Call me!!
Scott PM- Yay, your blog's back!!
Paul R- miss you. uh,I mean.. Your Mom said you're a dork.
Brendan H- I saw a poster for your Brother's show last week on my way to getting my criminal record check done but I'm so f@cking sick I just went home to rest.
All others- Keep on Rockin' in the Van World
and I'm very happy to read that you Turkey dayed together.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
MANHUNT!! Tonight @ Waterfront Station
-every OTHER week (until its warm out)
-a new location every week
-everyone is welcome, bring as many friends as you want!!!
MONDAY - {October 9} - 2006
Game 1 - 7:30pm
Game 2 - 9:00pm (be on time, come play both!)
[Out front near the creepy statue]
Manhunt is a hide-and-seek variant. The game starts out with one person, known as the MANHUNTER, who is "it". After the manhunter has been selected, the FUGITIVES have 120 seconds to hide.
If a FUGITIVE is tagged by a MANHUNTER, she or he is BRAINWASHED and forced to join the side of the MANHUNTERS. At the end of the designated time limit, all FUGITIVES who have not been arrested are declared the winners.
Play occurs within predetermined boundaries. If a FUGITIVE exits these boundaries for any reason, she/he joins the MANHUNTERS. Players are identified as being distinct from the general civilian population by means of a HIGHLY-VISIBLE ARMBAND.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
TURKEY DAY! (No singing...)
As an alternative, I thought of throwing one for anybody in the same boat (but ALL are welcome). So I'm taking a Turkey over to Scott PM's place and cooking it there!
Saturday, October 7th...6:00pm on...(yeah, I need to be there just after lunch)
Who's game?
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm handi-capable!
Singing Turkey Party *CANCELLED*
New stuff:
Legends: Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin (all hits)
Zoom: Smiths, Elton John (ZMP103-105)
Top Hits: October, November ( - check these for new top 40)
Back to my grindstone.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
B&B Presents: Let's keep this Soul Train running.
Sun. Oct.1

Sadly I won't be there due to a certain Korean Monster movie. Why you guys didn't rush to get tickets is beyond me. Anyways hopefully I'll see ya on the tail end of the night