Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Fuck I don't know when! And Den Of Sin fun!

So due to my being sick, another KEY person being sick, depression, distraction etc. the shoot is pushed back yet again. Now I'm shooting for FRIDAY MARCH 11th. I'll post again to confirm sorry to have been a flake about this whole thing. I'm still trying to find a scapegoat in this whole thing.

Onto DEN OF SIN goodness

So the Americans are now living in a new Conservative era, however movies have not gotten as ridiculous as Hollywood did in the 80s under Reagan. The era of Schwarzenegger and Stallone. And these movies have dated, hard. Consider this a sociological study and BYOB cause you'll need it.

7PM: COBRA [1986] - UM Stallone. He wears sunglasses, has an laser-mount submachine gun, pearl-handles Colt .45 and uses a matchstick for a toothpick. Oh oh "CRIME IS A DISEASE. MEET THE CURE." is the tagline. So I'm not going to bother looking this up on IMDB I'm pretty sure this is going to be pretty darn ridiculous.

9PM: COMMANDO [1985] - Yeah Schwarzenegger. Uber one liners. Brutal body count. Written by the same guy who wrote the acclaimed "BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN". Ahh there'll be action.

P.S. Owen your belated birthday present (it is goodness) is here so you should come.

MAR. 14th: POP STARS ON MOTORCYCLES ENCORE (and it's my birthday [on the 16th])

7PM: COOL AS ICE [1991] - This time for sure. We just don't put Damon in charge of getting it. Oh the movie. It's Vanilla Ice's big screen debut. What more you want? Quality? Screw you.

9PM: PURPLE RAIN [1984] - Seriously this movie is one of the few sincerely primal films I've ever seen. I can't say more except you have to see. I want a big turnout for Purple Rain.

So yeah. that's it for now.

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