Monday, February 07, 2005

Last Minute Reminder & The Rest of February

Hey Kids,

Just wanted to remind y'all that the D.o.S. is back tonight, starting at 7pm. Please R.S.V.P. if you can make it and bring your pennies for the pop fund.

The itinerary:

7pm: Business is Business [1971] -- Paul Verhoeven's take on the red light district in Amsterdam in the '60's. 'Nough said.

9pm: Turkish Delight [1973] -- Hot Rutger Hauer butt shots!! Rutger Hauer's butt!!! Mmmm, Rutger Hauer...

Also, while we're at it here's the schedule for the next Movie Night:

Monday February 22 (the day before my birthday, hint, hint)

Fantasia Favourites (As in the Film Festival in Montreal)

7pm: 9 Souls [2003] -- I understand this is the early show, but everyone must try to make it for this movie. Easily my favorite movie I saw last year. You can read my gushing review on Film Threat if you want to know what it's about, but trust me, this is a great, great film.

9pm: Ping Pong [2002] -- Incorrectly marketed in the West as the Japanese cousin of "Shaolin Soccer", I'd say this movie is more like a wackier sports themed take on "School of Rock". Funny, exciting and extremely inspirational this is a fabulous film for all ages and even had the jaded Montreal crowd cheering along with the film. Don't miss out on one of the best sports films ever. No really.

That is all. Hope to see you there.


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